Transformers: Age of the Primes toyline discussion || update: Toy Fair 2025: Vortex, Onyx Prime, Alchemist Prime, Excellion, Sideways, oh my


Continuity Nutcase
Most people have never heard of Alignment either, and that (which isn't even canon!) was the only thing that made Liege Maximo anything more than a one-panel dangling cliffhanger at that time.
Alignment at least got a big ol' two-page spread of acknowledgement in The Ultimate Guide book that a lot of people did read including several writers who would go on to work on the brand in an official capacity.

At least Logos Prime had a toy.
Named "Soundblaster". The BWR story that introduced him was released after that toy in order to give it some kind of fictional presence.

BWR also shilled the 2006 reissue of G2 Laser Optimus Prime toy by having Optimus Primal briefly reformat into that form for a scene before returning back to his Ultra class gorilla toy body.


Another babka?
It's because Beast Wars Reborn is an uber-obscure prose story that has only ever really been heard of by us diehards who are deep in the sauce and/or have kept up with Andrew Hall's translation work. And at the time of 2010, only two of its four chapters had been fan-translated into English, with the two remaining untranslated chapters having been the ones that explained his whole deal as an Ancient (not a Thirteen Prime). Heck, most people in this fandom have never even heard of Beast Wars Reborn or Logos Prime.

The same people at Hasbro who put together the Binder had never even heard of Angolmois Energy either (which was way more well known in the fandom than Beast Wars Reborn), hence all the comparison fans made between it and Dark Energon at the time (only because the western fandom knew more of Angolmois Energy's retconned connection to Unicron more than its original connection to Earth).
It just floors me that Hasbro's brand team will make super deep cuts one moment and then go "what is this we've never heard of it" the next.

Most people have never heard of Alignment either, and that (which isn't even canon!) was the only thing that made Liege Maximo anything more than a one-panel dangling cliffhanger at that time.
At least Logos Prime had a toy.
A good one at that!

Well an ok one. The Cybertron Soundwave mould was very conceptually cool but lacking in execution. Looks wicked in the Soundblaster colours though.


Another babka?
I consider myself extremely into Transformers and I'm still constantly finding out about stuff I've never heard of. Especially in the realm of stuff that hasn't been made available in English.
I've never actually read Beast Wars Reborn. I just knew who Logos Prime was because 1) I wanted the toy as a counterpart to Cybertron Soundwave and 2) as I alluded to earlier, I've always been into the lore/backstory aspects. Previous Matrix barers is still an aspect of the franchise I'm into. It was slim pickings on that front before stuff like IDW and Aligned fleshed things out, we were bit short on pre-Optimus Prime Primes. So as a fan, seeing a page called "Logos Prime" was gold for me, to dig in and see what his deal was.
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Continuity Nutcase
It just floors me that Hasbro's brand team will make super deep cuts one moment and then go "what is this we've never heard of it" the next.
How many of those deep cuts in early Aligned were to things from Japanese-original fiction never officially released in English markets?

The deep cuts made by the current Hasbro team are because the current team are deep in the sauce like we are. They weren't in charge of the brand back when Aligned was getting started.

Heck, back at BotCon earlier this year, Aaron Archer told me up front that, at the time when the Armada Powerlinx redecos were being worked on, he would have never had any awareness of G1 Sixgun as a toy or character, as he was not that deeply in touch with a lot of G1 lore or knowledge. He had only found out about the existence of G1 Sixshot as a toy/character during Armada when Takara did their reissue of the G1 toy in 2002.

Likewise, when Archer was asked by someone at SDCC 2013 about the idea of recoloring Thrilling 30 Titan class Metroplex into Metrotitan, Archer's response was "Who?"

LBD "Nytetrayn"

Broke the Matrix
Staff member
Council of Elders
That bugs me on one level just since I actually like Rodimus more than Optimus. But even more than that, it really pigeonholes Transformers in general. I like a lot of what goes into the general TF lore, being about this epic war between the Autobots and Decepticons. But it is, and should be, so much more than that. Putting Optimus as one of the 13 basically makes him the once and future king. He's not just a great leader who managed the war. He's now the absolute pinnacle of what Cybertronians ever were and ever can be. Basically, there is no moving past him. Which really sucks, since moving past him and everything associated with him is where a lot of the TF fiction I've most loved has come from.

I feel like that's just been the brand for a while now.

I blame All The '80s Kids Who Aren't Me that lost their minds over Optimus dying and blaming Hot Rod.

Especially when Optimus has proven time and again that he doesn't need anyone's help getting himself killed.

If Hasbro ever said "LGI we're gonna let you write the next Transformers franchise and you can do whatever you want with the lore" I'd be half tempted to toss out the idea of the Thirteen entirely.

Wait, your name's "Lord Giga Ice"?


I kinda like it better in orange.


How many of those deep cuts in early Aligned were to things from Japanese-original fiction never officially released in English markets?

The deep cuts made by the current Hasbro team are because the current team are deep in the sauce like we are. They weren't in charge of the brand back when Aligned was getting started.

Heck, back at BotCon earlier this year, Aaron Archer told me up front that, at the time when the Armada Powerlinx redecos were being worked on, he would have never had any awareness of G1 Sixgun as a toy or character, as he was not that deeply in touch with a lot of G1 lore or knowledge. He had only found out about the existence of G1 Sixshot as a toy/character during Armada when Takara did their reissue of the G1 toy in 2002.

Likewise, when Archer was asked by someone at SDCC 2013 about the idea of recoloring Thrilling 30 Titan class Metroplex into Metrotitan, Archer's response was "Who?"

The more I hear, the more I'm starting to wonder how much Archer knew about Transformers before taking it on.

If you told me that someone suggested calling the leaders in Armada "Optimus Prime" and "Megatron," and he was like "Hey, that sounds great!" without any idea of the names existing beforehand, I'd believe you.


New member
Sorry, new guy butting in here!

I kinda like it better in orange.
I would have liked it more in orange and blue, as in the Marvel comics, lol.

I like the thirteen more as tribal leaders, and the matrix as either a program that makes new robots or a repository for the cumulative knowledge of previous bearers, or both. Not partial to chosen one stories, so all the mystical stuff with Primus and Optimus being some perfect ancient being reincarnated never did it for me. I just find it sort of, fake deep. I've always liked the Transformers as sentient AI made by the Quintessons or species under their control way more, it feels like it can go to more interesting places.

The new Star Convoy toy look reaaally cool regardless.


Staff member
Council of Elders
Sorry, new guy butting in here!

I would have liked it more in orange and blue, as in the Marvel comics, lol.

I like the thirteen more as tribal leaders, and the matrix as either a program that makes new robots or a repository for the cumulative knowledge of previous bearers, or both. Not partial to chosen one stories, so all the mystical stuff with Primus and Optimus being some perfect ancient being reincarnated never did it for me. I just find it sort of, fake deep. I've always liked the Transformers as sentient AI made by the Quintessons or species under their control way more, it feels like it can go to more interesting places.

The new Star Convoy toy look reaaally cool regardless.
This is the origin story for my Gizmo-verse. Primus and Unicron do not exist (at least not as gods) and the Transformers are AI beings created by the Quitessons. However, just because that is how I have arranged my universe, I am open to seeing this 13 Prime aspect of the fiction explored. I will not be basing me collecting habits off of any of it, but it is interesting.


The Omega Knight Returns!
Staff member
Council of Elders
I’ll be honest, for far too long long, i thought it was Lord Gigalace. :)

I guess this is another lessonn that we, the fans, focus far more on the multiple lore (any lore) versions and snip[ets, than the guys making it do and most likely have the time too.

And that we also never know as much as we think we do. :)

Also, Prima looks more interesting the more we see of him. Plus, big robots with big swords will never not look good.


Continuity Nutcase
I feel like that's just been the brand for a while now.

I blame All The '80s Kids Who Aren't Me that lost their minds over Optimus dying and blaming Hot Rod.

Especially when Optimus has proven time and again that he doesn't need anyone's help getting himself killed.
Ha! Even Marvel knew that when they made their adaptation of TFTM:


Look! No Hot Rod interference, and Megatron still guns him down!

The more I hear, the more I'm starting to wonder how much Archer knew about Transformers before taking it on.

If you told me that someone suggested calling the leaders in Armada "Optimus Prime" and "Megatron," and he was like "Hey, that sounds great!" without any idea of the names existing beforehand, I'd believe you.
He first came on to the Transformers brand during the Transmetal 2 portion of Beast Wars, working on such toys as the gimmick-heavy TM2 Megatron. Before that, he had been part of Kenner's 90s Ghostbusters toyline, from which both TM2 Megatron and later the Armada toys took a great amount of influence from in terms of how much variety in gimmicks those toys had. The man had a reputation of saying "No" to a lot of things suggested by fans, and many of those suggestions were always "Go back to G1" in some way, shape, or form, whether it was requests to bring back the old characters, requests for old gimmicks like Headmasters/Combiners/Sky Lynx (all of which Archer was known for being than fond of), or simply requests for new G1 animation that either continued the 80s cartoon from where it had left off or new G1 animation that was like a modern reboot of the old show (Armada/Cybertron/Animated/Prime/etc. weren't GEEWUN enough for these people). Archer wanted none of that.

He wasn't interested in going back to G1 because he was always focusing more on looking toward the future, aiming to reinvent, reimagine, and re-innovate rather than recreate, retread, and redo things that had already been done decades ago. He set his sights on grabbing the attention of newer audiences (meaning kids) instead of catering to older manchildren who just kept whining about G1 all the time. This is all partly why the Unicron Trilogy and the live-action Bay movies were so wildly different from G1 in terms of character designs and aesthetics. Archer simply had little reverence for G1. He acknowledged the impact it had had on the brand and respected that impact... but never wanted to be beholden to it and shackled down from focusing on the new over the old. It had its time in the spotlight, and that time had already ended long before he had come onto the brand. He was down for things like Alternators and Classics since they were NEW designs rather than ones 100% faithful to the 80s designs. And he certainly wasn't an uber geek who dissected every piece of Transformers media never released in the west; the majority of his TF knowledge was strictly from works that had been released in English and during his tenure.

He enjoyed his work at Hasbro at the time and was passionate about the concepts he helped to create and innovate, but at the end of the day, it was all still primarily a job and a business for him, not something sacrosanct for him to get fanatical over.
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New member
While I personally mostly enjoy the place Generations is at, I dislike the dominance it has over the "new stuff" lines, and how much the supposedly "new stuff" lines feel like remake toy lines anyway. I feel like we need someone that's more like Archer right now. The way the One toyline was handled was a disaster, imagine if they'd handled the 2007 movie line the same way... Although One's marketing was a failure in many fronts, not just toys.

That is all part of why I feel a bit weird when people talk about "the lore". There shouldn't be a "the lore", having a "the lore" means that stuff has started stagnating, that there's no more new interpretations and there's just the old stuff congealing into a single relic, which isn't really true, Transformers stories used to be pretty different from one interpretation to another.

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