I never learned which turtle is which.
Goddamit man, this is all their theme song is about.I never learned which turtle is which.
Several of their theme songs, even!Goddamit man, this is all their theme song is about.
...okay, I can work with that one.Well, had there been a fourth live-action movie back in the '90s, it would have introduced a fifth turtle named after a 20th century artist: Kirby
...okay, I can work with that one.Assuming they're referring to Jack "King" Kirby.
Can't you just leave it on?One criticism on the toy itself: I do wish that the front of the van didn't parts-form off to make a shield.
I hope my Fanstream recap was more acceptable in that regard. XDOkay, whoever wrote the front page article for Party Whallop has disappointed me.
This is based on the 1987 Turtles, so instead of Booyakasha (which is mostly used for the 2012 Turtles), you should have said Cowabunga!
Back on topic: Man, as I was a TMNT fanatic as a kid, I am so getting this (however, I am not that insane a fanatic to get four).
...aren't I allowed to make exceptions when they honor great men?Wasn't he also "A little late to be a renaissance painter"?
...aren't I allowed to make exceptions when they honor great men?
New Collab Listings Found: Star Wars & Knight Rider
Thanks to Yakface and TFW's Jtprime17, we have new listings for some upcoming Collabs. It seems Star Wars and Knight Rider will both be joining the line. Tra Gen Project Knight: Transformers X Knightrider collab Product Number: F9653 Release date: August 1st 2024 MSRP: $49.99 Tra Gen Collab 3...news.tfw2005.com
I'm not saying he isn't. But comparatively speaking, you hear more about him than you do Jack Kirby.So Vincent Van Gogh wasn't a great man?
Part of this complete breakfast.And that's the last I'm going to say on this subject, because I am sick and tired of the taste of my own foot.
I'm not saying he isn't. But comparatively speaking, you hear more about him than you do Jack Kirby.
And that's the last I'm going to say on this subject, because I am sick and tired of the taste of my own foot. Not to mention feeling like I'm being bullied. I feel too much like I'm being bullied, then I contemplate things that I'd rather not contemplate.