2024 Celebrity Deaths


Active member
Damn, RIP. He didn't have a lot of credits considering how long he was active but the definitive voice of Splinter's not too shabby. Assassin's Creed is still my favorite of the franchise in no small part because I geeked out so much over the assassin leader having the same voice as Splinter.


Active member

Renaday was also the voice of Grapple in G1.
As well as the voice of Master Blaster in Kidd Video, Mandrake The Magician in Defenders of the Earth, and Duncan in Dragon Age: Origins.

R.I.P. Peter. Thank you for being part of my childhood, and death, can you not claim another childhood favorite actor for the rest of the week?


Damn! Yesterday really sucked. I really only knew his work from TMNT, but that's certainly enough to make this hurt. RIP.

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