Transformers Legacy toyline


Not Mecha-Broccoli
Sonic collab’s going to be fun to see given how Sonic character proportions are the exact opposite of what transforming toys need to be in order to function.


Well-known member
All the Carnivac talk got me thinking I would take a Catilla remold from Legacy Thundertron. It would need a new cat head for sabertooth likeness and a new bot head but otherwise I'd be cool with it.

-ZacWilliam, honestly I'll take more pretender characters however I can get them.

Platypus Prime

Well-known member
I do wish they'd make actual Pretenders for the upcoming Dinoforce, in the style of Catilla and Snarler and the like with the robot animal inside a more realistic one. It would be an upgrade from the old Dinoforce/Monster Pretender 'cube with stubby legs' modes. Though I think it's more likely they'll just remold the heads and call it done.

Steevy Maximus

Well known pompous pontificator
From the sprues of Jhiaxus comes....Vector Prime!

I feel the original had more "presence" given the kibble it had. This one is fine, though clearly a slimmer interpretation due to the legacy of the Jhiaxus base.


Not Mecha-Broccoli
The wire detailing on the legs clashes hard with the clockwork aesthetic Vector Prime’s supposed to have. The armatures holding his wings being noticeably bulkier than his actual wings sucks too.

Will stick to the old one. The clunkiness adds to his character IMO
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Wondering bot
From the sprues of Jhiaxus comes....Vector Prime!

I feel the original had more "presence" given the kibble it had. This one is fine, though clearly a slimmer interpretation due to the legacy of the Jhiaxus base.

Holy S*** that one looks very much like the original toy including the planet key, well, the Galaxy force verison as the Hasbro verison used a different paint job, but I never imagined we would get a updated Vector Prime from the Jhiaxus mold, they clearly did their best to get Vector Prime from the mold, but the only thing lacking, is the sword in the paint department!


Olde-Timey Member
Staff member
Council of Elders
Huh. That came out a lot better than I would have thought. The spaceship mode is a little stumpy, but I don't hate that robot mode. I love the ancient clockwork automaton version as his original form. This looks almost like a "reborn" and rejuvenated version


Olde-Timey Member
Staff member
Council of Elders
I've never played Devastation, so I had to look up the Grey Seeker and Ground Soldier. Blue Runamuck is ok, but that seeker is the real star of the show.


Though I do wish we were getting repaints of Dirge and Thrust to go with all the Ramjets.


Staff member
Council of Elders
From the sprues of Jhiaxus comes....Vector Prime!

I feel the original had more "presence" given the kibble it had. This one is fine, though clearly a slimmer interpretation due to the legacy of the Jhiaxus base.
For this I can comfortably hold on to the original. It's a respectable effort but it was always going to be hard to take such a distinctive design and steer it toward another distinctive design; at that point just use a new-tooling slot. This would be one to keep in robot mode if ever.


Staff member
Council of Elders
I've never played Devastation, so I had to look up the Grey Seeker and Ground Soldier. Blue Runamuck is ok, but that seeker is the real star of the show.

Though I do wish we were getting repaints of Dirge and Thrust to go with all the Ramjets.
These look nice but idk if I'll track these down. They ARE nice new looks and ripe for repurposing (that Bluestreaky Seeker is neat and the shade of color on Runablue gives Boss vibes), so it'll be tempting.

But agreed on those coneheads. I do wish they'd at least crank out the canceled G2 Jungle Starscream.

Hmm. Takara's making a Super Starscream again (I look like Thundercracker), neat.

So Collab Blue is a Sonic 2pack... Is Collab Black a Shadow redeco? I have not been keeping up.

Is this Bullseye still the Target mascot? The name is all over the Perceptor and cassettes pack. I don't really need Perceptor again, especially since the first SS86 one was already what one would expect (maybe they'll do an opaque chest), but we'll see. I wish it were a Gen Prime so they could at least make it a Microchangey one, just have SOME difference.

The capsules seem super fun. I'm all over that Ironfist/Carnivac one, and curious about what they'll do with Spinister. I do wish it had been Topspin and not Twin Twist again, so my interest is lower there too.

Maybe the Retro capsule is a chance to get that toy colors Hot Rod out. I'd love that in the Retro packaging, but only if it's Headmasters/old toy style and not the recent Movie reissue style.
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Steevy Maximus

Well known pompous pontificator
Is this Bullseye still the Target mascot? The name is all over the Perceptor and cassettes pack. I don't really need Perceptor again, especially since the first SS86 one was already what one would expect (maybe they'll do an opaque chest), but we'll see. I wish it were a Gen Prime so they could at least make it a Microchangey one, just have SOME difference.

Maybe the Retro capsule is a chance to get that toy colors Hot Rod out. I'd love that in the Retro packaging, but only if it's Headmasters/old toy style and not the recent Movie reissue style.
I'm inclined to say that the "Bullseye" terminology is just for internal sorting purposes. "Buzzworthy" seems to have run its course, so someone at Hasbro is using "Bullseye" to sort Target exclusives, since Target doesn't appear as big into the "micro line" concepts Amazon and Walmart do.

I'm hoping "Retro Inspired" are the "modern toys in classic packaging" that I'm shocked we aren't getting this year.

And Hasbro's new stuff keeps leaking, this time with "Nucleous". A retool of Magneous as a rocket car in white and gold

Seems new preorders are likely going up tomorrow, given the leaks we're seeing.

Undead Scottsman

Well-known member
Nucleous, looks rad as hell IMO. I'll definitely pick him up (I was trying to avoid grabbing the armorizers, but the Shard looked great, so I grabbed the other two, though one of my orders got canceled)

Vector Prime is good enough for my purposes, but man those legs being completely untouched feels so cheap, especially when you can see the the slots where Jhiaxius' wings tabbed in.

Vehicle mode looks a little stubby and I wish the detailing on his arms was a little more like his older version as it gave him a more knightly look.

Those legs though, man. I can't believe they didn't even modify them to get rid of the wing connectors.


Kaiser Dragon
I like Vector Prime well enough as a new release of the Cybertron character. As a presumable preview of what to expect of the original 13 being the focus of the line the next couple years, he's a bit underwhelming. It suggests the 13 are just going to be normal Transformers, with nothing special about them. Which isn't necessarily bad, but is still a bit of a letdown.

The multipacks made of one desirable character packed with redecos are getting old. I'd like Ramhorn. I already have a good Perceptor and Ratbat. I'm betting the other multipack will have a must-buy Horri-Bull, maybe one other interesting character, and a couple others I have no interest in.

Excellion's cool. The other Cybertron updates I really want are Soundwave, Scourge, and Evac.

If they're re-releasing Spinister in a multipack, I hope they give him Targetmasters in line with Needlenose's, assuming the upcoming Quake will do the same. It would be yet another case of buying a multipack for one or two toys, but I'd really love to have those three and their partners all in a cohesive style.

Carnivac's cool, and at least he's only in a two-pack. I could live with getting a subline of such packs for the rest of the Pretender Beasts.

LBD "Nytetrayn"

Broke the Matrix
Staff member
Council of Elders
One of my favourte moments in the show, is where Megatron has just been "Upgraded" AKA repaint to Galvatron, to present the fact he more powerful, he is kicking the Autobots butts, singling handly, after he got a thrashing from Metroplex and its his desire for more power that leads to the upgrade, which in my view, made more sense than having the Minicons repair and recolour you (Armada) or taking a energon bath (Energon) as it fitted right in with Megatron as a character, he lusts for more power and could not stand that another bot as even more power, power enough to beat him down!!
I love that part, too.


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