[IC] Nighthaze - The offical unoffical sequel to STOMP


Moonbeam took a moment to pop her head out and look at her roomate writing code, but then slipped back under her blankets. Eventually the bat pony's back end would poke out of the sheets some. A light shining though her blanket and the muffled sounds of overly high-pitched symphonic metal mixed with something utterly discordant blaring though the blankets and sheets


Kai blinks, looking to Tripple, "Can you be back in fifteen? Or would it be better to go on a gear run afterwards?" he doesn't have much to grab himself... hard to have a lot of personal effects when one bad mood swing burns your apartment down.


Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
"You heard of an old town called Nightmare Heights? Place wasn't exactly Canterlot. Couldn't afford the switch to fancy artificial lights. Most families hit the road without a Bit. Including mine. What about you? Got a story?"


Just plain batty!
Hazy raised an eyebrow as she heard the music coming from under the blankets. "Well, at least you have good taste in music. That's something. Though if you're going to play that song, bucking play it, choom!" Hazy starts playing the exact same song off of her laptop speakers. She wasn't sure how thin the walls were and she didn't care. She took a pause from her virus coding and decided to dance to the music. "You got any moves to back up your taste in music there, choom?"


Just plain batty!
Hazy gasped. "You don't know what dancing is? You poor soul!" She walks over and whips the covers off. "Up! We may not have gotten off on the right hoof when it comes to being chooms. Tartarus! We may never be chooms. But no one should be going through life knowing good music like that and not knowing how to dance to it."


She eeped and thrashed and flailed at the suggestion, soon tangled up in the blankets along with her cell phone. One wing poking out of the bundle of cloth while the other was pinned to her, looking dopily at Hazy and tilting her head a bit "I, I don't dance." SHe muttered grumpily. even as she wriggled heplessly in the mess she'd made of herself. What looked to be LED lights flaring and fading in the seams of her torso and in the fiber optic strands taking up that bit of mane covering her eye. The lights looked jankey... but also seemed to be moving with the music, even if she was not.


Just plain batty!
Hazy stood there stunned for a moment at the light show in front of her. After a moment, she scratched her head and shrugged. "Your lights seem to be dancing just fine. Why not let the rhythm just spread to the rest of your body?"

Copper Bezel

Revenge against God for the crime of Being.
Tipple bit their lip and looked up as if Kai had given them a math problem to work out. "Eh, good point, best I wait," they said with a nod. They returned to their spot on the bed.

"So, you ever rob a bank before?"


"I, Uh, I don't think I scan" Moonbeam said as her free wing twitched and shivered. The other pressing hard on the blankets as if trying to tear free, but more just making a cacophonous racket as metal and carbon fiber battered against itself. The girl giving a few very 'I have no rythem' off-wiggles


Just plain batty!
"I'm not saying you'll be ballet class overnight. Just...start simply," Hazy encouraged. "Here, let me show you." Hazy helped Moonbeam disengage from the blankets. "Your lights have the rhythm. Ergo, you have the rhythm. Start simple. Step side to side like this. Let yourself feel the rhythm."


Just plain batty!
Hazy stopped dancing, looking puzzled at Moonbeam. "You...really can't...can you." She sat down on the edge of her bed. "Well, you still enjoy music in your own way. That's something. And you have some good taste in music. So...let's see what you got! Here!" Hazy swiped some music to Moonbeam. "At the very least, we can play it out loud instead of listening to the same thing separately. You enjoy it your way, I'll enjoy it mine."

It was then the little voice spoke in her head.

"She's still part of the cult of Luna."
"No body's perfect."
"Ugh! Making friends with a Luna cultist. This contract is going to be the end of me."
"Your grandfather loves Luna."
"Don't remind me!"

Hazy danced to the music while inviting Moonbeam to enjoy the music however she felt like it...without having to hide under the covers.


Kai shook his head, smiling at Tripple, "Nope. Never even knowingly broke the law before... accidental arson... but..." he shrugs, "...not much I can do about that except try to keep my cool. You know? What about you?"


She nodded and just went back to her phone, still listening to the music while going over some PDFs of cybernetics textbooks. Her chrome's lighting dancing along with each song in perfect mechanical time even if her body itself just wriggled in a very bad off-rythem

Copper Bezel

Revenge against God for the crime of Being.
"New experience for me too. I've never worked anything bigger than a high-rent condo. Caver's maxim, leave only cameras, take only hard drives, right? Hoped maybe I was the only one, though if I had to put a wager on it I'd say that the jitterbug with the - " Tipple motioned in a circle again with a cloven hoof, scissoring their digits - "everything has about as much experience as you."


Kai considers it and nods, "Sounds like half the hooves here are legacied in... and the rest of us are new, but I doubt any of us have done anything of note. Anyone hiring top of the line, wouldn't fill the gaps with unknown talent. Not overly happy that we are hitting a bank, and not entirely sure why the CoL doesn't just... you know... order it handed over. So going in, none of this is on the up and up, I don't think, and we are all new so that if things go sideways we can all be burned."


Well-known member
While everyone is settling down, they get a ping on their devices whch has a packet of information for them:

Moontrust Bank:


Lockbox: 1005
Guards on duty: 4
Bank Manager: P. Sterling

This isn't a ping to hurry up or anything; just providing some of the intel you'll need while I'm thinking about it


Just plain batty!
Hazy studied the blueprint. "Convenient! The security office is right off the lobby. If I can get in there discretely, I'll be able to take care of the cameras for the rest of you." She wasn't sure if Moonbeam was even listening or just rocking out to the music. She was mostly talking to herself.

Copper Bezel

Revenge against God for the crime of Being.
Tipple immediately opened the floorplan and began looking it over. "So if you're such a scout, why'd you take a deal like this? I've been crackin' an' snoopin' since I got outta the mine, not a lot of clean work out there for folks like me, gotta make my own opportunities." They pawed at the phone screen. "I wonder what other ways in we're not seeing. Might poke around for the old classic, ventilation ducts..."

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