G.I. Joe thread - 09/13/2024: Pulsecon - Dreadnoks, Dogs and Cereal

Steevy Maximus

Well known pompous pontificator
That DOES confirm a big reveal, something the value figures hinted at: that Hasbro was working on a classic Cobra Commander for Classified. Interestingly, Hasbro opted to use the classic design rather than "Evergreen/Classified" for the value figure we'll be seeing this fall.

Heck, you could flip that figure ALONE for an easy $100 given the relative lack of Cobra Commander recently AND the phasing out of the retro cardback style.

Steevy Maximus

Well known pompous pontificator
Tiger Force Duke w/motorcycle is live:

Good luck. I didn't have any trouble, but a poster on Fwoosh reported his order was dropped from the cart at checkout.
Got mine from Pulse and didn't have an issue.

Powered Convoy

The Cobra Commander is kind of a let down for me. It's the error symbol one, which makes sense for a crowd fund, but will likely be very similar to what is eventually released at retail.

I would have preferred something for the Hiss to tow.


Well-known member
An ASP or MMS would be cool, but I'd have been absolutely shocked by anything that big. I think you're right that the main reason we're getting this CC is specifically because they are planning a "correct" version for the main line.


Well-known member
Galvatron at least stood on his own. The problem with an MMS or something similar is there are no other 6" vehicles to tow it... Though especially now that we've had the Twins, a Ferret seems very possible, and they could add a hitch to that.

Steevy Maximus

Well known pompous pontificator
FYI, as of the time I am writing this, Amazon got a replenishment of Heavy Assault Roadblock. Seems like Hasbro IS making an effort to replenish these highly desirable exclusives when they are able.


That's for the heads up. He is actually the only figure I was never able to get. (Aside from the rerun of wave 1 with slight repaints... couldn't convince myself to get those).


Well-known member
Haslab just passed the 16000 mark. Cobra Commander is officially unlocked.
The Hiss tank is now fully funded with all upgrades unlocked.

With 30+ days left, the question now on everyone's mind is....Now What?

More stretch goals added?
Free t-shirts?
Some third thing?

I for one feel I'm getting my money's worth. But I wouldn't say no to more unlocks.

Guess we'll have to wait and see.

Cheers to all my fellow backers.

Steevy Maximus

Well known pompous pontificator
Yeah, I'm not sure there is much that is addable without having to increase the price. As is, the tank, the extra weapons, the customizable parts, and FOUR figures (with a LOT of new assets, including two with a LOT of new assets)...that's a damn fine value as is. About the only thing I can think of might be another figure repaint or maybe some custom decals.

Platypus Prime

Well-known member
It's a great deal as-is, though I can't probably go for it right now. The video reviews for Megatron H.I.S.S. are coming out and honestly I'm less impressed by the one that fits far better in my collection. I was going to grab spares to give to people at Christmas but I think I may just get ONE to use my mixed-year lot of figures with, and that's it.


Active member

Spirit was a must for my collection. My first Joes were Gung-Ho, Short-Fuse and Spirit. Freedom attaches securely to his wrist, and has a neat spot on the back pack to hang out. A great figure, and the portrait is perfect.


But holy cats, that Cobra Officer is the perfect army builder. Glad I snapped it off of Amazon when I did.

Croc-Master is good. Great accessories, and good new parts. He re-uses Destro's legs, and the right hip is a bit loose. Even after a hot water bath, it's still a bit. . .off. Still, a good update to Cobra's favorite reptile person.

Steevy Maximus

Well known pompous pontificator
Entertainment Earth just sent me notice the gator man is on his way. My extra BAT and Alley Viper got bumped to August, though


Well-known member
Well screw it, I'm in on the HISS - and I renewed my Pulse Premium. Saving the $22 on shipping for the HISS pays for almost half of that anyway and this way it's in place for SDCC.


Active member
Notice from Amazon: My Blue Ninjas are now coming in October, and not Aug. 1. Kamakura is now coming in November, and not October.

It did seem that August was a bit early for figures I ordered in June.

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