Transformers Collaborative (Transformers X Sonic the Hedgehog)


Another babka?

I can't remember if this was in one of those leak lists or not.

I'm too old to be into Supreme stuff, but I might still get this if the deco on Optimus looks good.

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
Alright! Gijoe collaborative, wave 2, Kup!

At a base: it's STILL a playset. Which means they're holding to that design concept, and I love it. It's better painted, and feels more robust than the 1st two. The joints aren't just stronger and stiffer: they are noticeable more robust when it comes to the weight holding bits. They learned from wave 1, and applied what they learned.

So everything I liked from the 1st wave: relatively simple decos, good molding, excellent scale. BUT! They've improved the design. Kup at least, has ANKLES. That very simple act gives it so much more poseability compared to both megatron and bumblebee. The robot mode looks awesome on its own, almost like something out of the TFTM era. Very little outrageous kibble hanging off the back, and that little bit of kibble doubles as weapon storage for the vehicle mode stuff (two missiles and two turrets which act as his handguns.). It holds amazingly well together in vehicle mode, and feels less like it wants to pop like a tube of pillsbury bread product, like megatron does. It's also got an ENTIRE second section, where the black rear panel actually drops down to make a second joe figure stand. They really stepped up the design quality here.

So far: as a proof of line; kup is perfect. The single two flaws of this aren't even his fault. The first is the titan scale transforming issue, where it's simply big enough that transforming him is laborious. It can't be playset scaled without that: there's no way around it. The 2nd fault is that in the process of transforming him he goes through several stages of "biblically accurate angel" and one point where he would fit into exosquad.

If you like Gijoe, and you like transformers: get this one. Even if its the only one you get; honour both by getting this one. The fact that it comes with two joes instead of just one is also very awesome.

And for your enjoyment; some secondary thoughts.

1.) I would love some motorcycles or similarly sized vehicles to army build with this line. Generic joes, generic bots, and the same on decepticon/cobras side. Serpentor had that stupid flying snake thingy, make the bots like the cassetticons, so they come out almost the same size as the joes, and it increases the play value because then the smaller robots can use the larger ones as the joes do.

2.) I think I need to find some generic playset pieces scaled to 3.75 inch. Like sandbags and such, to fill out a diorama, and make the joes actually useable away from the playset bots.

3.) Omega supreme as the mobile strike headquarters.

4.) It is still amazing how bad the gijoe vehicles are as war machines. The mobat will be better cause it's functionally an abrams, but the rest are just duck shoots on wheels waiting to happen. Cause the other half of the battle is lasers.
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Staff member
Council of Elders
The sandbags thing is one of those cases where I can remember seeing tons and tons of cheap bootleggy options available, encountering plastic bags and buckets of cheapo shampoo-bottle plastic one-color soldiers and jeeps and sandbags and rocks... Until they're actually needed, then it turns out they phased them out in favor of newer cheapo schlock a while back.


Well-known member
Well, Wal-Mart's sent me notice that the Mandalorian Collaborative is on its way. Hopefully, it actually arrives.

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
Alright! Soundwave Dreadnok thunder machine! Let's GO!

OH... oh...


Alright, it's still molded beautifully. There seems to be more "greebling" on the legs this time, which is texturing for the "flatbed" portion of the truck when in vehicle mode. Doesn't look bad, and with how you transform the legs, don't directly see them in robot mode. The head sculpt is absolutely beautiful. The vehicle mode looks... decent. The absolute front end is gorgeous. Shades of 80's with the generic camaro front end and the mad max roll guards covering the weapon mount. Sheet plates (which rotate away to use as figure weapon storage and lesser access to the cockpit.) armour the passengers... The problem is: without the dual chain guns to place it in front of the cab; all you get is soundwaves elbows. It creates a LONG space in which there was no detail, and a detachable piece which would probably be lost fairly easily by a 10 year old.

The saving grace is the robot mode is just ******* gorgeous. Well detailed, well painted, iconic in stature with a good range of motion... no ankles, but good use of the car seats as feet.

To quote immortan joe: Mediocre. If you like soundwave, or zartan or zarana: go for it. If you want the ravage figure in it: what's wrong with you? The cost/benefit analysis will take you out back and go office space on your ass. But he can do the chest storage thing, so there's that.

It's a better figure robot than megatron (way less heavy kibble.), and maybe on par as bumblebee for a vehicle. It's a unique design that has literal gaps in it, but a good play space for the figures included.

If you still only want to get ONE of these, I'll still tell you to get kup.


Staff member
Council of Elders
If you want the ravage figure in it: what's wrong with you? The cost/benefit analysis will take you out back and go office space on your ass.
This made me laugh because I genuinely only want the Ravage as I don't collect o-ring Joes and have no need for the Thunder Machine. Over the last few years (mostly thanks to WFC) I've amassed a nice handful of cassettes. If I had better access to the Walmart reissues I'd gather those up too.


Well-known member
Alright! Soundwave Dreadnok thunder machine! Let's GO!

OH... oh...


Alright, it's still molded beautifully. There seems to be more "greebling" on the legs this time, which is texturing for the "flatbed" portion of the truck when in vehicle mode. Doesn't look bad, and with how you transform the legs, don't directly see them in robot mode. The head sculpt is absolutely beautiful. The vehicle mode looks... decent. The absolute front end is gorgeous. Shades of 80's with the generic camaro front end and the mad max roll guards covering the weapon mount. Sheet plates (which rotate away to use as figure weapon storage and lesser access to the cockpit.) armour the passengers... The problem is: without the dual chain guns to place it in front of the cab; all you get is soundwaves elbows. It creates a LONG space in which there was no detail, and a detachable piece which would probably be lost fairly easily by a 10 year old.

The saving grace is the robot mode is just ******* gorgeous. Well detailed, well painted, iconic in stature with a good range of motion... no ankles, but good use of the car seats as feet.

To quote immortan joe: Mediocre. If you like soundwave, or zartan or zarana: go for it. If you want the ravage figure in it: what's wrong with you? The cost/benefit analysis will take you out back and go office space on your ass. But he can do the chest storage thing, so there's that.

It's a better figure robot than megatron (way less heavy kibble.), and maybe on par as bumblebee for a vehicle. It's a unique design that has literal gaps in it, but a good play space for the figures included.

If you still only want to get ONE of these, I'll still tell you to get kup.
The biggest thing that bugs me with Soundwave is you have to attach the antennae when you take it out the packaging and they made NO other attachments for the thing other than his butt. You think they would have made it able to be pegged onto a shoulder to really play up the whole "communications officer" thing!

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