Biden-Harris / Dems

Anonymous X

Well-known member
If America had a political system like ours (parliamentary), the Democratic Party would be scrabbling quickly for a new lead candidate, I imagine.


Well-known member
If America had a political system like ours (parliamentary), the Democratic Party would be scrabbling quickly for a new lead candidate, I imagine.

The fact that people are pushing Biden to drop out because he's old & yet no one seems to be pushing Donald to drop out because he was found guilty on 34 counts should tell you all you need to know about the American political system.

Anonymous X

Well-known member
The fact that people are pushing Biden to drop out because he's old & yet no one seems to be pushing Donald to drop out because he was found guilty on 34 counts should tell you all you need to know about the American political system.
Ideally Trump would be banged up on several life sentences for trying to overthrow the government, and illegible for running for office again.


Well-known member
Trump is the one who literally didn't give any intelligent answers to any questions during the debate, though.

Biden's worst bits were him getting flustered by Trump's BS...and the stutter he's literally always had.


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