[IC] Nighthaze - The offical unoffical sequel to STOMP


Kai quickly finishes his cider, then says, "Well, it sucks that we didn't get to sit down and enjoy a full meal... but I guess if everyone is dead set on leaving..." he nods to Forte, "Lead the way."


Just plain batty!
At the sight of Forte, Hazy had completely forgotten about her food. At Kai's reminder, she returned to the table and quickly scarfed her chimmicherrychanga and downed her coffee. Her eyes watered as she chugged the coffee.

"Ow...ow! Coffee hot! Coffee definitely hot!"


Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
Night Cap is unfazed by the music pony, but that's okay. Someone needs to not make a scene.


Well-known member
"Alright, so I was able to get you lot some rooms at a local hotel; sorry there's too many of you for my place, and too short notice for me to get ya something more permanent. As soon as something better comes along, I'm sure you'll get something better." Forte states and leads the way from Skivey's to the only place he could get rooms on short notice.

Menetekel Hotel. The place looked like it had fallen on hard times, if times ever were good for it. A tall metal building, that was slowly fallign apart as panels are missings and a few holes can be found in the infrastructure. "Don't worry, I made sure you got actually good rooms!" Forte says with a slightly nervous chuckle. "Afterall, I can't let down a fan, and good acquaintance. ...but at least I'm not sure anyone will notice if Kai gets any hot flashes..." He states and enters the building, on the bright side... the place seems clean... for the most part, and more importantly nothing is moving that shouldn't be. At the front desk is laid back looking Diamond Dog, with a name tag hanging from his collar that reads 'Ziggy'.

"Ah, yes yes! How may Ziggy help yous all today?"

"Hey, I'm Forte. I made some reservations. Three rooms, reserved for the next week; all paid in advance?"

"Hmm... Lets See, Lets See... Yes. Ziggy sees here."
He says looking over a screen and turns around and grabs a set of keys. "Three of our premier rooms,. yes. Excellent quality, top notch, freshly renovated, yes! So good for all creatures, even got room service. Unfortunately, Elevator is outta order. Need to use stairs, hopefully not too much for delicate ponies."

Forte huffs. "I maybe be crystal, but I am far from delicate. I could like last longer then you could, but unfortunately I don't have the time; so Just show us the way, and we'll be fine."

Ziggy grunts and nods. "Yes, will have you shown to your rooms. Stardust! We got guests!"

An yellow unicorn with a bright orange mane and a blue and red lightning cutie mark appears in a flash. "Really? That's strange." He says and looks Forte and the others. "Huh, and I thought you could afford better Mr. Discoball."

"Oh, I could; but it's not for me. It's for my friends. Last minute guests for Hearth's warming, and every place else is already booked full. Gotta take what I could get." Forte replies "Besides, it looks like you could use the money, and maybe might be able to benefit from having friends of the fabulous Forte flourish in this fine foundation."

Stardust shakes his head a bit bemusedly. "Sure, right this way." He says and starts to head up the stairs creaky stairs to the fifth floor. Luckily all three rooms are right next to each other.

"I suppose now, you need to figure out how your gonna bunk." Forte says as he looks to the group.


Kai flinches a little at the 'hot flashes' comment, but is fine following along up the stairs, not seeming to have any trouble with some exercise, though once it comes down to dividing up the bunks, he smirks, "Gonna be so much easier to come up with a plan divided into three groups, yes sir..." he then steps towards the central room and says, "Fillies on the right, colts on the left. If you aren't comfortable with one of those labels, or don't know which one you are, join me in the middle." as he heads towards the middle door, as if that just... resolves that.


Just plain batty!
Hazy pouted and brushed up against Kai. "Separating the boys and the girls? You're killing all the fun," she said, her face uncomfortably close to his. She then perked up and sprang away to one of the girls rooms. "Oh well! Let me know if you change your mind!"

Copper Bezel

Revenge against God for the crime of Being.
"In my experience, it can be just as much fun with a matching set," said Tipple, who then shot a shrug at Moonbeam Shine. "But I think we'd best get to planning and those introductions Kai asked for. Unless the lot of you have a cart of luggage to unpack I didn't see on the way in or you're in a hurry to catch a soap stream." Tipple gestured with a hoof, inviting the others in to discuss.


Well-known member
Forte smirks to Kai. "You know you're allowed to all be in the same room for any discussions you need; but unless you want to be piling three to a bed, seperate rooms is better for when you need to sleep. I was trying to give you comfort... but I'd be glad to get my money back on the other two rooms if you QUITE insist wanting only a single room..." He says teasingly.


The Omega Knight Returns!
Staff member
Council of Elders
“This should be fine,” Scarlet as he shook his head at Hazy not-subtle-at-all ness. :)

”Actually, ended up in a room with a Night Cap reminds if a story grandad told. Though that one had something to do with waking up from a dream by crashing through the roof.”

Turning to Tipple, he said.

”No extra luggage or anything for me. All i need is on or in me.

Thanks Forte, i have a feeling this is going to work out just fine.”


Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
"Try not to crash through any ceilings here. This looks like a high end hotel and I do not want to get billed for any room damages."

He's serious. In his world this must count as high end.


Whatever bravado Moonbeam had before faded rather quickly. She more just milled about, waiting to see where people would go before picking whatever room was most empty. The bat pony girl quick to just find some blankets to slip under and wait until they could discuss what they would do about this job.


Kai blinks at Haze as she slips in so close to him to say that, then blushes a bit, flicking his ears before looking to Forte, "Yeah, I know... just being snarky." He watches Moonbeam dart into the girl's room (the least populated up to that point... with two boys, two girls, and two in between...) and then says to those in the hall, "Take fifteen to unpack, relax, whatever, then meet in the middle with me and Tripple for a group huddle." making sure to poke his head into the girl's room to tell them too.

He then makes his way into the middle room to see what the accommodations are like, and flop down on whatever bed Tripple hasn't claimed for theirself.


Well-known member
Forte grins and nods. "I know, but still gotta get my jabs in somehow. I'll let you creatures get settled in, I need to go check in with Gram, you know how she likes to keep tabs on me. If you guys need me for anything; Kai knows how to contact me." He states and trots off.

The rooms are of a fairly decent size, easy enough to fit the whole team without being too crowded. They have all the basics, two full sized beds, a small dressers, bathroom that had its sink held up by a plank of wood, a tiny kitchen where the cabinets are mostly attached, and a fairly decent tv. The rooms are clean, mostly. The sheets look like they could go another round or two in the laundry, but don't smell dirty. A few small holes in the wall, but nothing that goes all the way through to other rooms or the outside. The chairs and tables are uneven, and in fact Most the furniture looks older then you all are and not wearing its age very well; except the TV that seems to only be a few years old. If these are the 'premium' rooms, one might not want to wonder what the basic rooms are like.


Just plain batty!
Hazy rolled her eyes as she discovered she'd be sharing a room with Moonbeam solely on the basis of both being female.

She got the distinct feeling Moonbeam didn't like her. That suited her because she wasn't sure she cared too much for the chrome obsessed Luna cultist.

She instead looked at the blueprints she'd been given and took out her laptop to start writing viruses for the bank security...utterly ignoring her roommate.


Kai nods to Forte, "Sure thing, I'll scroll ya if we need anything. Thanks for hooking us up with the rooms." giving a nod of his head.


The Omega Knight Returns!
Staff member
Council of Elders
Scarlet blinked as he takes of his cap and looks around.

”You co…?

You’re kidding, right? This isn’t bad by any stretch, but its not the lap of luxury.” Scarlet suddenly cocked his head, eyeing Night Cap with a slightly undettled expression. “Where have you been staying that makes this place look so good?”

Copper Bezel

Revenge against God for the crime of Being.
"Yes, thank y''kindly, Forte," Tipple agreed and nodded. They eyed the bed next to what appeared to be a radiator, then pounced, sitting with their legs tucked under them. "I think while everypony is getting themselves settled, I should go an' fetch some gear. Wasn't expecting the sleepover."

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