Transformers: Age of the Primes toyline discussion || update: Toy Fair 2025: Vortex, Onyx Prime, Alchemist Prime, Excellion, Sideways, oh my

The Mighty Mollusk

Scream all you like, 'cause we're all mad here
On the whole 'distorted legends' concept, somehow I have this idea of a Minicon who has heard of Rodimus Prime and Optimus, seen some very degraded old pictures from the distant past, and comes up with the idea of styling himself as Rodimus, thinking where the Matrix would go is where a cockpit might fit, and then starts an all Minicon retelling of The Big O.




Well-known member
Yes, that's true. I'm sure some shoe-horning is required to convince the bean-counters at Hasbro to allow certain figures to be produced

Mark - I want to make a Titan Star Optimus Prime

Beancounter - :stops counting beans: No

Mark - What if he were THE 13TH PRIME!!

Beancounter - :knocks over bean jar in excitement: APPROVED

Stay tuned for this and more here at “Things that never happened”.


Somehow still sane
I don’t mind Optimus being the thirteenth Prime. I just don’t like the idea of him being there at the beginning of creation. That’d be like if you’re writing a story and your protagonist was hanging out with Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden. It brings a lot of stupid baggage.

If he ascends to the level of Prime or is given the power it’s okay. Personally if i was writing a story, I’d have Optimus pass a trial for each of the twelve before he can become a proper Prime to fight IDK Unicron or something. Also I’d use FOC’s designation of Last Prime. Sounds way cooler.


Kaiser Dragon
Ultimately, it doesn't matter if the 13th Prime is Optimus (Star or otherwise), one of his predecessors, one of the other Autobot commanders (Fort Max, Victory Saber, etc.), or anyone else. In my collection and display, they're all just going to be backup for Rodimus against Unicron anyway.

Toxitron Grimlock didn't come with swords.

Maybe he meant Comic Grimlock (which did)
I remember a time when a statement like, "There are too many Grimlocks to keep track of them all," would have been met with choking, hysterical laughter, yet here we are...

Princess Viola

Dumbass Asexual
I can say Grimlock is the 13th and nobody at Hasbro is gonna beat down my door to yell at me.
live footage of john hasbro on his way to your house:


Well-known member
Hey, I can distinctly remember a time when I thought, "man, I wish we could get a new Bumblebee figure."

Damn dirty Monkey's Paw...

Hell, I have a freind that missed out on Combiner Wars becuase he wasnt actively collecting at the time and one of the things he kept telling me for years was he wanted them to do a new Superion... He didn't want "Menasor remold" which is how he sees the whole "frame" connecting idea.


Well-known member
I remember a time when a statement like, "There are too many Grimlocks to keep track of them all," would have been met with choking, hysterical laughter, yet here we are...

The longest we’ve been without a Grimlock was the 8 year gap between BW Grimlock in ‘97 and the Alternator in ‘05

Steevy Maximus

Well known pompous pontificator
Man, I wish we could get a new Sixshot figure.
*Hasbro releases Energon Sixshot*

Seriously, I still stand by the assertion that the 6 changers are a solid foundation to make an Amalgamous Prime and would make a fine excuse to redo Sixshot (who hasn’t had a release since Titans Return). Plus potential retool into Quickswitch or Sixknight.


Well-known member
because the Matrix is Prima's relic and the Matrix bearers are his successors (not reincarnations).
Yes! Primus is the Optimus Prime archetype. He has the Matrix. From the beginning, when Furman introduced the concept of Matrix bearers, Prima was at one end of the list, and OP was at the other. His Aligned incarnation even has chest windows. With OP as the Thirteenth, then Prima's legacy is handed to his brother's reincarnation. It's a bit messy. It could be an interesting story, I suppose, if they ever felt like getting into it.

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