Transformers: Age of the Primes toyline discussion || update: Toy Fair 2025: Vortex, Onyx Prime, Alchemist Prime, Excellion, Sideways, oh my


NOT a New Member.
It didn't need to be Studio Series both times, in that case. I'd be happy to see a toy deco in Selects, but with this release I'd say it's much less likely. This could have been what the first release looked like, and I doubt anyone would really be missing out on anything (ignoring for the moment the remolding, which I admit might otherwise justify it for some people).
It could even have been a completely new, recoloured character and I would have been more interested. Anything but the same toy, in the same line. Now I've lost some faith in the dual relationship of "Legacy/Chug" and "Studio Series" as it seems the SS isn't as separate and distinctive as it once seemed to me, if you see what I mean.

LBD "Nytetrayn"

Broke the Matrix
Staff member
Council of Elders
So, I'm hearing that the Perceptor 3-pack is a Target exclusive that'll likely end up at GameStop and/or Toys R Us here, possibly at a considerable markup, on March 20th.

Yeah. It's like they knew I was interested, and decided to nuke the possibility from orbit. =(

What's crazy to me is, if true, Heatwave was announced a while back and he's not expected until August. These guys were announced this past weekend, and would be available in just a couple of weeks. WTH.


Staff member
Council of Elders
I think that was part of the first leak, the Perceptor set having "Bullseye" in the listing name. That made me wonder if they'd also throw in that particular Battle Master, but as it turns out that's just what Target exclusives are called now.


Olde-Timey Member
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Council of Elders
I would like to have that Ramhorn, but I'm going to skip this set. I already have the last SS Perceptor, and Ratbat isn't enough of an improvement over the last one to make me care much about him either way. I'll just stick with my Titans Return Ramhorn for now and hope the cassette one gets released in some other way later.


Well-known member
On the one hand I care about the cassettes enough that I want to buy the Percy set just for Ramhorn. On the other I still havnt gotten around to getting Twincast to get a Rewind and I love Rewind way more than Ramhorn.

-ZacWilliam, I usually love rhinos as animals but for whatever reason I LOVED the Rewind/Steeljaw cassette pack as a kid and was deeply blasé about Eject/Ramhorn.


Staff member
Council of Elders
I'm torn. I have PotP Preceptor, who I've been more than happy with. I am also lucky enough to have Siege Ratbat already. I know this Preceptor is better than PotP, and those weapons for Ratbat are great, but I still feel like I'd be buying the set for Ramhorn. I have some time to decide, but it's a tough decision.


Continuity Nutcase
I'm torn. I have PotP Preceptor, who I've been more than happy with. I am also lucky enough to have Siege Ratbat already. I know this Preceptor is better than PotP, and those weapons for Ratbat are great, but I still feel like I'd be buying the set for Ramhorn. I have some time to decide, but it's a tough decision.
There was a POTP Perceptor?

EDIT: D'oh! My phone just did the exact same "Perceptor --> Preceptor" autocorrect as in your post.


NOT a New Member.
So, I'm hearing that the Perceptor 3-pack is a Target exclusive that'll likely end up at GameStop and/or Toys R Us here, possibly at a considerable markup, on March 20th.
I'm sorry that you can't get this product but this might be good news of sorts as it leaves the door open for a separate release of the tapes (at least) at a later date perhaps?

Also, if Ratbat already came out separately, then I probably already have two of the original molds in that 3-pack (rather than one), making that pack even less relevant for me.


Wondering bot
Well Vortex, Crasher and the bot who looks like some kind of bad G1 Hound crossed with ROTB Wheeljack (Alchemist Prime) are up for preorder and I only ordered Vortex, I don't care about Crasher, nor am I really caring about the surposed Prime, as they aren't pushing any buttons for me, so far, I am not really impressed with these Primes outside of the Fallen, the others aren't exactly screaming must buy, so I'm skipping them and Vortex looks to be the best of this wave of deluxes


Staff member
Council of Elders
I'm torn. I have PotP Preceptor, who I've been more than happy with. I am also lucky enough to have Siege Ratbat already. I know this Preceptor is better than PotP, and those weapons for Ratbat are great, but I still feel like I'd be buying the set for Ramhorn. I have some time to decide, but it's a tough decision.
I was okay with the TR Perceptor in general (thought the armature for the lens was neat, and loved that it was a basic working lens). But he got hit most with the Headmaster problem, not having anywhere to really store the head in altmode where the others at least had cockpits. I've since gotten the first SS86 Perceptor, but sold it when this was leaked. I'm fine doubling up on Ratbats, and Ramhorn is looking great (he'll go well with the TR/LG one).

LBD "Nytetrayn"

Broke the Matrix
Staff member
Council of Elders
I'm sorry that you can't get this product but this might be good news of sorts as it leaves the door open for a separate release of the tapes (at least) at a later date perhaps?

Also, if Ratbat already came out separately, then I probably already have two of the original molds in that 3-pack (rather than one), making that pack even less relevant for me.
Well, good news/bad news on this front.

I'd found out about this at the forums (where I hang out for sightings local to Canada and other such things), but was since corrected that March 20th is apparently the pre-order date. Whew!

On the down side, I'm hearing that current events might have raised the price of the Carnivac/Fisitron 2-pack on Amazon to $95, so who knows if getting it will still be viable by the time it comes out... but apparently others are more reasonably priced, so IDEFK.


NOT a New Member.
Well, good news/bad news on this front.

I'd found out about this at the forums (where I hang out for sightings local to Canada and other such things), but was since corrected that March 20th is apparently the pre-order date. Whew!

On the down side, I'm hearing that current events might have raised the price of the Carnivac/Fisitron 2-pack on Amazon to $95, so who knows if getting it will still be viable by the time it comes out... but apparently others are more reasonably priced, so IDEFK.
95 Canadian dollars?

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