[IC] Nighthaze - The offical unoffical sequel to STOMP


The Omega Knight Returns!
Staff member
Council of Elders
Scarlets brow furrowed as he looked at Night Cap. Both the one in the Snowsuit and the one in the picture.

”You look like you just walked out of that picture. You’re like his twin but… not. Grandsd is going to have a field day with this.”

Smiling absentmindedly as he thought of Scarlet Snrs reaction, Scarlet heard food mentioned and nodded.

”I’ll have a breakfast too. I’ve been so rushed off my hooves i onky had time for a snack earlier.”

Turning at Tipples question, Scarlet chuckled at Hazys words.

”Yup, she’s that frustratingly cheeful ‘older sister’ i wish i could get rid of because she’s so much smarter than me,” he said with a smirk. Then added ‘i kid, i kid‘ before Hazy could glare at him.

Well, too much anyway.

”But there’s no Spectrum without Signal. Which is basically the family motto for both sides at this point.“


Just plain batty!
Funny enough, there was no glare. Instead, she grinned widely with a short laugh and an obscene gesture Scarlets way while keeping her attention on the newcomer and waiting for an answer.


The bat pony turned her attention to the one asking the question. "Here for a job, Tomo" She said. The girl clearly using street slang, though what type seemed fairly obscure. She looked at Scarlet for just a few seconds too long before turning her attention away and looking around the room.


Just plain batty!
While Hazy wasn't familiar with the term "Tomo," it did sound suspiciously like "Yono."

  • Yono: (Korean) A person who is scum, lowlife (from Yonomoseki).

In any case, she couldn't help but have the vague feeling she'd just been insulted. In any case, this bat pony obviously didn't want to talk to her. She didn't much care about her anyway. So she turned her attention back to Kai with raised eyebrows as if to say "what the hell's her problem?"


Kai shrugs, smiling a bit as he kind of half bops his head to the song that's stuck in his thoughts, just waiting for his cider, "You can't expect everyone in this world to make sense. I mean... just look at us from a species stand point, I still don't get how pegisides can stand on clouds... I mean... it doesn't make any logical sense. The complexity of magic required to do that is already mind boggling, and to just have it natively occur without thought..." he shrugs with his kindest Cheshire smile. "We're all mad here."


Just plain batty!
"Hah! You think standing on on clouds are weird. I've never seen anyone who's body actually completely changes when they get mad," she says with a chuckle. "But yeah, reminds me of something my grandfather would say. You have to be a little crazy or else you'd go positively insane."


The odd girl stared at the two talking for a few moments, then turned her attention to looking for a menu. She didn't seem socially anxious, per say. She didn't seem much of anything. Other than distracted with... whatever was going on upstairs. Every once in a while her bat-wings twitching in odd ways once more as she glanced around, rather obviously, with the air of a first-timer seeking a johnson


Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders



Night Cap picks his head off the counter. It seems he dozed off for a second.


Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
"It's nothing. I just get really sleepy when I don't see sunlight."


The mention of sunlgiht actually seemed to cause the bat pony a bit of discomfort. She looked at the one who'd said it and narrowed her eyes. Well, the one eye that was visible. "You need better ocular implants then." She said with an... odd bit of firmness. She looked up, and when she spoke next it seemed more to herself. "Sun's weak. Need the stars, need the moon. They are wiz. They show us what we need to do. If they aren't giving ya what you need then what ya need is more chrome!"


"When... when you don't see sunlight? But... nobody's seen sunlight in... in years..." Kai blinks in confusion at the snowsuit clad pony.


Just plain batty!
"The sun and moon princesses abandoned us long ago," Hazy growled bitterly. "Useless, self-absorbed 'nobility' can rot in Tartarus for all the good they've done us," Hazey huffed. She turned away from the others angrily and put her earbuds back in her ears.

Copper Bezel

Revenge against God for the crime of Being.
Tipple, for their part, didn't seem either surprised by the newcomer's appearance or impressed by her suggestion about implants, and was setting into the wide collection of little plates set out in front of them. When they heard Hazey's comment about the princesses, though, they nodded vigorously and chewed quickly to pack away a bite of egg before speaking. "Yeah, only ones keeping us warm is us," Tipple said. "Why we best stick together and do what we can. 'Course that's what this 'ole community thing is about, innit?"

Since nopony had asked, Tipple assumed it was left to them. "So you a bit older than you look there, Daring Do?" they asked the Earth pony in the parka.


Well-known member
Alistair looks over to Hazy with a mirthful grin. “Ah, theeeen, you are really gonna lovvvve thiiiis assignmeeent.” The zoat bleats softly, as the food and drinks start to be delivered to those that have already ordered. “Ouuuur benefaaaactor is the High Prieeest of the Church of Luuuna. Theeey are focuseeed on keeeeping the heeeaaart of this community beeeaating and The Hiiigh Priest heeerseeelf is particular about proootecting everyoooone.”


Just plain batty!
Even with the earbuds in, Hazy could hear enough to turn livid. "I think you have the wrong Signal. My grandfather would love this. Bucks sake, he was absolutely in love with that moon-butted fascist." Hazy snorted derisively. "Cult of Luna! Bucks sake. Pay better be bucking amazing if I'm working for those worthless gonks."


Well-known member
"Maaaybe if yoooou left yooouur rooom more, you woouuld reeealize, the Chuuurch is the baaackboooone of Buckinghaaaam's community. They prooovide health care, sheeelter, food, and aide tooo thooose in neeeeed, no strings aaattaaached." Alistair bleats, narrowing their eyes. "The Hiiigh preist haaas already paaaiid for yoouur foooood here, outta her ooown pockeeet." The zoat huffs and shakes their head. "You neeed to understaaand that theeere is no profiiit in the end of the wooorld; keeping the wooorld going iiis the ooonly way to make any, and to dooo thaaat is to giiive the downtroooden hooope. I wouuuld expeeect at leeeast some of yooouuu to understand that."

Alistair takes a moment to calm down, they had their own loyality to the high preist and while they didn't have any care about the princesses, they didn't like the high priest being slandered. "Yoouu waaant to knooow about paaay? Fiiiine. Leeet's geeet down to busineeess." They state closing their eyes as they first explain the basics of the job and pay. "Yoour job is siiimple, a bank heiiist. A paaartiiicular lock booox must be acquuuiiired. Staaandard pay of teeen kb if the iiitem is compleeetely in-taact, Fiiive eeeextra if yooou maaangage to doo it wiiithooout harming any creeeatuuure, fuuurther bonuuus fiiive for not daamaaging the baaank in anywaaay. Poteeentially tweeenty kb, for eeeach of you. Iteeem must beee giiiven to the Hiiigh Prieeest for paaayment. Try not to iiinsuult heeer while doooing it, as I doooubt it wooould paaay well."


Just plain batty!
Hazy looked hard towards Alistair. "I'll do it for the downtrodden...whoever may be providing the relief. I'll work for the house of Tirek if it helped the community. So more power to this High Priest. At least her hearts in the right place.

" Just don't expect me to become the next convert."


Kai blinks as he listens, "Uh... okay, how does the client define 'harm' here? Because if we aren't supposed to fight anything, then I'm not sure why I'm here. I'm really only good for a limited list of things, and most of them involve inflicting... harm."


Just plain batty!
"Ideally no harm should be done. Hope for the best, plan for the worst...at least that's what my grandfather says...frequently."

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