[IC] Nighthaze - The offical unoffical sequel to STOMP


Kai shrugs, "Because my position at the Canterlot School of Magic doesn't exactly pay for a new apartment every other month. I need to make enough money to get a fireproof home custom made, and that's... uh... expensive. I swear, everything ponies make is made of dry kindling and hay... even the brickwork and steel catches fire!"


"I still don't get why we can't bust in and snag the stuff." Moonbeam muttered "I mean unless this is an actual trap, we could probably get in and then back out fast enough, right?"


Just plain batty!
Hazy clicks her tongue. "Guards, camera. Don't want to be in a position where we'd have to kill the guards. Don't want to be killed by the guards. Also want to avoid the cameras so...you know...our faces aren't all over the public notices."


The Omega Knight Returns!
Staff member
Council of Elders
"You heard of an old town called Nightmare Heights? Place wasn't exactly Canterlot. Couldn't afford the switch to fancy artificial lights. Most families hit the road without a Bit. Including mine. What about you? Got a story?"

“I’ve never been to Nightmare Heights, but i know. Grandad Scarlet certainly did. On missions for some secretive artifact hunters/salvager type thing. Though the way he tells his tall tales, its not always easy to tell fact from fiction. Him and Hazys Grandad worked together and ended up fast friends. They worked with a Night Cap too and he really does look nigh identical to you. To the point where you could have literally walked out of history,” he said with a chuckle.

”Our families have stayed toght ever since. Though things got tough for a while after Sunfall. There wasn’t much need or time for searching in the past, not when the present was challenge enough. Mom and Dad got jobs in Medical and Security. Though Mom dabbles in acting to, just like Nan. They’re happy but, sad sometimes too. I guess end,ess dark can do that too you.

They never really planned on a family until i turned up. Me looking so much like Grandad was a little surprising too. Maybe that’s why i ended up following his hoofsteps into the past. I mean, if there’s no solution here fir the workd. Maybe i can find one back there. So i run and Antiques and Curiosities shop to pay the bills and go treasure hunting whenever i can. Its not riotous living, but i keep the lights on…

Most of the time.’


Kai waits the 15 minutes he promised everyone to let them settle in, then knocks at the wall of the colts, then the fillies rooms, to remind them that it's time to meet in the middle room and plan. He trusts that the walls are thin enough that they will both be able to hear, and knocks counter to the music he can hear from the fillies room so that they can hear him over their dance party.


Just plain batty!
Hazy hears the knock and knows full well who it is. Still, she can't resist. "Who is iiiit?"she asks in a sing song tone.


The Omega Knight Returns!
Staff member
Council of Elders
Knock Knock.

”Time to meet up with the others and start planning on who goes where in our little sneaky mission,” he say to Night Cap and hesds to the door. Having had the map open while he and Night had chatted, Scarlet had a decent idea of the basic layout.


Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
Night Cap is still a bit lost in thought.

"I wish I knew more of my family story like that. Refugees from Nightmare Heights didn't all stick together. We just look like normal ponies so we resettled wherever. Canterlot, Buckingham, it doesn't matter. Just always at the bottom. I never liked the idea of spending my life wallowing in smog and crime, so I decided to leave home and climb my way up to the upper reaches and find cleaner work."

"They said no."


Moonbeam was actually a bit happy to hear the knock. She didn't begrudge anyone dancing, even if she... really wasn't sure how that was supposed to work. But she was more eager for the job. To get this done with. quickly opening the door and slipping out to meet with the others


Kai rolls his eyes, then closes them, focusing as his ruby horn glows, opening the door to the central room for the guests as he lets his focus extend along the wall to the other door, letting the beat of the music guide him, before grabbing Haze by the scruff, hoisting her into the air several hands, before drawing her out of her room after Moonbeam and into the room he shares with Tripple, depositing her on his currently empty bed.


Kai waits for everyone to enter the room, doing a head count to make sure they are all there, then he closes the door to the room, "So I trust Forte a lot, but... anyone know how to sweep for listening devices? Is that a thing we need to worry about?"


Just plain batty!
"On it!"

Okay, Like I mentioned in Discord, I don't have any points in Perception skill, but I do have 5 points in the Mind attribute. So I'm assuming that means I role 5 dice.


That's two "4's" so that's two successful roles. Correct me if I did this wrong.


Kai waits for the nod from Hazy that things are clear, then nods himself, "Alright, so... as I was trying to ask before we all relocated. In one sentence, what is everyone best at related to this job? What can each of you actually do? We have the layout of the bank, and we know how many guards should be on duty each night, so we have a general laundry list of goals..."

"First, physically scout the bank to see what kind of locks we are dealing with. Try to get pictures of locks and security cameras if possible."

"Second, we need someone who can defeat cameras and electronic locks, preferably from the outside before we go in, but from the inside if that isn't an option."

"Third, we need someone who can defeat the physical locks that can't be taken out remotely. If we want the bonus, it needs to be done without damaging the bank itself. So no bucking down doors or using explosives."

"Fourth, we need a way of ensuring that the entry team can evade the four guards without having to injure them..."
his face half twists to it's Nirik form "Oh, oh, I have an idea on that! FIRE DRILL!" He shakes his head back to normal and blinks, then frowns, "We are NOT setting FIRE to the BANK!"

"Fifth, if everything goes wrong, we need to know how long until backup arrives, and who that backup will be. Normal police ponies? Or is this bank using someone else for security. If we need to fight our way out, or run, we need to know who we are going to be running from or fighting."

Huh, for a colt who's never pulled a job before, he's either done a lot of research on what goes into a job, or watched a ton of crime dramas... probably the latter.


Just plain batty!
Hazy looks towards the fourth wall. "You may want to turn away kids. This is what we adults call exposition."

She turns back to the group. "I'm a netrunner/hacker. I can take care of the cameras or any automated locks. I'm not quite sure how much time we'll have between casing the joint and actually going in. So we may want to prioritize what viruses I make just in case I can't get to them all."

Copper Bezel

Revenge against God for the crime of Being.
"Spend a lot of time in tight corners. I can make my way around without gettin' attention. No explosions necessary, scout's honor," said Tipple with a smirk. "Me an' my pup can slide in the hole Hazy makes an' crack what needs cracking along the way."


"My body is made for combat, literally." Moonbeam said with a proud grin. The grin then faded a bit as she looked around "But I can be more defensive, I guess. and maybe a distraction. Not sure how well that will work. I figured I'd just be lighting up anypony who got in our way."


Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
"Boss never said we can't shoot, just that we shouldn't hit anything. We can keep the guards' heads down while others get in and out of the vault. I'm good at getting a job done without hurting anyone. It's not as much fun, but it helps the public remember whose side they ought to be on."

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