Transformers: Age of the Primes toyline discussion || update: Toy Fair 2025: Vortex, Onyx Prime, Alchemist Prime, Excellion, Sideways, oh my

Steevy Maximus

Well known pompous pontificator
Man, given the size and bulkiness of the figure, and all of the accessories, I'm surprised they crammed that into leader-class.
Yeah. I’m ASSUMING it’s coming as a result of a simpler figure with his wave mate being a pure redeco, but who knows anymore. Pretty sure I’m right about the coming with Grimlock redeco, though. I’m also impressed with the stature of the figure, even having a good head above Galvatron.
Curious what he might get retooled into. I see shades of IDW Autobot Megatron, but I wouldn’t be adverse to “IDW Warlord Galvatron” either. Lord knows “retool” encompasses a pretty WIDE range of changes, these days.

Trypticon…I don’t need. But I’m not going to fault Hasbro for doing their best to get this back out there and in “cartoon colors” since that is the current brand vibe.


Continuity Nutcase
Maybe The Fallen's toy has a really simple transformation.

Something like how Cybertron Defense Scattorshot is a proper Voyager class figure with plenty of mass, gimmicks, and articulation for his size class, but only transforms in like 4-6 steps.


Somehow still sane
The Fallen looks like it reuses a lot of Siege Megatron’s engineering. The front treads are his backpack, arms as turret, chestplate between front treads, legs as rear treads. It even has the feet sticking out the back.
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Kaiser Dragon
I like the darker grey on that Trypticon. In pretty much every other way though, I either prefer the TR Trypticon or have no preference between them. I like the original purple and teal better. I don't really like the teal kneecaps, and I really dislike having the tops of the toes not match the sides, so the cartoon deco layout really isn't doing anything for me. I hate the stickers, but this new one doesn't appear to have any paint replacing them, instead just effectively not bothering to apply the stickers. I already fixed the tail on mine, and I've had no problems with the hips, so no issue there either. I think I'm good just sticking with the one I already have. Nice to have the mold still available though, and with an alternate deco for those who want it.


Staff member
Council of Elders
Will never forget really wanting Energon Galvatron and until I saw him stores wondering where he sat on the color wheel when pictures online covered a range of...

I remember this too, and same with Takra's Mega/Voyager one. But I loved the Energon one once I got it.

Kingdom pre-release and now SS86 pre-release photos are really carrying on that "what damn color IS this Galvatron" tradition.

Also, maybe some company can just whip up an upgrade kit horn and a massive sheet of reprolabels for Gigastorm?


An oldie but a goodie!
Hmmmm....I could be talked into buying Trypticon again, as I have no idea if mine has the hips that will break or not, so I never moved the legs.


NOT a New Member.
Okay, with this Trypticon reissue, could we potentially have some hope for a retool as Gigastorm?
I wouldn't mind a smaller 3P version, in order to make him toon-accurate with Galvatron.


Active member
I could see Toyhax and a simple upgrade kit turning Selects Trypticon into Gigastorm easily enough. Was already going to justify getting him as a "Darkest timeline" Trypticon anyway.


Well-known member
I could see Toyhax and a simple upgrade kit turning Selects Trypticon into Gigastorm easily enough. Was already going to justify getting him as a "Darkest timeline" Trypticon anyway.

You mean we're not already in the darkest timeline?


Another babka?
Watch this be the basis for SS86 Megatron.
Evan has confirmed that AotP Megatronus isn't a pre-tool for SS '86 Megatron. I expect SS '86 Megs to be insanely faithful to the Sunbow model in robot mode to make up for the lack of a P-38 alt mode, and I'm not sure you can get a robot like that off of the Fallen.

I didn't get him the first time and don't really have space for him in my collection, but part of me is glum at the idea of missing out on this second chance.
I have a "no Titans" rule because of a lack of space, but I'm already breaking that to get AotP Star Convoy. Now I see this Trypticon and I'm fighting the urge to get it. I REALLY don't have space for it, but the almost neon colouration on him makes him oh so tempting.

Undead Scottsman

Well-known member
I got Siege Omega, because he looked amazing. Then I had to get Devastator to go up against him, though I despise the CW figure.

Then I got the Ark, because of course, and since I had that, I had to get the Nemesis as well. I kind of want Cyb Metroplex and Tidal Wave but ain't got the room.


Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
So far I only have Devastator, but that will change whenever Star Convoy is released.


Another babka?
I had Devastator and Predaking as my only Titans but had to box them when my new place didn't give me quite as much height on top of the shelves, making their combined forms non-viable. I still don't know what I'm going to do with Star Optimus, but I guess just hope that his smaller size means he'll fit up there? I just know he looks cool. I know I have NO room for a Trypticon though, which makes this new one's colour scheme all the more evil.


Active member
You mean we're not already in the darkest timeline?

Personal Canon. My version of War Dawn has the Aerialbot saving Orian Pax, Dion and Erial (not knowing who they were to become in time.) by taking them back to their present day of 1984 - 85. With no Pax or Erial to become Optimus Prime and Elita-1, Megatron goes on to rule Cybertron. With no Matrix bearers, it's the Darkest Timeline, as it has no future once Unicron reaches Cybertron. Having Doomed his timeline, Megatron and what few survivors manage to board the two titans, Gigastorm and Emperor Scorpinok. Manage to escape through an altered space bridge to the main timeline.

LBD "Nytetrayn"

Broke the Matrix
Staff member
Council of Elders
I had Devastator and Predaking as my only Titans but had to box them when my new place didn't give me quite as much height on top of the shelves, making their combined forms non-viable. I still don't know what I'm going to do with Star Optimus, but I guess just hope that his smaller size means he'll fit up there? I just know he looks cool. I know I have NO room for a Trypticon though, which makes this new one's colour scheme all the more evil.
Sounds like somebody needs to learn about Trypticon's secret fourth mode!


Princess Viola

Dumbass Asexual
the only titan i've got is black zarak and he's in storage in the garage right now both because i haven't gotten to his box yet and also like...i don't have space for him in my room...yet.

like in theory, i do have space because i've got a shelf where the space between the top of the shelf and the ceiling is like a bit over 40 inches so that's obviously plenty of space but (putting aside how there's random junk on that shelf already - my bedroom used to be a storage room before i moved in), it's a plastic shelf and i just...don't trust that + black zarak's weight. like i obviously know his weight isn't enough to break the shelf but it's obviously a lot easier to jostle around and i don't want to accidentally bump into the shelf and knock him over

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