A Long Time Ago In a Galaxy Far, Far Away.... - Star Wars General Discussion

Fero McPigletron

Feel the fear!
Thanks for the info! I'm wondering about other types of Force users (Jedi are telekinetic, telepathic and can astral project. Sith can create lightning. Nightsisters can... transfer Force to others? Donnie Yen from Rogue One can... sense danger?)


Well-known member
Osha says she has never seen her master's face, but
I think she has and I have too


Well-known member
I am seeing an incredible angst on Facebook concerning "The Master", exacerbated by an unnamed character in the background on the latest episode being the same species as Ki-Adi Mundi.

1. It might not be Ki-Adi Mundi
2. He might not be informed that Mae isn't acting alone.
3. We don't even know if "The Master" is a Sith. For all we know it will be proven that he isn't.
4. Pay attention to the dang plot of "The Phantom Menace" Qui-Gon comes in and says he thinks he fought a Sith and they say can't be. They don't accuse him of hallucinating. They just don't think a force-user dressed in black and carrying a red lightsaber is necessarily a Sith. Maybe there have been quite a few independent posers show up here and there over the years, including "The Master" and it has always been found that they were not Sith.

Pale Rider

...and Hell followed with him.
I am seeing an incredible angst on Facebook concerning "The Master", exacerbated by an unnamed character in the background on the latest episode being the same species as Ki-Adi Mundi.

1. It might not be Ki-Adi Mundi

Pale Rider

...and Hell followed with him.
I think it's 3 and 4. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if Mundi was brought into this show just to say so after this "Sith" is unmasked as a pretender (also to set up his line in TPM).

Which will then lead into the big twist, a post-credits scene in which someone like Darth Plagueis (or whoever is the true Sith Lord at this point in time) says that their catspaw played their part well, followed by:

"Now the Jedi are even more convinced that the Sith are extinct. Oh, and by the way, that thing those witches did to create those twin girls was pretty interesting. We should try that too."

And legions of fans will howl in impotent rage because the Sith got the idea for creating Anakin from a coven of space lesbians.
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Well-known member
I haven't seen anything sexual about the Coven.

And for all we really know so far, when they talk in hushed voices of what if the Jedi find out how we got those girls, the answer could be that they seduced Syfo Dias.


Well-known member
I saw a lot of people saying it'll probably be misdirection, but I remained confident because Star Wars just isn't like that. I love it, but it has never been very sophisticated. It isn't trying to trick you. It was foreshadowing and then just a few minutes in this week, they went ahead and showed their hand.

Fero McPigletron

Feel the fear!
Saw Acolyte ep 5.

Wow. Luv it up to the middle.

Would that mask stays in Lore and gets used again again in the current continuity.

Fero McPigletron

Feel the fear!
Could we discuss that? They keep bringing up that Mae started the fire and killed their family that it probably isn't her. Not many other suspects though, other than the Master and Sol.

What's up with sabers malfunctioning btw? That hasn't happened before (or has it?). Is it another backwards lore thing where sabers are a new device and they're still perfecting them or something?


There was a rare metal in Legends continuity called Cortosis that could short out lightsabers, and naturally the Jedi tried to keep its existence a secret as much as possible. I don't know if there's a version in the current Canon or if this its introduction to the new continuity.

I'm sure someone who knows more can correct me if I'm wrong. :)


Olde-Timey Member
Staff member
Council of Elders
There was a rare metal in Legends continuity called Cortosis that could short out lightsabers, and naturally the Jedi tried to keep its existence a secret as much as possible. I don't know if there's a version in the current Canon or if this its introduction to the new continuity.

I'm sure someone who knows more can correct me if I'm wrong. :)

I played KOTOR on PC, which was my only exposure to Cortosis. In that version, it didn't short out sabers, but lightsabers couldn't cut through it, so that a traditional sword made out of it could dual against someone with a lightsaber.


I just looked it up on Wookieepedia:

(I forgot it was in the novel Thrawn: Alliances.)


Well-known member
Master's helmet is made of that or maybe Besker.

The first time it happened, I thought he had damaged them with his lightsaber and they fixed them on the fly, but that padawan looked surprised when it started working again. They did it enough that we were supposed to notice. He is doing it somehow.

Sol still has a secret and he has a lot of shame attached to it. Until that scene, I assumed that they all just felt bad about how things went down that day, but no. They did something they are ashamed of that is still a secret to Osha and us. And when you do something dangerous at work and cover it up, I believe you risk a heavy fine when OSHA finds out.

I think the twin swap was handled awkwardly. I think they laid it out clearly enough that someone who is paying attention can see what happened, so I don't know why they didn't just take the extra couple seconds to actually show it instead of imply it. They were not coy enough if they wanted it to be a surprise later. But whatevs. Sol gave her a strange look that made me think for a second that he knew they had switched. I think he would be glad to take Mae to Coruscant, but if he was in on the secret I think he would have looked around for Osha. Qimir already showed he was good at telling them apart, so I'm sure he knows he has Osha. He is probably done with Mae and hoping he can turn Osha.

It feels like we are learning that Mae is not really as bad as she originally seemed to be. I thought for a second she was going to infiltrate the Jedi and kill a bunch of them, but I think she actually wants to see the inside and maybe felt like it was her best shot at escaping alive.

Qimir went and said the S-word, but I think we've seen enough to back Ki-Adi on this. The guy is unquestionably talented. He won't say who trained him, but he asked Sol if he didn't remember him and I feel like he meant more than, "we just ran into each other at the drug store the other day". I wouldn't guess that he's actually a failed Padawan like Osha, because he really feels like an outsider, but their paths crossed some time. Qimir would like to be a Sith and would like the Jedi to call him one, but he isn't very sophisticated and doesn't seem ready for prime time. Very talented and skilled for sure, but he doesn't know who he is and he doesn't know what he wants. Not really. He's trying to prove to himself that he's somebody. He may have found a holocron or something. He probably thinks the Sith are gone like everyone else does and has in mind to restart it. It would be handy to have a final episode scene with the real Sith master and apprentice discussing how Qimir's poser days are done.


Well-known member
It could be that Indara, Sol, Kelnacca, and that other guy were a child stealing unit and Qimir is from another botched job.

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