Transformers Legacy toyline


Kaiser Dragon
There's also a deluxe Swindle with no universe designation listed alongside the Aerialbots. I've seen speculation that Nexus Prime might be made from retools/redecos of a mix of the Aerialbots and Combaticons like the TFCC toy, so that might be an indication of a new Bruticus coming the following year.


Somehow still sane
It does fulfill the military truck torso, two planes, a tank and a helicopter combination but the vehicles are different in practice and robot modes would be way off unless they devote a lot of retooling. Depends on how much fidelity they want on a relatively minor character at a cumulatively high price point.


Continuity Nutcase
It does fulfill the military truck torso, two planes, a tank and a helicopter combination but the vehicles are different in practice and robot modes would be way off unless they devote a lot of retooling. Depends on how much fidelity they want on a relatively minor character at a cumulatively high price point.
If nothing else, I'd rather they gave Heatwave his own new mold since his original toy looked nothing like a mere head-swap redeco of G1 Onslaught.


Somehow still sane
Way I see it, Onslaught’s chest isn’t part of the vehicle mode so they could easily retool it into an approximation of Heatwave’s. I don’t think Heatwave would warrant an all-new mold since he only has fiction limited to defunct niche Botcon stuff and their Commander schedule’s already packed with Silverbolt in the Primes line and presumably Onslaught the next.
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Somehow still sane
Lol maybe they'll do the opposite of the Robot Masher toy and make Rescue Bots Heatwave by accident this time.
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Well-known member
So BWTF Shard review likens the green coloration to chaos crystals from G1 episode Chaos.

That's awesome, he can cut through anything.


Well-known member
Yeah, and I don't want you to jinx it for Heatwave. I'd like at least him (if not more than just him) to get by unscathed and actually look how he's supposed to look.

Like how Legacy Rescue Bots Chase mercifully didn't have anything from G1 Throttlebot Chase unnecessarily forced into his design.

TBF, They have the same transformation :p And if not for Cliffjumper they probably could have made Chase/Roadburn from Chase.

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