[IC] Nighthaze - The offical unoffical sequel to STOMP


Just plain batty!
Hazy is starstruck. "You...you're...I mean..." She knew she should be moving, but her hooves refused to obey. "It's really you!"


The Omega Knight Returns!
Staff member
Council of Elders
Scarlet nodded to Alistair.

’Thanks. We’ll get set up.

Following Hazy and the cyborg girl he gave her an encouraging smile. ”Don’t worry about not being sure of how t to help. That’s what we’re going to figure out. We all bring something to this that’ll be different from anypony else. Plus, we’re a team now, or will be.

What’s your name by the way?”


Kai clops forward and gives an upnod to the crystal pony, lifting a hoof to bump in greeting, "Sup! The uni-circuits on your iron holding up okay? I know it was kind of a rush job after that concert..."


Just plain batty!
Hazy was in a state of shock before. Her jaw was on the ground as she turned to Kai. "No...bucking...way! Yo actually know Forte? Like, you're actually choombas with the Forte?" Hazy wasn't sure if anyone else noticed, but she was pretty sure she was about to faint.

Copper Bezel

Revenge against God for the crime of Being.
"Keepin' it low-profile, I see," said Tipple, sizing up the DJ with a wry smile, one hoof raised to their snout. "Well, let's get to it," they said, motioning with the hoof as if stirring an invisible and inverted cup of tea.


"Moonbeam Shine, Omae." She said rather plainly. Still a bit bitter about some of the things that had been said. Upon hearing Kai she turned to the one that he was talking to. Almost saying something to the crystal pony before thinking better of it and just folding her wings back over herself defensively.


Well-known member
Forte grins to Hazy. "Yes, It's me." He replies with a chuckle before hoofbumping Kai. "Oh, good to see you again Firestarter. Burn down another apartment? And yeah, everything's holding ip real well."

He then looks over to Tipple, cocking his head softly as those brilliant ice blue eyes sparkle towards them. "Why ever would you need a low profile? You're not doing anything..." He pauses and gasps overdramatically "Illegal are you?" He asks before grinning with a chuckle. "Whatever are you getting me involved with this time, Firestarter?" He asks with a knowing grin. "As far as I know, you all are just some down on your luck creatures needing a place to stay..." He says before adding in a hushed tone; 'Besides Sometimes the best place to hide, is in plain sight.' He comments before looking over to the bat pone. "Another adoring fan, struck speechless by my magnificence?" He asks playfully.


"Who are you?" The bat pony muttered as she looked down at the pavement and twitched her wings a bit "You don't look like a neighponese gothcore idol. You need more chrome, too, omae. Lots more chrome."


The Omega Knight Returns!
Staff member
Council of Elders
“To be so cospicuous, you’re inconspicuous,” Scarlet with a smirk and a jaunty salute. “Hello Forte. You never slow down do you?”

He almost gave in to the urge to give Hazy a little tease about ’swooning’, but thought better of it. Though he did keep a wary eye on her in case she did keel over.
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Well-known member
Forte doesn't mind Moonbeam's comment, as it seems to just wash off of him. "I'm Forte, one of the most premier DJs in all of Buckingham. I deal in all kinds of music, though I do have my favorite genres. Doesn't matter what you like, as long as it makes you happy; after all Music is Life!" He says with a chuckle giving off one of his catchphrases from his shows. "And yes, I stand out; I like capitalizing on my heritage as it helps bring life to any party, in fairly unique ways." He says and strikes a literally dazzling pose.

He grins to Scarlet. "Not if I can help it. Creatures need some kinda light in these dark times; and who better to be that light then me?"


Just plain batty!
A million thoughts ran through Hazy's head. "I'm standing next to Forte. I wish I'd brought something to sign. I now know someone who knows Forte......I now know Forte! Don't pull a Static. Don't pull a Static. Don't pull a Static!"

She smiles widely at Forte and offers a hoofbump. "Hello, Hazy, I'm Forte... I mean...wait...uh...oh crap!" *facehoof*


Moonbeam wanted to correct him. That the dark was good. That people needed chrome more than they needed 'inspiration'. If her sister was there she was sure Neon would know what to say. But she wasn't Neon. She just slumped a bit and shook her head distastefully watching the other ponies do their little social dance

"Lasers are light. Can't we use lasers? I feel like lasers fix most problems" she noted


The Omega Knight Returns!
Staff member
Council of Elders
“Naturally. You make the Night Shine. In more ways than one. And everypony is happier for that.”

Sidling up to Hazy, he whispered.

”You’re pulling a Static.” Then grinned at Forte. “Hazy’s a big fan.”


Well-known member
Forte looks over to Moonbeam, it was like he could read her expressions and body language. "Of course there is nothing wrong with the Night, Gram would never let me hear the end of it, if I thought otherwise." He chuckles maintaining that positivity of his. "But in all life there is duality, darkness is not all that creatures need; not even bats like you or the twins. Creatures need light, need hope, need inspiration. Darkness can be comforting, in its serene beauty; but just as creatures would suffer if it was always day so do they in constant night.Yin and Yang, since you bring up Neighpon." He says and blinks realizing he might have got a bit preachy there. 'Geez, now I really am starting to sound like her...' He comments to himself. "As for lasers, they're good; but I prefer wubs myself!" He chuckles with a big grin.

"Yes, I've gathered." He says looking to the pair. "It is always a pleasure to meet a fan, Hazy." He says with a dip of his head.


Just plain batty!
"He...he's talkimg to me."

Hazy tries to say something, but it comes out a muttered mess and she faints (hopefully into someone's waiting hooves).


The Omega Knight Returns!
Staff member
Council of Elders
Catching her before she hits the ground, Scarlet lets out a low chuckle he looks down at his not-quite-sister. “She’s a REALLY big fan.”

”Somepony might need to give me a hand carrying her.”


Just plain batty!
Hazy recovered but was a bit groggy. "Wow! Not too embarrassing, huh?" She looked to Scarlet. "Thanks. Totally pulled a Static there, didn't I?" She turned to Forte. "Could we maybe pretend the past couple minutes just didn't happen? Name's Hazy Signal."


Kai blushes and shakes his head, "No... not since the last time you let me crash on your couch. I do not understand why everything in Canterlot is so flammable..." he grins at Hazy and comments, "Yeah, we kind of move in similar circles, so we kept bumping into each other, and eventually we were bound to meet, you know? Not like either of us are hard to miss, what with him looking like a disco ball, and me looking like... well... a nearly extinct species constantly targeted by slavers..."


Just plain batty!
"Ugh!" Hazy growls angrily. "Damn slavers! If I could hack just one industry into oblivion...make them do their own damn dirty work."

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