I can't remember if this was in one of those leak lists or not.
I'm too old to be into Supreme stuff, but I might still get this if the deco on Optimus looks good.
A trendy clothing brand among the youthsWhat's Supreme?
What's Supreme?
I'd like to it in see robot mode, but I am digging the all-red cab. I'd expect the added brand tax to be too high for something I only have a casual interest in though.I'm too old to be into Supreme stuff, but I might still get this if the deco on Optimus looks good.
God we’re so old…A trendy clothing brand among the youths
Another reason to get it- put it on my desk at work to relate to the students. Or make a cool trend uncool.God we’re so old…
Probably not really what you're going for, since they're vintage and therefore not cheap, but you can, in fact, get genuine ARAH sandbags:I think I need to find some generic playset pieces scaled to 3.75 inch. Like sandbags and such
From Diamond Select's Facebook page...View attachment 25760
I can't remember if this was in one of those leak lists or not.
I'm too old to be into Supreme stuff, but I might still get this if the deco on Optimus looks good.
If you still only want to get ONE of these, I'll still tell you to get kup.
This made me laugh because I genuinely only want the Ravage as I don't collect o-ring Joes and have no need for the Thunder Machine. Over the last few years (mostly thanks to WFC) I've amassed a nice handful of cassettes. If I had better access to the Walmart reissues I'd gather those up too.If you want the ravage figure in it: what's wrong with you? The cost/benefit analysis will take you out back and go office space on your ass.
The biggest thing that bugs me with Soundwave is you have to attach the antennae when you take it out the packaging and they made NO other attachments for the thing other than his butt. You think they would have made it able to be pegged onto a shoulder to really play up the whole "communications officer" thing!Alright! Soundwave Dreadnok thunder machine! Let's GO!
OH... oh...
Alright, it's still molded beautifully. There seems to be more "greebling" on the legs this time, which is texturing for the "flatbed" portion of the truck when in vehicle mode. Doesn't look bad, and with how you transform the legs, don't directly see them in robot mode. The head sculpt is absolutely beautiful. The vehicle mode looks... decent. The absolute front end is gorgeous. Shades of 80's with the generic camaro front end and the mad max roll guards covering the weapon mount. Sheet plates (which rotate away to use as figure weapon storage and lesser access to the cockpit.) armour the passengers... The problem is: without the dual chain guns to place it in front of the cab; all you get is soundwaves elbows. It creates a LONG space in which there was no detail, and a detachable piece which would probably be lost fairly easily by a 10 year old.
The saving grace is the robot mode is just ******* gorgeous. Well detailed, well painted, iconic in stature with a good range of motion... no ankles, but good use of the car seats as feet.
To quote immortan joe: Mediocre. If you like soundwave, or zartan or zarana: go for it. If you want the ravage figure in it: what's wrong with you? The cost/benefit analysis will take you out back and go office space on your ass. But he can do the chest storage thing, so there's that.
It's a better figure robot than megatron (way less heavy kibble.), and maybe on par as bumblebee for a vehicle. It's a unique design that has literal gaps in it, but a good play space for the figures included.
If you still only want to get ONE of these, I'll still tell you to get kup.