[IC] Mey Hem: Submitted For Your Disapproval (cont.)


Pittied fools.
"While there is good possibility Monday can be removed from YPNR control by rerouting access, I would advice against attempting to land the vessel, sir," Oracle. "In approaching Viknadia, it is in the Arctic. Most onboard would be ill equipped for such a climate."

Destron D-69

"Indeed, while our indigenous population would consider the weather of this season ...mild to brisk -those housed within this construct are in no way prepared or even appropriately dressed; should even a subtle breeze pass them... the children even more so - would suffer needlessly." Destron holds out a hand to point at the representatives of the local population in the room... "Not even a shred of woolen yarn or pelt between them." She chuckles.


Nonstop Baaka
After checking on Sue and the kids, EB moved on to Patch while the others talked.
"Hey... you sure you should be moving? You took a pretty bad hit there."
With her permission, he would check over and bandage the worst of her wounds.

Ok, so EB can only heal Fatal damage outside battle. Whoops. This is assuming we have 30mins.
1d20 + 7: 10, + 7, TOTAL: 17
5 Fatal damage healed

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