We doin' a Mission Impossible? A heist?! Cocoa, turning to a life of crime, really? I know your town is boring and you need something to spice up your afternoons, but this is not the way!
Dreamer's just too polite to notice her friend hanging from her roof. What she chooses to do in her free time is her business.
"I bet you're wondering what I've gotten myself into? Heh-heh, yeah, me too!" When even the characters know this is going a bit over the top.
"Finally, a customer!" This poor, dead town. Is it weird that Cocoa can support having a storefront AND a cart? I mean, maybe she just took over a abandoned building, knowing this town, but still. I guess no one else was using this building, so why not take it?
Aww...gee, I actually kind of feel bad for Dreamer. It's terrible to lose old photos that you can't get back. I've lost a few photos on my computer over the years and it's not a great feeling. Dreamer actually sounds pretty heartbroken, here. Poor sweetie. This horse needs a hug.
I do have to wonder how much juice she was drinking to soak this picture this thoroughly, though.
Oh, small towns. By this afternoon, everyone will know what happened. Gossip spreads fast when you have nothing better to do.
Okay, now, all you have to do is NOT ruin the photo with any comedic hijinks. Just make a copy of it for Dreamer and everything can be as uneventful as before.
*SIGH* She means well. But, she's also bored. Which is the source of many problems on this show.
Wait, you have helicopter-rental money? What are you doing slinging drinks? Also, helicopters exist in this world?!
A well oiled machine of a team, right here.
"It's time to roll out!" ...Transformers reference or no?
Maximum sneaky.
Candi's hijinks sense is tingling.
"I bet you're wondering what we're doing out here, like this." "Not really....later!" Heh. I love it! Bailey's got her own stuff going on. She has a very complex inner life that we never get to see.
It's really easy to give Finley an existential crisis. But, that's a problem for a different episode!
Locks? In this town? Inconceivable!
"Heisted? Hested? Whatever!" Spy grammar is hard.
"Cocoa, why are you hanging from my ceiling? We usually save that for Sundays."
Some of Dreamers stuffed animals in the bakcground are cute. Someone put effort into designing and drawing these, I just want to give them a shout out.
Candi just...keeps copies of your old photos? That's convenient. And worrying. Candi seems to be the mayor of this town. Is she gathering dirt on everyone in this town to use later?
Candi wasn't just a background cameo. She was actually plot relevant. Nice touch!
Dreamers into it! No harm, no foul, I guess.
"...Can I have a turn hanging from my ceiling?"
Where does Mermaid come from?
Finley likes to swim. That's supposed to be part of her thing, we just don't get to see her do it a lot. Her clothes are even supposed to look like fish scales. She even has a little "fish tail" as part of her saddle. Her name's FIN-ley, for goodness sake!