Transformers Collaborative (Transformers X Sonic the Hedgehog)

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
Earlier this year, I came to the conclusion (after waffling back and forth for literally months.) that I wanted the G.I.Joe collabs. All of them. Which was cemented into reality because BBTS was running half off on the megatron hiss tank. I wound up getting the hiss tank and striker for about 30 bucks less than if I was able to get them from a canadian site... which I wasn't.


First off: the box cover is fantastic. Straight outta the 80's. Nostalgia enough to bring back memories of getting joes at christmas and trading with my brother. Love the box, shame most of it is going into the recycling.

The figure itself is surprisingly heavy, surprisingly flimsy. I get why, but I was kinda shocked. The quality, especially over the last few years, is usually quite a bit higher than this. But I get it. It's a voyager scale figure with a pack into toy of a basic or deluxe (at most!) scaled character. The detailing is pretty simply, but... not inappropriate. I love the head mold, which is gorgeous and well rendered.

It is missing some quality of life features that we've all grown used to, like articulated ankles, but otherwise the articulation is fairly good. It has a tab to hold at the waist, but mine is very hesistant to hold. The giant offroad wheels kinda dominate the robot mode, and the roll cage is just loose hanging kibble hovering off his back.

Functionally, its a playset for the included G.I.Joe figure packed in... and I don't hate it. I mean, I wouldn't have bought it if suspected I was going to hate it. I am loving the mostly right scale between bot and human.

Looking forward to opening the hiss tank, and getting the other two figures in the line in a few months.

Oh hey! When did they start to include stands with the G.I.joe figures?


Collecter of Gobots and Godzilla
I have been completely won over by the GI Joe TF crossovers. Got Megatron and Bumblebee at clearance prices (and sold the Stalker to my brother, so Bee was even cheaper), and sprung for Kup as a preorder due to nostalgia glasses. Compared to modern Transformers, they may be a bit primitive, but their transformations are adequate, and they fit in amazingly with Joe vehicles!

I do wish Bee was a VAMP (or better yet, a Tiger Sting) instead of the AWE Striker, as I feel like that would have mitigated some of the issues Bee suffered from.

My shortlist of wishes for more:
The Wolverine as Arcee (the missile racks wind up as her shoulder thingies) paired with Cover Girl
The Snow Cat as himself (I know he was a Decepticon, but it's too perfectly on the nose) with Frostbite
The Stinger as Swindle (or VAMP as Hound)
The X-30 Conquest (as Space Case? At least a similar transformation) with Slipstream
The Python Conquest as Slipstream (because that amuses me, and then she isn't always a Windblade redeco)


Collecter of Gobots and Godzilla
Por que no los dos? It worked for Alternators.

Yeah, I lead with the Stinger, but I would want a more Hound-like transformation rather than a Swindle-based one, just because I would want both (as well as VAMP 2 and Tiger Sting versions!).

@Shadewing I believe you are correct about the Optimus Mobat rumor (but I do agree with DefaultOption that Warpath would be a great fit)

Also, forgot Bulkhead as an APC!

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