G1 Transformers Size, Power, and Mass




Wondering bot
I like the part where Astrotrain says, “In the days of Megatron it was not like this…”

The Decepticons were better under G1 Megatron’s leadership.

At that point the cons had gone from their highest point to their lowest point, under Megatron, they somehow managed to gather enough energon to force the Autobots off Cybertron completely and maintain it for a while, but their downfall was the attack on Autobot city on Earth, where the fated battle between Optimus & Megatron happened, thou I doult things would of turned out much differently if Megatron hadn't been reformated or just tossed out in space, Unicron would of arrived none the less, the only difference in the story would be that the Autobots arrive sooner because they not been delayed by the cons, of course the Autobots wouldn't of met the Junkons or Wheelie, plus the encounter with the Quintasons, thou I think about the biggest change would be Ultra Magnus likely openning the Matrix to light their darkest hour as the battle to save Cybertron rages on, of coursee none of the bots or cons would know the name of the Monster attacking Cybertron, yet it means little to them as its a common enemy that threatening their home world!

Aftermath, I would think Megatron would likely be still recovering from his fight with OP, Starscream would be trying to cement himself as leader (as he would do naturally) but the Autobots would likely have a strong force ready to retake Iacon and the rest of Cybertron and it leads to Megatron's arrest for his various crimes, the defeated cons would likely be given the option of spend time behind bars or exile to Char, where they can do whatever they like but not realising that Char is a wasteland of a planet and the cons would have to rely on hand outs from the Autobots to surive and Starscream's leadership would amount to nothing but a formal surender and him being one of the con leaders detained and locked away for good or at least until a con with a brain figures out how to break into the prison and free Megatron and the other officers detained, thou Starscream is likely to be one left behind to rot because he would be stuck with the stigma of being a traitor to the cause as he would be the one to formally sign the treaty that ends the war and he cannot be trusted, thus in the cons eyes, its a fate worse than death, to never have enough energon to escape but not die either! Naturally Megatron would likely escape Cybertron with whoever breaks him out and then he would likely work on rebuilding the Decepticons and getting a Energon supply that not dependant on the Autobots to get the cons over to his side, the Quintasons would likely do the stuff they did in season 3 but knowing who the Quintasons are will be a gap in their knowledge along with the encounter with the Junkons!

LBD "Nytetrayn"

Broke the Matrix
Staff member
Council of Elders
G1 Galvatron was not a leader:

G1 Megatron is the Decepticon leader.
Yeah, so he had a temporary bout of insanity. He did well before and after it, though.

And in the G1 comics, Megatron barely kept a hold of his leadership, and didn't get much done during the times he did have it. Meanwhile, Galvatron did this:


Killed Rodimus Prime, decimated the Autobots (actually, probably even more than that), and conquered North and South America, with the rest of Earth to soon follow.

He basically won.

...y'know, until Unicron got involved in his business.


Wondering bot
I am doultful that G1 Omega could stop Galvatron, at least indefinely because of his size, he can foil some of his plans but that's about it, after all Omega is raw power and size, while Galvatron is Power & Speed, Omega would be able to take down combiners and clash with fellow titans, but when a bot it smaller than him, there is a good chance that he'll be able to dodge his attack, thou they'll likely get caught up in the shockwave


Unicron swallows Galvatron:


Galvatron says to Unicron, “Yes, my Master! “

Omega Supreme is an ancient Cybertronian who single-handedly battled and defeated Unicron way back in the distant past of Cybertron. Subsequent to this, he spent millions of years in stasis below the surface of the planet.

Galvatron is no Megatron:


LBD "Nytetrayn"

Broke the Matrix
Staff member
Council of Elders
Different Omegas, different Unicrons.

Anyway, that aside: Cannwe agree that Galvatron is stronger than Cyclonus and the Sweeps?

Because Cyclonus and the Sweeps sent Omega crashing down in flames:

Stupid time stamp didn't embed. Go to 13:21.


Different Omegas, different Unicrons.

Anyway, that aside: Cannwe agree that Galvatron is stronger than Cyclonus and the Sweeps?

Because Cyclonus and the Sweeps sent Omega crashing down in flames:

Stupid time stamp didn't embed. Go to 13:21.
Galvatron is stronger than Cyclonus and the Sweeps but that’s not saying much:

Omega Supreme kicked their butts and sent them running when he transformed into robot mode:


And he was able to take a direct blast from Galvatron’s space cannon and get back up like it was nothing.

LBD "Nytetrayn"

Broke the Matrix
Staff member
Council of Elders
Well, he was able to transform and fly after, but I didn't see him doing any fighting. He's probably lucky Galvatron stopped at one shot.


Here it looks like G1 Omega Supreme has mass-shifted to Unicron size:


Remember, all the Decepticons can fit inside of Astrotrain, plus the Constructicons can form Devastator inside of Astrotrain.

Energon Omega Supreme is the only one who has the size, mass, strength and power to defeat Unicron:

He was also the toy of the year in Australia:





What I find interesting is that G1 Omega Supreme can lift 300,000 tons with his clawed arm, whereas G1 Metroplex can lift 70,000 tons with his whole body.

That means Omega Supreme has 4 to 5 times more strength and power in just his clawed arm than Metroplex has in his whole body. The only way to account for this difference is that Omega must have more mass. That is, his body is much denser; he is made of sterner stuff.

And the madder Omega gets the stronger he gets:

and he is the strongest there is!


I would have really liked to see how G1 Shockwave’s Space Gun mode would have measured up against G1 Galvatron’s Space Cannon mode:

It seemed like every time G1 Shockwave used his Space Gun in the comics it would take everybody out (eg. All the Autobots, all the Dinobots, G1 Megatron, an entire oil rig, etc.). We know Shockwave does not need anyone to fire his giant Space Gun so he’s already better than G1 Megatron in that respect.

G1 Shockwave can fly around in his Space Gun mode whereas G1 Galvatron is stationary in his Space Cannon mode.

And G1 Shockwave can command the entire electromagnetic spectrum while G1 Galvatron can fire only one type of blast. So Shockwave is more versatile because he can emit a whole range of blasts (eg. Microwave, Gamma, RF, X-ray, etc.) in his Space Gun mode.

I’ve never owned the G1 Shockwave toy, but the reviews I’ve watched on YouTube always give it a 10 out of 10 perfect score. Is the G1 Shockwave toy better than the G1 Galvatron toy?


Wondering bot
Shockwave as a character is about the smartest of the Decepticons, plus the most logical, so being able to fire across the electromagnetic spectrum is LOGICAL on top of not relying upon another to fire him, so my train of thoughts is that in terms of body, Shockwave is of a later generation to Megatron or prehaps Megatron was the prototype base for Shockwave, when it comes to Galvatron and being a stationary cannon, it was about control by Unicron, to ensure he can still control Galvatron in some form or another beyond just inflicting pain through unknown means, thou in my headcannon for Shockwave, only one verison of him died during the movie, given that he is extremely smart and likely want to know everything, I wouldn't of been surprised if he had cloned himself and the clone didn't know its a clone, and there exists multable Shockwaves through out Cybertron's history with the original hiding deep below the surface of Cybertron and had developed a proper time travel device and trying to change history and see what the results are, thus his lab exists outside of normal time space and he is responsble for the early Cybertron wars as mentioned by Rodimus at the end of the movie where the Autobots reclaim Cybertron and he proclaims that their victory over Unicron marks the end of the Cybertron wars


The G1 Insecticons are probably the most powerful faction of the Decepticons. They were able to take control of all the Decepticons, including mind control, cerebroshell Soundwave and Starscream. However, this is what happened when Bombshell tried to shell G1 Megatron:

The G1 Insecticons were more powerful before they were downgraded into Scourge’s Sweeps and Cyclonus’ Armada.

I feel like G1 Galvatron was at least a mental downgrade from G1 Megatron since Galvatron has been shown that he can be mentally compromised (eg. in the Big Broadcast of 2006). Galvatron’s cranial chamber was easily entered into by the plasma bath on Thrull.


G1 Megatron reminds me of another super robot:

if Megatron was a Pretender. That would be awesome!

Hasbro was concerned that the G1 Megatron character in the cartoon would be too scary for kids.

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