Transformers: Age of the Primes toyline discussion || update: Toy Fair 2025: Vortex, Onyx Prime, Alchemist Prime, Excellion, Sideways, oh my

LBD "Nytetrayn"

Broke the Matrix
Staff member
Council of Elders
So, one thing I remembered that bugs me about this Heatwave... and it's the same thing that bugs me about Chase.

They ditched the Rescue Bot symbols for generic Autobot symbols.

Given Marklonus's attempt to pave over our call to action and the Skybyte thing, I guess I'm not too surprised.

ToyHax has a solution, I just wish I'd thought to check when I was ordering my Steeljaw stickers. Save on shipping.


Well-known member
So, one thing I remembered that bugs me about this Heatwave... and it's the same thing that bugs me about Chase.

They ditched the Rescue Bot symbols for generic Autobot symbols.

Given Marklonus's attempt to pave over our call to action and the Skybyte thing, I guess I'm not too surprised.

ToyHax has a solution, I just wish I'd thought to check when I was ordering my Steeljaw stickers. Save on shipping.

I sometimes feel they miss the trees for the forest sometimes. They get so focused on the bigger details that some of the smaller stuff slips by, usually when it comes the symbols. I just got Cyb Hot Shot today, and find myself minorly annoyed that he doesn't have the arm pipes and has a miniscule autobt symbol, as one of my recent examples.
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Continuity Nutcase
If I may speak candidly yet respectfully, should we really be encouraging such handholding when the thread in question is (as of this typing) directly below this one on the main Transformers Discussion forum page that he has historically been able to see, access, and navigate with no problem?
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Another babka?
If I may speak frankly yet respectfully, should we really be encouraging such handholding when the thread in question is (as of this typing) literally right below this one on the main Transformers Discussion forum page that he has historically been able to see and access with no problem?
And while I understand the ignore function has its legitimate uses, if one guy has ignored so many people that it's hobbled his ability to actually contribute to the discussion then there's a wider discussion on if he's abused the ignore function and if so how will it be rectified?

At the very least someone who he hasn't blocked- preferably a mod or other staff member- needs to have a frank discussion with him about doing due diligence when it comes to identifying the right thread for news posts.

LBD "Nytetrayn"

Broke the Matrix
Staff member
Council of Elders
So, there are several from this line that I'm interested in getting, but if I have to narrow it down, I gotta go with my boy Heatwave.

That got me wondering, though: Let's say they do all four of the main Rescue Bots. Who would be good mold-mates for Blades and Boulder?

Blades is a helicopter, but a rather unique one among Transformers. Offhand, the only one I can think of that would come close to matching would be Jolt from Transformers Cybertron.

The only problem?

Jolt is a Mini-Con. I... am not sure how well that would work.

Meanwhile, Boulder has pretty much the exact opposite problem: There are others who share his alt mode... and a significant part of his color scheme with it.

Yeah, talking Constructicons here. I can't imagine them releasing Boulder while SS Constructicons are still on the shelves. Even then, Bonecrusher and moreover Scrapper seem like the guys to match alt modes, but their transformations are nothing alike. I guess some retooling might work, though to the extent they'd need to do it, I wonder if they shouldn't just pick someone else.

But who?

And in a more ideal world, we'd get Blurr, Salvage, Quickshadow, and High Tide.

And in a perfect world, we might get the Academy recruits and a Morbot, too.

For now, though, I'm just pondering the OG four.


Collecter of Gobots and Godzilla
Similar color issues aside, seems like Boulder and Armada Scavenger could share some CNA; maybe they could do the Energon Treadbolt deco to mix up the color scheme?

Blades is a puzzler. If they make him close to his original design, they could always dip into New Characters territory for a redeco. RBA Whirl and Gobot Flip-Top also seem like possible close-enough redecos, though?


Well-known member
It depends how much remolding you want to allow. I don't think it'd be impossible to get a RB Blades out of a Protectobot Blades if you figure on remolding the whole front of the copter. Their pieces all end up in roughly the same places.

-ZacWilliam, the weirdest part of that would be making one Blades into a totally different Bades.


Collecter of Gobots and Godzilla
It depends how much remolding you want to allow. I don't think it'd be impossible to get a RB Blades out of a Protectobot Blades if you figure on remolding the whole front of the copter. Their pieces all end up in roughly the same places.

-ZacWilliam, the weirdest part of that would be making one Blades into a totally different Bades.

On the one hand, this makes sense from a purely "what Helicopter TF can be redone into Blades" standpoint. On the other, being part of a combiner is one of Protectobot Blades' main features, not so much for RB Blades. Would you envision an RB Blades that has combiner functions that the other Rescue Bots don't? Or do you think Blades could be remolded to eliminate the combining bits?

(As an aside, having a team that doesn't combine include members that can does seem like it has some storytelling potential...)


Another babka?
Would the Siege Spinister/Rotorstorm mould work? It's not a great match but some new colours and a new head can do wonders.

It's not as great a match as Chase from Cliffjumper or Heatwave from Bulkhead but... I donno. It's no more out there than Medix from Crankcase.

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