Transformers: Age of the Primes toyline discussion || update: Toy Fair 2025: Vortex, Onyx Prime, Alchemist Prime, Excellion, Sideways, oh my


Exhausted, but still standing.
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Council of Elders



The Omega Knight Returns!
Staff member
Council of Elders
Looks like Prima gets a new design take on the Star Saber. I like it. I also like that is does have a Matrix hilt. I’m liking the Aerialbots. I do agree that this set is going to be a harder sell since CW was and is very good. However, Legacy Menasor‘s framework combining never bothered me. I mean, iam hoping to get a G2 Menasor set so I’m ok with him. So depending on how their individual bots turn out and how the combination works, I’m liking the look.

The rest look good and have my interest.

Star Convoy though. He looks amazing! If the full colours look as good as I hope, my god will he look good stood next to Victory Saber. And Omega Prime too, but I missed him. This is intensly trivial, but the fact that he has tall head antenna in the prototype pleases me no end. But yeah, this guy looks fittingly majestic.

Also, I am very much with the idea of Hasbro maybe tackling the concept of New Rodimus to go with this guy.

Undead Scottsman

Well-known member
It seems to me if you want the scramble city gimmick, and don't care about show accuracy or size, you go with Combiner Wars.

If you want bigger, more show accurate combiners (even Superion's legs were a lot more square than teh toys allowed, what with them also having to be jets) then go with the frame-biners.

Or, if you're like me, you were only dipping your toe back into collecting back in 2016 and missed out on most of the Combiner Wars combiners, this is your chance to catch up.

So I'm in for the Aerialbots, the Primes and maybe Star Convoy.


Well-known member
Why is Slingshot's vehicle mode like that? It's way less accurate than the CW one, and not in a way that looks like a pretool for Breakaway.

It just looks like Slingshot would have in Siege, really. Like a "Cybertronian" alt-mode that's just the Earth mode except misshapen and greebled. (The greebles are likely less bad on the actual figure than the art. But still, why are they on the art when he's supposed to be a sleek-ish plane?)


Well-known member
I think modern combiners are always gonna be a little give and take.

Scale will always be a factor. Either the individual bots are too big or the combiner is too small compared to the rest of the shelf.

And the CW combining allowed scramble city. The combined forms tended to be limited in posing. They also had weak elbows. My Superion can't hold up the gun when combined with Powerglide for example.

The frame system seems to yield more solid individual bots and combined form. But loses the playability of scramble city and is indeed a bit of a cheat for combining.

I think both worlds could potentially be achieved by bumping the limbs up to Voyager class to allow extra parts and engineering. But that would be pretty much all the voyager molds for one year. So Hasbro might not be down for that.

It's a tough nut to Crack for sure.


The Omega Knight Returns!
Staff member
Council of Elders
I think that’s my only real nitpick with all the CW combiners. The limb bot hips have to function as hips AND the gestalt elbows just…can’t work if they’re trying to hold anything with any weight to it. Plus, while the gun/hand/feet was an interesting concept and a valiant effort. They working better as hands than tiny tiny feet.

One thing I’m looking forward to is (eventually) getting new Bruticus and putting him next to CW/UNITE Warriors Baldigus/Ruination.


Olde-Timey Member
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Council of Elders
I mean, this is the “control art” as it were.

View attachment 24750

You can absolutely make the case the Aerialbots are just pegged onto a frame.

Moreso than say Computron or Predaking.

Huh, I stand corrected. I was definitely misremembering how he looked in the cartoon. The arms are definitely planes, but those legs are pretty similar to Menasor style, and that is what the new toy looks to replicate.


Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
I'm happy. Not because this is a good way to do combiners, but because I'm looking forward to seeing how silly this frame approach gets. I imagine Hasbro is too proud to have the frame turn into nothing, but only Menasor provides an obvious idea what to do with it. It's going to take creativity to do the lazy thing. That's fun.


Well-known member
I'm happy. Not because this is a good way to do combiners, but because I'm looking forward to seeing how silly this frame approach gets. I imagine Hasbro is too proud to have the frame turn into nothing, but only Menasor provides an obvious idea what to do with it. It's going to take creativity to do the lazy thing. That's fun.

Clearly Silverbolt will only transform into half a jet and plug into this abomination Starsabre style.


Continuity Nutcase
I could see them try making the back half of Silverbolt's altmode transform into an approximation of his original toy's base mode:



Continuity Nutcase
That's sad even by Transformers base mode standards.
It was designed to be a launch platform that connects to Metroplex's city mode in the Jizai Gattai subline of Diaclone, in order to upgrade Metroplex's city mode along with Motormaster, Onslaught, and Hot Spot's own base modes.

Undead Scottsman

Well-known member
Maybe Silverbolt fits into a larger shell that makes him a properly scaled Concord jet compared to the other arielbots and that shell is what becomes the frame.

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