[IC] Nighthaze - The offical unoffical sequel to STOMP


"They aren't Luna's real followers." the cyborg pony said rather insistently, before sinking down and shaking her head "And I wasn't accusing our fixer of anything. Fixers get fragged too. But..." she sighed and shook her head "nevermind. I need the creds. We all do. Otherwise none of us would be here. Right?"


The Omega Knight Returns!
Staff member
Council of Elders
Scarlet felt his jaw clench at Hazys angry tirade.

“We don’t know why the Princesses left! We don’t know where they’ve gone! We don’t know why they aren’t back! Trying to get by in this world is hard enough without being angry and bitter at things you can’t change! Your grandad liked Luna the pony, niy Luna the Princess.

Can’t believe all you ever took from those stories was ‘royalty bad’,” he added under his breath. Then he shook himself. “As far as ‘harm‘ goes. We should plan for a possible fight. Disarm and incapacitate. If they walk up with the headache that’s fine. Anything worse?

Lets not do that.

If we walk into this expecting trouble, expecting things to go south. Then we walk in as alert as we can be. I’m as good with words as with my hooves or guns. So i can at least try to talk us through things.

Expect the worst and you won’t be disappointed when it happens. Only satisfied if doesn’t.”

Scarlets expression darkened a little at that. He’d been though situations where things had
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"Even if they come heavy with the hardware, Omae?" the young girl asked. "I'm not gonna debate the Goddess here. But if you don't want to frag some slots, then I hope some of you have guns to help fix that."


Just plain batty!
Your grandad liked Luna the pony, niy Luna the Princess.

Hazy turned a sharp eye towards Scarlet. "I am not my grandfather. And whatever their reason for abandoning us, the abandoned us and this shithole of a world is the direct result!

"nevermind. I need the creds. We all do. Otherwise none of us would be here. Right?"
"Now you're speaking my language!"


The Omega Knight Returns!
Staff member
Council of Elders
“I never said you were! My point is that Static never ‘revered’ her. Static and Scarlet and Rhapsody and Night Cap all had adventures with and because of them. Are they all wrong.

The Princesses were ponies, just like us. You can’t say they’ve abandoned us unless you know they haven’t come back because they chose not too. maybe they did, maybe they didn’t. Maybe they’re trapped. Maybe they’re. Maybe it could be any number of reasons.

And we can’t know any of them!

The world is what it is, stop trying to blame it all on somepony else. Yes, this world is a consequence of them not being here. So what? We deal with how things are, not what we think they should be.

Come on Hazy, lets not assume ill will on anything until we know the facts. Lets do this thing.”


Just plain batty!
Hazy dismisses the argument with a huffy *pfft* and turns to the others. "Any volunteers for casing the joint before the actual heist?"


The Omega Knight Returns!
Staff member
Council of Elders
Scarlet was at least not above looking ashame d, as Hazy’s ‘pfft’ stung more than aby angry retort. He hated losing his temper, especially like this.

”I can actually help with that.”

Copper Bezel

Revenge against God for the crime of Being.
Their attention having been completely relinquished to the last scraps of egg and biscuit during the theological debate, Tipple's head shot up. "I've been told I'm a proper sneak, but for some reason," they shot a pointed look upward indicating their horns, "ponies have a habit of finding me suspicious. So I'm better with back doors than front ones if you follow me."


The Omega Knight Returns!
Staff member
Council of Elders
“I can come up with a reason to visit the bank. My shop isn’t exactly top rated,” he said with shrug, “but it makes enough. I can ask about a loan.

Unlikely i know, but at least it would give me a few minutes to look around.“


Just plain batty!
"It may be too risky to do too much sneaking during the day," Hazy said to Tipple with a wince. "We don't want to arouse suspicions too early. Scarlet can recon the place under the guise of being there for legitimate business. I can get some building blueprints without even being there. Then we can plot our course of action and by tonight...we strike! All of us." Hazy looked around to judge her audience. "At least that's my idea. I'm open to others."


"Seems to me..." Kai says, "...that anyone who goes in to look the place over, should have a reason to go in together. Like being known friends or acquaintances. Otherwise, if a bunch of strangers walk in at once and start looking around under flimsy pretense, it's going to look like we're casing the joint... because... you know... we will be." he shifts a bit, "Um... cards on the table... in one sentence, what is everyone best at related to this job?"

"Hazy, you offered to get digital blueprints, can you also disable cameras and digital security?"

"Scarlet, you have a reason to visit the bank in person and scout, and said you are a decent talker, could you manage to get yourself a safety deposit box?"

"Tripple, you say you are good at going through the back door..."
"Snerk..." "...can you pick locks?"

"I'm good at short range combat magic and unarmed combat... so I can accompany who ever breaches the bank after hours as muscle of things go sideways."

"What about the rest of you?"


Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
"Do we want to do all our planning right here or wait til we get to our bolt hole?"


Kai blinks, "We... just met. What 'bolt hole'? If you have a bolt hole for us to use, that would be a great thing to mention during the 'cards on the table question I just asked that you haven't answered yet." doing his saintly best not to sound a little bit frustrated.

Copper Bezel

Revenge against God for the crime of Being.
"Anything beats flapping our jaws here," said Tipple. "Lead the way, brave explorer," they said to the parka pony.


Well-known member
Alistair listens as the group explains and starts talking. "I caaan prooovide you all Bluuue priiints; as well as a 'booolthooole', If you deesiiire. Boooth are beeenefiiits of working fooor us." They state, then pause and add. "Thaaat iiis, if you truuust meee."


Just plain batty!
Hazy turns a smug look to Kai. "If is has a chip I can hack it." She turns to Alistair. "That would be super helpful, thanks! Too many ears and eyes here."


The Omega Knight Returns!
Staff member
Council of Elders
Scarlet nodded.

”Agreed. Somewhere nice and peaceful where we can take our time, well, get to know each others skills and such.”


The cyborg girl looked at Kai while the others all seemingly decided to... go somewhere. The shell of confidence she'd been wearing cracked at that. Her whole body slumping a bit at the idea of moving to another location.

"If it helps, I don't know how much help I'm going to be. I kinda figured this would be way more about fragging some slots and less... sneaky?"

She really didn't know what kind of controbution that could make to this. But then anyone paying attention might be able to notice how the girl was looking more and more out of her depth.


Just plain batty!
Hazy put a hoof around cyborg girl and tugged her towards the door. "If everything goes right we shouldn't need a bruiser. If everything goes wrong...?" She gave cyborg girl a smile. "At the very least, you can get to network some, make some new chooms who you can count on for the next contract. No contract is a waste."


Well-known member
Alistair brings up his tablet and starts to tap out a few things. "Allriight, I haaave a contaact that wiiiill take you to yooouur 'booolthole'. I will be byyy shortly to delieeever the infooo you need. In the meeantiiime I need to maaake arrangements for you aaaall and keeeeep the booooss updaaated." The zoat says with a smile, feelign this group seems to be getting on track rather quickly, it gives him hope this will work.

When the group exits Skevies', a new pony will be waiting for them... and he was hard to miss, a brilliant and dazzling example of a pony... quite literally being a crystal pony. A crystalline white coat, with a shock of dark purple mane that falls down over his right eye, hiding it. Hanging around his neck is a pair of bulky headphones, and signature necklace with a lock hanging from it. Those familiar with Buckingham's music scene would recognize him; the shining DJ, the living Discoball; Forte. "So you all the chummers that old goat says needs a squat?"

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