But yeah, something's going on behind the scenes.
Likely they are worried because if you look at Marvel & Star Wars figures, there is a lot just sat on shelves and not selling accept at heavily discounted prices
But yeah, something's going on behind the scenes.
In true traditional frustrating toy release fashion, they could do multipacks.What about the other Trackers? Like Sentinel Prime's Gold Trackers, and the Silver Trackers?
Decepticon poetry night. Soundwave is in rapturous awe, Starscream is confused and annoyed but too afraid of Megatron to say anything, Shockwave just turns and walks away without comment.- Megatron being an outsider to the high guard tries his hand at writing to gain their favour.
And yeah, I know, there was a dedicated TFOne line that actually punched above its weight with the main releases but man... Studio Series is THE movie line. I don't have a marketing degree or whatever it is that would qualify me for some bs suit position at Hasbro but even I can figure out you want your Studio Series line to harmonize with the ongoing theatrical release.