[IC] Equestrian Radio Show's Adventure Variety Hour: Explorers of STOMP


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Council of Elders
Scarlets jaw twitched as he heard ‘Maple Caps’ suggestions on how to improve things. While what he had read from STOMP very much showed that ‘Boss’ Vine s management of Petrichor might not be the full-on ‘Crime City’ Fiestas mayor had clearly heard about.

It was the exception, not the rule.

"Often the Right pony to have in power is one who is willing to give it up if that is what is best for her or his charges. Thank you for your Time Mayor, this city is in good hooves." Maplecap Smiles as she raises her voice a little so the mayor can hear her/him as he walks away.

While Maple didn't agree with what he'd said about her Friend... it was good to meet lots of different ponies with different ways of doing things. She'd have to tell Maple about that Chartography issue, maybe she could help make a better map of the area ...

>_< ... never mind Maple Cap Rolled his eyes

Misty - Maple (Flair)

Flairvoyant's ears lowered upon the mayor's exit. "Ouch. I forgot that the Falls had built up such a bad reputation. Well...I hope we can find something useful in those wonderfully exciting campaign pamphlets once Maple gets changed and walks back over here." Hazel Naught let out something akin to a mix between an unhappy groan and a depressed sigh at the mention of the campaign pamphlets.

Maplecap saunters off behind the changing wall again and then returns as her normal Maple self

"Wait! You mean you can just magic away all the glitter? Square...wait...Square...one moment please...wait...wait for me!"



Staff member
Council of Elders
Static - Night Cap (Square - Keen)

Square Fun winked. "But you obviously weren't at a club so there's no problem. Besides, it's not even remotely fine grain."

Casino ponies

Once Maplejack returned to the table, Dart Noveau announced, "Alright, we should take turns getting food and looking over these. I guess me, Hazel, and Flair can head up there to the breakfast buffet first while the rest do some quick research. Looks like they fixed a potato and tomato medly but there's also fruit salad and some other stuff. If y'all already know what you want, let me know and I can bring it back for you. Otherwise..." Dart Noveau started to get up from the table.


Maple puts the pamphlets out on the table ..."just some water for me thanks." She said with a smile.


Wanderlust shakes his head. "Books before breakfast, that's what I always say. Though these don't really count as books..." Nevertheless, he helps himself to a pamphlet.


Sunbeam, Zam

Static sighs as he dusts off more of the glitter. He then gives a glance to Night Cap. "Yeah, I guess that's a negatory on the lollipops."

Wanderlust looks up from his pamphlet. "...did you get fired or something? And what does STOMP stand for, anyways?"



Staff member
Council of Elders
"I think you're doing a great job, Maple! And that Night Cap impersonation wasn't half bad, either," Misty says as she attempts to read the pamphlet.


"Oh... uh... I guess just fruits salad will be fine for me thanks..." Symphony says and she grabs a pamphlet and opens it up to browse over it.


"Well, I know I was told what it actually was a long time ago when I started... but I've just been thinking to myself that it means 'Stay Together On Missions Ponies.' ... which for the longest time I didn't seem to be able to figure out how to do... always found a way to get separated from the group... Maple gives Misty a quick nose nuzzle on her cheek.

...the mane wasn't too much? When I decided not to give him his horn and wings I thought I should at least make his mane all flowy." Maple partly stifled a giggle, clearly happy with being useful if only one pony had said so.

Static - Night Cap (Square - Keen)

"I guess if we're going into a library, I might as well clean you two off," Square Fun said as he used his magic to remove the confetti from Static Signal and Night Cap. When he turned to Marmalade Zest, she hung her head and asked, "How...how does your museum director do it? I hoped to put forth a good showing for this town but I've been an embarassment this whole time. Not just figuratively making a mess of things but literally too. *sigh* Juggling torches is nothing at all like juggling duties and paperwork."

”that Potato medley sounds good to me. Thanks Darty—uh,,i mean Dart.

Halfway through opening a pamphlet, Scarlet heard Maples ‘don’t work for the Keep’ comment. Raising an eyebrow, he shook his head and in a low voice said.

”Maple, you’re on probation, not fired. If you didn’t still work for the Chief, you wouldn’t be here. Stop dwelling on your mistakes and focus on the here and now. Advice i should probably take myself, but thats beside the point.

Anyway. You’re here because the Chief wanted you here. She knew you’d be useful and you. You’re doing good Maple.

Night Cap doesn’t wings or a horn.”

Turning to Wanderlust, he added.

”A conversation for another time perhaps. Not here Wanderlust.”

Spreading the pamphlet out, Scarlet started reading.


”Special Team for Obtaining Museum Pieces.

We do the Impossible,” he added with a wink.



Staff member
Council of Elders
"Oh yeah... " Maple snorts... "I was way off."

”Yes,” Scarlet said without looking up.

Static looks to Zest with both surprise and more than a little shock. "Mess? What, this?" he asks indicating the glitter. "That's just an honest mistake. You've been invaluable showing us around, helping us with the clock, helping me out with my social gaffes..." Static clapped her on the back. "You're doing fine. More than fine. And don't worry about comparing yourself with another leader. When I became team lead, I was wondering the same thing, 'how does Rhapsody do it'. But I'm not Rhapsody. I don't want to be Rhapsody. You just gotta figure out 'how do I do it'? I suggest one step at a time. It's helped me."

Static - Night Cap (Square - Keen)

Marmalade Zest seemed to lighten up after hearing Static Signal's words. "Thanks, I'll try to keep that in mind.

I guess now it's time to head to the library?"

Casino ponies

As Maplejack was absentmindedly drawing circles with her hoof, she noticed something about the paper the pamphlets were printed on. Underneath the writing and decoration seemed to be a faded map! Furthermore, Misty Monsoon noticed that the front and back were two different halves of that map that fit together to make a whole.

Symphony found that the information matched up with what the mayor said though there was a lot of emphasis on the casino and it's foundation. The foundation was made of a material called 'meltimber' that Wanderlust recognized from talks with Blue Yonder. It was a factoid that been learned from Keen Craft's architect experience but Wanderlust couldn't remember exactly what Blue Yonder had said she said. However, as the group began discussing what they were discovering on the pamphlets, Scarlet Spectrum realized he had read about meltimber in the newspaper a while back. The trees were highly survivable in volcanic areas, were quite impact resistant, and wood made from them had become quite cheap on the market. However, it had become cheap because builders were abandoning it in droves. Meltimber didn't burn...but in the right conditions, it melted.

Just then, the others returned. Flairvoyant gave Maplejack her water while Dart Noveau gave Symphony her fruit salad and gave Scarlet Spectrum his potato medley. She then gave him a nudge and said,
"You don't need to be so formal, Scarlet. Darty's fine. So, what all did y'all find?"

"Oh thank you." Maple says as she takes the water and drinks it rather quickly... before reaching into her satchel for her wetstone to refill the glass. She decided to let the others talk about what they'd found, Being Mr. Night Cap and making her voice all rumbly had really parched her throat



Staff member
Council of Elders
"Yeah, I guess to the library it is," Static answered, a little nervousness creeping into his voice. He couldn't shake the bad feeling he had ever since getting the rundown on this mission. It didn't help that the power from the clock tower only seemed to make the unicorn ill...just like Dazzling's magic at his apartment and the police station. They'd fixed the tower, however temporarily. But Static couldn't help but think there was something about it that he was still missing. And now going into what could almost certainly be a COIN stronghold...

Static patted his saddle bag and felt his Will still tucked away in there. Kitchen appliances to Night Cap. Couch and unicorn pendent go back to his parents. Several notes and books to Maple. Everything else to Anchors. He never thought this stuff would mean so much to him. But as he resolved to go face Dazzling...

"For your sake, I hope we never meet again."

Static took a deep, stabilizing breath and hung his head.

There's no time for us
There's no place for us
What is this thing that builds our dreams, yet slips away from us
Who wants to live forever
Who wants to live forever

There's no chance for us
It's all decided for us
this world has only one sweet moment set aside for us

Who wants to live forever
Who wants to live forever
Who dares to love forever
When love must die

But touch my tears with your lips
touch my world with your finger tips
And we can have forever
And we can love forever
Forever is our today

Who wants to live forever
Who wants to live forever
Forever is our today
Who lives forever anyway.

"Nothing for it,"
he said, the nervousness gone from his voice. He clutched the other pendant, the one Anchors entrusted to him, close to his heart can clenched his teeth. "Let's go."

Static looks after Night Cap as he trots off.

[But...but...I really need a hug!]

Static follows.

”One things for sure. The ‘Fire Evacuation at the casino... wasn’t about fire. That place is built on Meltimber and if i there’s one thing Meltimber doesn’t do...

It doesn’t burn.

It’s cheap, it’s tough, it’s perfect for areas like this. Except nobody wants to use it anymore.”

Casino ponies

Dart Noveau looked over a pamphlet. "I remember Keen bringing up meltimber. But...I don't know how that would stop a fire evacutation. If anything, it would make it even more important. A fire gets going with ponies trapped inside and rescuing them turns into trying to break into a rubber vault...or a collapsing, gooey mess. It's good for barrier walls but it makes houses even more dangerous." "Oh dear, that sounds dreadful. I wonder...I wonder if Verde me! ant to be gone already and the searching is taking longer than planned. Thus, Prim was willing to listen to the fire marshall because they know what might happen.

Wait. Symphony, Wanderlust...you two said you didn't see any signs of a fire, right?"

"Well... Um... There's always a possibility it could have been... well... elsewhere..." Something she'd brought up to Wander. "but there wasn't any fire near or around the Kitchen where Wander dragged me to explain the plan of snooping the hotel, and we were found before we could get to any of that."



Staff member
Council of Elders
Casino ponies

"How curious. Was there anything else you found in these pamphlets?"

Static - Night Cap (Square - Keen)

Marmalade Zest led the group to the library, then knocked on the door. "Mr. Page, are you there?" An elderly unicorn stallion opened the door. He had a grey purple coat and greying blue hair. He wore a dull brown tweed vest with a file card in the front pocket. Despite the dull colors on him, he had a warm expression. "Good morning, Zest! Oh, and I guess the rest of you are the visiting museum ponies?"


"Good morning, Mr. Page. Yes, I'm Static Signal. This is Night Cap and Square Fun. Thank you so much for opening up early for us."

Casino ponies

Flairvoyant happily munched on some of the potato medley. "At least we still have plenty of time to look over..." She paused. "Wait, don't restaurant staff usually get there early? Don't want you two to be late."

Misty folds the pamphlet, trying to match the front and back halves of the map together to complete the whole map.

Casino ponies

Flairvoyant happily munched on some of the potato medley. "At least we still have plenty of time to look over..." She paused. "Wait, don't restaurant staff usually get there early? Don't want you two to be late."
Wanderlust's eyes go wide, and he lets out a long, gusty sigh. "Probably, yes. Eat up...dear. We should get going."



Staff member
Council of Elders
Symphony nods with her own weary sigh and eats her meal as quickly as she can.

Seeing that Night Cap has already gotten into his groove doing his thing, Static took a subtle step back.

[The Will will have to wait.]

[Just try not to die any time soon.]

Static - Night Cap (Square - Keen)

"Zest simply mentioned that you wanted to show up early but...come on in." Curled Page waved for the group to follow him inside. The library was well lit and well maintained. Not the largest in Equestria but decently stocked. Walking towards the reception desk, he asked, "Just what did you need help with?"

Casino ponies

The group quickly finished breakfast so that Symphony and Wanderlust could get dressed and ready. Dart Noveau galloped with them on her back to the casino. "I'm dropping you off, then I'll rush back to meet the others. Stay safe you two." Upon entering the casino, they found Poinsettia Prim waiting for them. "Not having you on the schedule is the only reason I'll tolerate you not being punctual. But on to more pressing matters: Chipotle Verde is having her morning breakfast and she requests that you two be the waiters to attend her. Follow me."

Casino ponies
The group quickly finished breakfast so that Symphony and Wanderlust could get dressed and ready. Dart Noveau galloped with them on her back to the casino. "I'm dropping you off, then I'll rush back to meet the others. Stay safe you two."

Wanderlust turns to Symphony. "Is carrying ponies just, like, her thing?"

Upon entering the casino, they found Poinsettia Prim waiting for them. "Not having you on the schedule is the only reason I'll tolerate you not being punctual. But on to more pressing matters: Chipotle Verde is having her morning breakfast and she requests that you two be the waiters to attend her. Follow me."

For what was technically a second first impression, Wanderlust looks less intimidated than yesterday. "It would be our honor."

Symphony shrugs a bit to Wander's first question as they are dropped off, though it didn't take long before the meek mare was wanting to turn the opposite direction as Prim greeted them, she hadn't been worried about them being late... that would have been easy to hoofwave and well... Prim does that for them. No it was the mention of Verde wanting to see them that just sent this large sense of dread through her after meeting the mare the day before, she was very sure that they officially boned now...



Staff member
Council of Elders
[Wow! He certainly didn't waste any time!]

Static likewise watches Curled Pages reaction to the question.


But is so caught up in his preoccupation with his own possible personal demise that he doesn't even see how he reacts to it himself.

Static - Night Cap (Square - Keen)

Night Cap could sense that Curled Page seemed confused by the request. "The 517s? But...they don't exist. Surely you've made some mistake. What were you looking for? Perhaps I can help you find it."

Scarlet - Misty - Maple (Darty - Hazel - Flair)

[font=courier new Dart Noveau galloped back to the rest of the group as they continued walking to the casino. [color=#0071bb "Flair, Misty, and Maple, we're gonna need you to keep your eyes and ears open while we're in here. I got a feeling 'Red' is gonna do something fishy at the table, on top of whatever Prim and Verde are doing."

[SIZE=2]Wanderlust - Symphony[/SIZE]

[font=courier new Symphony and Wanderlust were led to an enclosed room with a two way glass that overlooked the casino floor. In it, Chipotle Verde sat at a single table looking at a picture frame on the table. However, as they walked closer they saw there was no picture in the frame and that instead it had a mirror. The orange gem in her necklace glistened under lights that would have made the room invitingly bright in other situations but meant Symphony and Wanderlust were in full view. After Poinsettia Prim closed the door, Chipotle Verde turned to address them.[/font] "Buenos di...oh. My apologies. Good morning. And just how are you two today?" There was a knowing and self assured smile on her face as she looked at Symphony and Wanderlust.

Static - Night Cap (Square - Keen)

Night Cap could sense that Curled Page seemed confused by the request. "The 517s? But...they don't exist. Surely you've made some mistake. What were you looking for? Perhaps I can help you find it."

Scarlet - Misty - Maple (Darty - Hazel - Flair)

Dart Noveau galloped back to the rest of the group as they continued walking to the casino. "Flair, Misty, and Maple, we're gonna need you to keep your eyes and ears open while we're in here. I got a feeling 'Red' is gonna do something fishy at the table, on top of whatever Prim and Verde are doing."

Wanderlust - Symphony

Symphony and Wanderlust were led to an enclosed room with a two way glass that overlooked the casino floor. In it, Chipotle Verde sat at a single table looking at a picture frame on the table. However, as they walked closer they saw there was no picture in the frame and that instead it had a mirror. The orange gem in her necklace glistened under lights that would have made the room invitingly bright in other situations but meant Symphony and Wanderlust were in full view. After Poinsettia Prim closed the door, Chipotle Verde turned to address them. "Buenos di...oh. My apologies. Good morning. And just how are you two today?" There was a knowing and self assured smile on her face as she looked at Symphony and Wanderlust.

"Its too bad Miss Away isn't here then."

Static thought about it. Geometry was 516 and Numerical Analysis was 518. Either one of those should get them close to where they want to be.

As much as he wanted to let Night Cap do his thing, he didn't much feel like dragging this out or prematurely antagonizing Curled Page.

"Could you maybe lead us to Geometry? That should get us in the ballpark."


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