Final Fantasy


Well-known member
Pictomancer trailer:

FemHroth trailer (and yeah, they're all basically Muscle Mommy):

Pictomancer Slides:



New location trailer:

Also, 6.55 launching Jan 16.

---Dave, unlikely to have high enough IL to do the later patches until the level cap goes up.


I'm so tempted to use a fantasia on my Viera. But I just wouldn't feel right. But yeah, so tempted.

The Mighty Mollusk

Scream all you like, 'cause we're all mad here
The devs have stated that, due to the upcoming graphics overhaul with Dawntrail, everyone is getting a free fantasia around the time of the expansion launch. So you might as well wait and see how that turns out first.

They also release a benchmark for testing PC compatibility before each expac. It's a free download, and includes the full character creator, so even for us console players, we can still download it to play around with.



I finally get past Thancred's stealth section and now I'm in the body of some random a pseudo-stealth section. Can't they just let me use the character I created? Endwalker is not endearing itself to me, at all.


Well-known member
Yeah, "play as someone else in a solo duty" is something they really fell in love with, keeps them from having to balance encounters for varying jobs and gear qualities. And even if you play that person's job, it works differently anyway so you can't really play it your way.



And you know, thanks for pointing out the other thing. I'm paying a monthly MMO (Massive MULTIPLAYER Online) subscription and getting a bunch of solo quests.

The Mighty Mollusk

Scream all you like, 'cause we're all mad here
Endwalker was originally planned as two expansions before getting condensed down into one. You can see a number of places things were cut for time. The entire entry into Garlemald, from Metal Gear Thancred to defending the wagons, feels like it was supposed to have been a dungeon (as a war sequence like the Ghymlit Dark or the Heroes' Gauntlet), but ended up replaced with a string of solo missions to keep the usual number or dungeons.


Well, thanks to Youtube it didn't take quite as many attempts as it could have otherwise.

Side note:
Sadu and Little Sun need to just hug and get it over with.


Well-known member
I think Sadu's more interested in Cirina, based on a bit of dialogue later on.

I think they may also be trying in general to limit how many group duties there are for whatever reason, possibly part of the move to make the MSQ as solo-able as possible. The Rhitahtyn fight used to be a four-player, but got condensed down to a solo duty recently. Several duties got revised to make them doable with NPC support. I wonder if they were losing players because of queue times on MSQ duties.


The Mighty Mollusk

Scream all you like, 'cause we're all mad here
The Rhitatyn duty was also ridiculously non-threatening due to years and years of power creep on a fight that was pretty bare-bones to begin with. I think that one was at least as much to make him an actual fight.

Maybe some day they'll get around to Thordan. The long-awaited return of the Knights of the Round and he's a pushover (at least on story mode, on Extreme not so much).


Well-known member
Mind you, as a solo duty with significant amounts of large AoE, Rhitatyn's fight is VERY hard for a caster (and lengthily tedious for any melee job). I've been playing a gag character who's only a Pug/Monk, and the reliance on combos along with utter lack of ranged attacks is going to make that fight annoying as hell.



So... I was just on Discord trying to seriously get across how I was worried that things were about to get unbearable dark that I wasn't sure if I was ready to continue.

The first sentence I typed was about there being a bunch of bunnies in a space ship inside the moon.

Ever have one of those times as a gamer where you try to have a serious conversation about a game and then you see a summary of the plot right there in your own typing and...just...



Well-known member
Without giving spoilery details, in the post-Endwalker stuff (especially the tribe quests) the PC does get to bring some hope to the hopeless. But yeah, some of the EW content, especially Ultima Thule side quests, is SO INCREDIBLY GRIM.

And then there's Thrillingway. (shudder)



Well, right now I'm moving silk fabrics. I was told to be careful since these are the livelihood of the quest giver. My very first thought was that I'm a Machinist with a flamethrower.


Well-known member
Well, I just finished the Weapon arc, after laying it down when Endwalker dropped. I rode the GP-03 Gundam up to fight Eva Unit 04 to save Au Ra Rei Ayanami from the machinations of DeSaad in what's ostensibly a FFVII homage arc.

(I will say, if you gotta do a "fight as someone else" duty, the one where you pilot an Allagan Gundam GP-01 aka G-Warrior at least earns it.)


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