Wild Manes


Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
The latest clip show is titled 'Greatest Adventures'. Whoever came up with that title either has no self awareness, or all the self awareness.


This is how a unicorn comments
The day is still young, but yeah I'm not seeing anything.

We did get 25 episodes. That's about what you'd get for a first season show. I guess now we just have to see if they are bothering to make anymore or not.

It's a free cartoon to promote a toy, and I have no idea how well or poorly said toy is doing.


Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
Well I can't say it was good while it lasted, but I had a good time anyway.


This is how a unicorn comments
It was fun in its own way. I liked Coco, and the others had promise. This could be a good show if it got a longer run time I feel.

I'm not ready to accept there will never be any more just yet, but I'm keeping my expectations low.


Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
I'm thinking either these writers worked under insane restrictions (besides just budget and runtime), or they underestimated themselves. Because I have a nagging feeling that they have more talent than they showed. Every once in a while this show has a moment that tells me they have some good instincts. If this is the end of the road, it's a shame.


Well-known member
Yeah, I'm betting that we'll get more eventually. It might just be a little bit. Maybe they'll have a big gimmick in the next line of toys for them to focus on in the show or something. Who knows? Color-change manes? Mood rings? A factory playset? A rivalry with a neighboring town? Sky's the limit!


This is how a unicorn comments

Actually yes. Yes I AM wondering what the heck is going on.

So Dreamer is big on memories I guess.

Helecopters are a thing in this world. Also I wish we'd see that plan. Also this is making me really like Coco as a character.

Okay, the 'You picked your code name!' thing was funny, but I lost it at seeing them standing just a few feet from each other. I'm disappointed in myself that I didn't see that joke coming.

Bailey's just here to surf. She doesn't give a bleep what you're up to.

Wait a LOCKED door? In THIS town!? They're learning!

Okay I figured Finley told Dreamer what was going on, but them getting a new picture does make more sense.

I've got to say, If I had Coco as a friend and she did stuff like that, I'd probably just let it slide as well.

Poor Candy is going to think the cart is haunted.

That was the best one yet in my opinion.


Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders

It's not just a cartoon animal thing. Horses do in fact sweat.

You win, Cocoa. I am wondering this time.

"Yeah, me too."

Did this frame not have a plastic or glass cover?

Cocoa, this is the part where you're supposed to say you still have your copy of the photo. The event meant something to you too, didn't it?

I wonder if kids will even understand the problem of not being able to just print another copy of the photo.

... She did have a copy this whole time.

Finley is still uncertain, but not waffling back and forth quite like she used to. This feels like a season 2.

In most shows, distracting the entire town would be a stretch, but here the idea is actually totally doable.

A helicopter?

Dangerous mission outfits. ... These do not conceal their identities at all.

I get why Cocoa is Marshmallow. Where does Mermaid come from?

This feels more cartoony than usual. Stuff is happening, and it's cartoony.

They're just doing this in broad daylight. They are so dumb. This is why I watch these horse shows.

The cursed sitting pose returns.

"Not really." Even these horses are tired of Cocoa's "I bet you're wondering" shtick.

Giving Finley the improv job is... a choice.

THEY'VE FINALLY LEARNED TO LOCK THEIR DOORS! We are actually seeing this tiny society progress.

Wow that is some cheap rope.

"Uh, hey, well, it's like this... look, a moose!"

... She could just get another copy this whole time.

These horses will forgive anything, immediately. Except that one time Cocoa failed to predict the weather.

And Finley is collateral damage.

This absolutely feels like we're in season 2 now. They've learned some things, and they're making an effort.


Well-known member
It came back to us!
We doin' a Mission Impossible? A heist?! Cocoa, turning to a life of crime, really? I know your town is boring and you need something to spice up your afternoons, but this is not the way!

Dreamer's just too polite to notice her friend hanging from her roof. What she chooses to do in her free time is her business.

"I bet you're wondering what I've gotten myself into? Heh-heh, yeah, me too!" When even the characters know this is going a bit over the top.

"Finally, a customer!" This poor, dead town. Is it weird that Cocoa can support having a storefront AND a cart? I mean, maybe she just took over a abandoned building, knowing this town, but still. I guess no one else was using this building, so why not take it?

Aww...gee, I actually kind of feel bad for Dreamer. It's terrible to lose old photos that you can't get back. I've lost a few photos on my computer over the years and it's not a great feeling. Dreamer actually sounds pretty heartbroken, here. Poor sweetie. This horse needs a hug.

I do have to wonder how much juice she was drinking to soak this picture this thoroughly, though.

Oh, small towns. By this afternoon, everyone will know what happened. Gossip spreads fast when you have nothing better to do.

Okay, now, all you have to do is NOT ruin the photo with any comedic hijinks. Just make a copy of it for Dreamer and everything can be as uneventful as before.

*SIGH* She means well. But, she's also bored. Which is the source of many problems on this show.

Wait, you have helicopter-rental money? What are you doing slinging drinks? Also, helicopters exist in this world?!

A well oiled machine of a team, right here.

"It's time to roll out!" ...Transformers reference or no?

Maximum sneaky.

Candi's hijinks sense is tingling.

"I bet you're wondering what we're doing out here, like this." "Not really....later!" Heh. I love it! Bailey's got her own stuff going on. She has a very complex inner life that we never get to see.

It's really easy to give Finley an existential crisis. But, that's a problem for a different episode!

Locks? In this town? Inconceivable!

"Heisted? Hested? Whatever!" Spy grammar is hard.

"Cocoa, why are you hanging from my ceiling? We usually save that for Sundays."

Some of Dreamers stuffed animals in the bakcground are cute. Someone put effort into designing and drawing these, I just want to give them a shout out.

Candi just...keeps copies of your old photos? That's convenient. And worrying. Candi seems to be the mayor of this town. Is she gathering dirt on everyone in this town to use later?

Candi wasn't just a background cameo. She was actually plot relevant. Nice touch!

Dreamers into it! No harm, no foul, I guess.

"...Can I have a turn hanging from my ceiling?"
Where does Mermaid come from?
Finley likes to swim. That's supposed to be part of her thing, we just don't get to see her do it a lot. Her clothes are even supposed to look like fish scales. She even has a little "fish tail" as part of her saddle. Her name's FIN-ley, for goodness sake!

So, are we basically on a monthly schedule, now? Last episode came out in January. This episode comes out in February. Will we have to wait until March for the next one?
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Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
Who knows. This really feels like a new season. We may have just been on a break. I guess we'll find out next Friday.


This is how a unicorn comments
I Bet You're Wondering How I Got Here.png

Coco: So... I bet you're all wondering how I got here...

I really shouldn't have, but after the last episode I decided I liked Coco enough that I wouldn't mind a toy of her, and found Amazon has most of them going for about 13 bucks after tax, and it's THESE big figures that come with their carts and lots of little accessories so... yeah I caved.


This is how a unicorn comments
Psst, so we're getting an episode this Friday!

Karaoke'd Away!
When Perla gets a brand new karaoke system for the clubhouse, her horsepals are thrilled! They can't wait for the big 'mare-aoke' party! But will everybody be able to resist giving the karaoke system a teeny-tiny try before the party starts?

I'm sorta guessing it might be a collection of the songs we've gotten so far.

EDIT: My mistake. It's set to premiere the 28th
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This is how a unicorn comments

Not as great as the last one, but it wasn't in fact a flashback episode of old songs. (Just one old song)

Candy: Look at all the likes!
Me: From who? This town has like eight of you living in it.
Wow Candy is REALLY pushy.
I kinda want to give props on the speaker sound. That is basically what it'd sound like that loud.
I'm surprised Bailey is hearing anything.
I'm pretty sure the door isn't locked just... go in.
If the door is locked, that is a good way to get Candy's attention.

Good thing I know how to fix this, and I know how because.... shut up.

I kinda feel some horse would come out and yell shut up, but we all know there are only five horses usually in town at any given time.


Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
I was expecting it to explode.

It's always Cocoa's fault.

They've never had karaoke night? They sing often enough.

I don't notice anything different about the decorations.

Cocoa does not approve of social media addiction.

Candi, this doesn't really count as testing the equipment if you are nowhere near the output and can't tell if it's working.

I have experienced a malfunctioning speaker incident. They nailed the sound.

Bridget knows how to get Candi's attention.


"I was going to forgive you until the pun."

This civilization just discovered property rights. I'm proud of them.

Not great, but I'm still glad to have this dumb show back.


Well-known member
"It's gonna blow!" *Fizzles* Yeah, that's kind of this show in a nutshell.

"It's kinda my fault" To be honest, it usually is. Can't blame you really, it's easy to get into trouble when you're bored.

Karaoke Night! The most exciting thing to happen in this town since Cherie got that new bread-maker!

"Sorry, wrong kind of pop" No, no, don't undersell it. Bands have had worse gimmicks that popping balloons on stage. Stomp used to be a big hit. Who knows, people might end up being really into it.

"This place looks...SPLENDIFEROUS!"Someone has a new word-of-the-day calendar! And it looks...the same to me? I honestly can't tell what's different? It might be slightly wider than normal?

Candi's really more of a "supervisor" than a "doer".

Don't you guys have carts or something? No wonder the thing blows up, you dragging it 3 blocks over like that.

Yeah, picking up the treats...right across the street? This town really isn't THAT big, Pearla.

Candi has only been away from her phone for 30 seconds. Girl's got a problem.

Is her favorite song the Wild Manes theme song? This show really doesn't have that many songs to choose from.

"Or...we could sing it TOGETHER" Why does she make that sound naughty?

"C'mon, just a TEENY TINY LITTLE TRY!" Jeez! Okay! Candi NEEDS this...for some reason.

Yep. It's the theme song. Called it.

Too much bass. WAY too much bass!

Noise pollution. The...I don't know...47th worst kind of pollution.

Well, the good new is they just invented a new weapon, if they ever get invaded.

This is how all music is for all parents.

I'm surprised there's enough people around this town for anyone to complain.

Pearla...maybe we just all have to admit that "technology" just isn't your thing. Maybe take up knitting or something, instead. The robots, the karaoke machine. They all end terribly for everyone.

"Maybe a few hundred" As in dollars. You're paying for this, Cocoa. Literally.

Wow, all this work for a really small party. They didn't even invite the full cast.

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