[IC] Nighthaze - The offical unoffical sequel to STOMP


Well-known member
"Yeeees, Ideeeaally the High Preist wants this jooob to be a siiimple in and ooout. The guards and bank emplooooyees areee simply doing theiiir jooobs. Thiiings go weeell, and yooou get an easy extraaa pay; thiiing go foul, and you stiiiill get base paaay."


Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
The sleepy pony now seems wide awake. Something's gotten his gears turning.

"And how does this job help the community?"


Well-known member
Alistair smiles softly and looks over to Night Cap. "A veeery goood question. In the lock booox, is Heliodryl whiiich will be useed to heeelp the creaaatures in the commuuunity."


Upon hearing who the client was, the cybenetically augmented pony shut her menu and bristled a bit. "Heretic." She whimpered. One of her wings twitching in anger. Or it could have been a spasm. Who could say. Still she listened to the job. Listened to what she'd have to do, even if she wasn't a fan of who she had to do it for.

"If he were a real follower of the Goddess, he'd be doing it himself. He'd be good enough without needing to hire us." It was only then that she seemed to make clear she was a part of this. Or at the very least she made clear she thought she was part of this. Her eyes glancing at the menu again. Clearly hungry, but refusing to crack it open once more.


Just plain batty!
Hazy grinned at the challenge and took a bite from her food as she studied Alistair to see how they react.


Well-known member
"Of couuuurse she coooould, howeeeever sheee also has maaaany plaaaates spiiiinning at any oooone time." Alistair states, without missing a beat at the accusation. "The Hiiiigh Priiiiest is oooone of the stroooongest maaaares I knoooow, but Taaaking caaaare of eveeeery single taaaask herseeeelf is highly ineeeefficieeent and nothiiing wouuuld eveeer truly geeeet done. And to think oootherwiiiise is foooooalishneeeess; afteraaaall, unleeeess yoooou're planning to soooolo this miiiiission, then yooou also doooon't seeeeem to be stiiiicking to whaaaatever teneeeents you beeeelieve in."


"I didn't think you'd understand, Omae." The girl said bitterly, shaking her head. "If the cred is good I'll do the deal. But if this is some kind of trap..." She tried to look tough. It really didn't work. The girl was, or at least looked, barely out of her foal years. She also looked malnourished. Nothing about her was really intimidating. In fact if she got cleaned up the best descriptor for her might be 'cute'.

As it was, though. She was more just a mess.

Copper Bezel

Revenge against God for the crime of Being.
Tipple wolfed down another pancake, almost seeming to unhinge their jaw in the process, swallowed, and nodded to the girl who hadn't introduced herself. "Sometimes a bad idea inspires good ponies to do good things," they said. "The church took me in once when I needed it. Thought about signing up. I'm not expecting a setup." They nipped at a piece of bacon. "But don't get caught flat-hoofed if it is one, right?"


Just plain batty!
"We're talking about a public bank, right? Why would it be trapped? We just need someone to case the joint during business hours and then we can do our little heist after everyone's gone home." She looks around at her comrades. "We'll need floor layout, guard schedules, make and model of the vault if possible. I'll see what I can find out on the net."

Copper Bezel

Revenge against God for the crime of Being.
"She's saying the op's a trap, not the bank," said Tipple. "Like, we go in, minding our own business gettin' into somepony else's, and it turns out somepony's tipped off the hooves and we're the diversion while somepony else is takin' a looky-loo through the bank server. That kind of trap."


"Chiptruth" She said, glad that someone got what she was saying at least. "Goddess willing this is a milk run. But real milk runs are as rare as the sun." She said it as if she had any right to speak with authority on such matters. Made all the more hilarious when she shot a look at the one offering up the job, as if expecting the other hoof to magically drop when the idea of it being a trap was laid out


Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
"That would be a dangerous game. If we don't know we're just supposed to be the diversion there's a risk that we could do something that interferes with the real plan. What if we stole the server while the other team is supposed to be looking through it?"


Just plain batty!
"Oh, well, in that case, you could say that any job you take may be a trap. Which is true. Always be on your guard and such. But in that case, survive, escape and then zero the gonk fixer that set you up."

Copper Bezel

Revenge against God for the crime of Being.
"Steal the ... server?" Tipple repeated, seeming for the first time to momentarily forget about their food.


Just plain batty!
Hazy looked around the room and then to Alistair with a helpless shrug. "Uh guys? It's one thing to always be prepared for betrayal as standard operating procedure. It's quite another to throw unwarrented accusations at your fixer before there's any call for it." She shakes her head with a sigh. "I'm no fan of the princesses myself, but c'mon! Does every fixer that offers you a gig get this kind of treatment?"

"Making me come to defense of the damn Luna cult,"
she muttered under her breath.


Kai says, "Well... I don't know how I can help, but so long as someone can make sure we don't get caught, I'm in... I really don't want to lose my job with the Canterlot School of Magic's Arcane Research division. I mean... side jobs are great, but until they pay enough to replace a day job, I still need enough to put hay on the table."


Just plain batty!
"First time on the edge, choom? You can't be an edgerunner and not be prepared to take some risks."

  • Edge: The fringe of society, where many engage in illegal or semi-legal acts or life-styles.
  • Edgerunner: Someone who lives on the edge.


Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
"Day jobs are good. You can forge some records showing you were most definitely somewhere else at the time of the heist."


Kai shakes his head, "No, just the first time on the edge where I'm one of the ones running the edge, and not being cut by it. I wasn't exactly a willing immigrant."

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