I apologize for being done and then, uh, being un-done, but... I'll just leave you with this, LGI, please PM me if you want to continue this.
You're taking what I'm saying a bit too personally- more than I intended- if you think that's the intent of what I'm getting at.
All I'm saying is- and yes, I will repeat myself- wait and see before declaring this a repeat of FunPub's issues.
I'm perfectly capable of having a civil disagreement with you, and the thing is, with this, we agree on more than we disagree on. We're both open to finding out more about this, and we draw a lot of the same lines. Frankly, I can definitely admit that I've gotten too entrenched in this perspective way too soon, and I would love nothing more than to eventually get specifics that lay out how this works and what workarounds, if any, are feasible where I am. (But is that Bargaining?)
The things is, it's not a matter of personal attacks, it's a matter of my concerns -- and thus my context -- being dismissed, and words being intentionally or unintentionally put in my mouth to facilitate that.
To be clear: I haven't written this off or declared it
anything. I have done a lot of moaning, I'll grant, but it's all bracing for what could be bad, not saying there's no way this could be good. And even "what could be bad" is all down to the international context, not this purported offering itself.
I've consistently said two things overall:
[1] bemoaning the probable difficulties and cost this will result in for me/us here, as anything outside regular retail already typically does.
And yeah, that includes "Any comparison to the old club model is not one that gives me any comfort.", because of the aforementioned difficulties and cost associated with that earlier experience. But let's look at that quote you specifically responded to.
For clarity, what I said was:
"Any comparison to the old club model is not one that gives me any comfort."
which is in NO way any of these three things that I was then alleged to say:
" declaring it the second coming of FunPub's terrible availability" or "declaring this a repeat of FunPub's issues" or "declaring it the second coming of FunPub's worst sins"
All it's actually saying is "this
could turn out like that did, and
if so, that
would suuuuck
for me."
None of that "hit too deep"; it's that I never said what you claim I said.
The sentence doesn't even judge the MTO offering; it judges the FP model.
I've spoken before about how grateful I am to get stuff that would once upon a time be FP's purview at regular retail (for the most part). IIRC you and I have had those conversations on here before. The
possibility of this bearing similarities to The Before Times worries me. That's all I'm saying. At no point have I said it's inevitable or the only possible outcome; it's the outcome I'm worried about possibly happening. Maybe there's resignation or defeatism there? That's not about this system, that's about me and the things I'll need to navigate on this end.
Honestly, FP is only even really in the conversation due to the similar-sounding model, and its baggage (the bad juju associated with scrambling to keep up with availability windows and cost) taints that association. So my guard is up, is all.
For the record: this preemptive concern can grow or shrink or be eradicated as actual details surface. But I think I'm allowed this feeling.
Second, [2] questioning this particular mode of delivery, another revenue stream on top of existing revenue streams.
To keep it on topic, I think Cocks wanting his brand teams to find additional revenue streams is something that makes sense from their perspective in the current market place.
If you'd said this and left it at this, I wouldn't have disagreed. I have no misgivings about that. It's what they do, it's a business, it exists to profit, and finding a new way to do so is no surprise: they
have been aggressively mining everything they could across various brands over the last few years. Likewise, if you
had said "I think a business should try to be profitable" rather than "trying to survive" and "I don't want to see Hasbro die", I wouldn't have pushed back nearly as much, if at all.
It's why, by the same token, I feel the milking metaphor is apt, in vehicle and in tone. I don't dispute that it's a reality of them being a publicly traded company in a competitive, shrinking playing field, but that reality is an inconvenient one for consumers, and talking about it can have that vibe. I don't think it's any great offense to
point out that it's happening, even in cynical tones. It certainly rings more true than unnecessarily romanticizing "their perspective in the current market place" as a furtive fight for survival rather than "you know what would make MORE money?". I don't feel attacked by the former, I just disagree with it. They're not 1999/2000 WCW cooked-in-a-year-or-less. They're not the infallible toy market juggernaut they once were, but they're far from death's door
because of these revenue streams they keep setting up and building on. But...
While it's no shock that they're continuing to find new approaches, to use another metaphor it's also the latest in a long line of targeted tapped veins. We're now up to x Commanders a year, we just had a new Big Four Characters Forever subline announced, and so on, and oh, here comes another one. And c'mon, you have to at least acknowledge that buyer burnout is a concern. And on this, that's where I'm coming from. I see it happening, I get why it is, I find it's getting harder to keep up with it, and I'm voicing the struggle.
[I want to say here that I honestly appreciate you not defaulting to the "just stop buying the stuff, then". You get me 100% on that.

I mean, again, I'm no ascetic here (I hope to someday be better at streamlining, but it's hard going). I'm not speaking on this for any altruistic reasons or under any illusions of overturning the capitalism I myself am feeding. I'm just reacting to this with a bit of worry and a bit of "well, brace the ol' wallet" (and waiting to find out more about it to see if I can feel any better about it.) And I believe there's room here for how you feel about this and how I feel about this.