He-Man, and also the Masters of the Universe


Well-known member
Origins figure I still want them to make:

Tongue Lasher
King Hiss
Thunderpunch He-man
Fearless Photog
New Adventures He-Man
New Adventures Skelator (preferavly the boxy helmet one)

-ZacWilliam, those last two really just to see how they'd look.


Just plain batty!
I already have a vintage Stonedar, but I sure wouldn't mind seeing what Origins could do with him and Rokkon. Ditto King Hiss. Thunderpunch He-Man, it's a crime that they haven't done it already.

Powered Convoy

All I wanted was a Flying Fists He-man and a Terror Claws Skeletor. I never could find either of them in store, so I just had to get FF He-Man from Amazon and TC Skeletor from EBay... both for more than they would have cost in store. Darn supply issues... but at least I'll finally be getting them.
Different countries and all, but I just found Terror Claws Skeletor in store.

Rumor is the next wave is mostly snake guys.


Just plain batty!
This arrived today.

Chrome! Beautiful beautiful chrome!



I obviously fell behind on Origins news because suddenly the latest wave is out already in some stupid lucky countries, and I had no idea they were doing 200X in Origins. That's delightfully backwards.


Just plain batty!
I've made weekly trips to Target and Walmart and never did see Flying Fists He-Man or Terror Claws Skeletor. I had to get them online. It makes me wonder what other toys I've missed out on. I got the black Horde Trooper on e-bay, but I have yet to see the normal gray one anywhere. I really want Mantenna, so I'm hoping it makes it into the stores near me. But judging from what I had to go through to get FF He-Man and TC Skeletor, I'm skeptical.


Just plain batty!

I got this from eBay. It's actually a couple days ahead of when they said it would arrive. I'm happy.


Here's Origins next to Vintage. Vintage is missing its back clip and dragon thingy, but that's not what I wanted to show you. The coloring is lighter on the Origins figure. I put on the alt-head. But you can tell from the picture above that even the stock head is different from vintage. Not that I mind. I actually like the alt-head. Also, the armor is shinier on Origins.

Origins does have the slashing feature. If you want to move the arms for posing, you can. But it does make a very loud click that makes me worried I may be damaging it, so I'll be keeping that to a minimum.


And here he is with Flying Fist He-Man. I don't have a vintage FF He-Man for comparison (I had one as a kid, but...blah blah blah).

Now I what you're thinking, because it was a big concern of mine as well. The vintage Terror Claws Skeletor had specially molded hands for the claws that it came with. Whereas other characters would have a thumbs up type fist that wouldn't mesh well with the claws, TC Skeletor had his hands with thumbs specifically tucked to fit right with the claw.

"But what about Origins?" I hear you say. Is it possible to finally have a Battle Armor, Terror Claws Skeletor like I always wanted but could never have?


Yes...yes you can. And it is glorious!


Just plain batty!
Well, guys, you know how that dragon head thing is just a solid white? And like...solid colors in genera, let alone a bright, solid white, just feels like an eye-sore to me. And...well...truth is, guys...


I may have made a mistake.

Powered Convoy

I've made weekly trips to Target and Walmart and never did see Flying Fists He-Man or Terror Claws Skeletor. I had to get them online. It makes me wonder what other toys I've missed out on. I got the black Horde Trooper on e-bay, but I have yet to see the normal gray one anywhere. I really want Mantenna, so I'm hoping it makes it into the stores near me. But judging from what I had to go through to get FF He-Man and TC Skeletor, I'm skeptical.
I haven't seen Horde Trooper, Webster, Sunman, Anti-Eternia He-Man, or Clawful in the store yet. Might be a bit early to expect them to hit saturation. They've all been on Amazon's USA site or Target.com at various points.


Bustin make feel Good!
All I've seen is one Flying Fists He-man lately. But both my Target and Walmart have been sitting on the same Origins wave since before Christmas. Target with the Sorceress wave and Walmart on the Eternian Goddess wave, to the point where normal Origins lost their peg on the upper shelf at Walmart and have been shoved into the middle of the lower shelves.

LBD "Nytetrayn"

Broke the Matrix
Staff member
Council of Elders
So hey, that Roboto wave that's open for preorders online... any word whether that's headed to retail or not?


Just plain batty!
So the coloring job for the dragon skull was bugging the hell out of me, particularly the blue base. At first I chose the blue to go with Skeletors skin, but it just didn't work at all. So I smeared some charcoal dust on it and went over it with a dark gray marker. I guess it's...better...more weathered looking than just bright blue.



Just plain batty!
And thanks to the mix and match properties of the Origins line, I now give you my ultimate Skeletor.


It's the Battle Armor base with the Terror Claws. I also gave him the bonus head from Keldor because I like the glowy eyes. I also gave him Keldors cape because capes are cool. It's kinda loose on him, but it works.


Just plain batty!
Nice review. I have to agree with the guy. Yes it's America and you can buy anything you wan, but for crying out loud, have some bit of etiquette and decency not to buy them all when they first come out. I still haven't seen them in stores. In fact, the video just reminded me that I haven't seen Grizzlor yet either.

I do like that silver. At first I was content with just my black trooper I got on eBay. But that silver really makes me want one of the retail ones, if I could just find one.


NOT a New Member.
Nice review. I have to agree with the guy. Yes it's America and you can buy anything you wan, but for crying out loud, have some bit of etiquette and decency not to buy them all when they first come out. I still haven't seen them in stores. In fact, the video just reminded me that I haven't seen Grizzlor yet either.

I do like that silver. At first I was content with just my black trooper I got on eBay. But that silver really makes me want one of the retail ones, if I could just find one.
They look pretty easy to repaint though. I would get a few sober ones and repaint them as red, black and yellow versions. Heck, even a blue, "Hordak" version?

Or just any of these:

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Just plain batty!
I just ordered one from Amazon. It was $25, so I'm wandering if I just rewarded a scalper for bad behavior. 😤

I already have a black one. I had a gray one as a kid, so I'm going to refrain from coloring this one. The pictures make the silver look pretty good anyway.

It's too bad it doesn't come with a crossbow but I already have plenty from the other Horde toys I've got.

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