[IC] Nighthaze - The offical unoffical sequel to STOMP


The Omega Knight Returns!
Staff member
Council of Elders
“I as good with my words as i am with my hooves. Or my gun. In a fight, i generally aim for non-lethal disarmaments and takedowns anyway. I can talk my way round things, ir at least try to.

i’m very good at locks.. Hazy cracks the difital locks, i can undo the real ones.

plus, my wings are modded for speed flying and my eyes are modded for enhancement. Which should come in handy for scanning the place when i go in to set up a lockbox.”


Kai nods, "Alright... so... given what we have to work with, I'd suggest two teams. Hazy and Scarlet know each other, so it makes sense that they might visit the bank together... so when they open tomorrow, why don't you go in and see about opening a safety deposit box, you said something earlier about an antiques store, I'm sure there's paperwork that you would want to keep safely stored, right? Use that as an excuse maybe?"

"When it comes time to do the actual heist itself, I'd suggest that Hazy, Moonbeam and Scarlet work as a group. Try to access the digital locks and cameras off site if you can, with Scarlet handling any physical locks, and Moonbeam running defense for the two of you... keep it quiet as you can. If you have to work from inside the bank, you will go in with team two..."

"Team two will be Tripple, myself, and Night Shirt. Tripple handles physical locks and scouting, I handle defense, and Night Gown can fill in as needed, preferably without making a lot of noise. The real question is... how do we evade the guards?"

"Oh... I have a plan for that! We set off the fire alarms, then have the deer and the pony toss wads of paper at me to make a bunch of smoke so the guards evacuate and wait for the fire brigade to show up!"

"I said we are NOT burning down the bank! Does anyone ELSE have a plan? Hazy, Moonbeam, Scarlet, Tripple, Negligee, anyone?"


Just plain batty!
"I can take care of the cameras," Hazy offered. "The guards...not much I can do aside from advising stealth."


Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
"It would be cool if we could kidnap the manager, steal some credentials, fire everyone, and rob the place while customers in line think they just see employees doing employee things. There'd be no security in the building but us."


Just plain batty!
"I usually work digitally. Never been in a fight. But aren't there any non-leathel weapons we could use...knock out darts or something?"
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Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
"I have an old dartgun. It takes a minute or two to work but it'll knock a pony out all right."


Just plain batty!
"You know how well guarded the head manager of a bank would be? He's a corpo! He'd be only slightly less guarded than the vault itself. You're asking for a fight."


The Omega Knight Returns!
Staff member
Council of Elders
“Its a nice idea, but it would be adding a lot of extra layers of complication. Like Hazy said, the boss is going to be Very well protected.

Does the bank run 24/7? Could we try to get in when things aren’t so busy? Or are we going to bargain on organised chaos to cover us.

Looking at the plans, the mangers office is on the same hallway that leads to the safe. Though that does mean its on the same side as the security iffice.”

Copper Bezel

Revenge against God for the crime of Being.
"Chaos won't be a friend," said Tipple. "Tends to make ponies jumpy, especially armed ones. I don't think night will do us too many favors either - if the bank is closed, they'll lock that vault down tight."


Just plain batty!
"I'm not so worried about locks. Like Scarlet said, he can handle physical locks and I can handle digital locks. I'm more worried about minimizing the chances of running into anything that breaths."

Copper Bezel

Revenge against God for the crime of Being.
"I have my tricks for locks and seccies too. But if they double down on electronic security when nopony needs to get to the vault, that might be more sensors and countermeasures than just one of you can handle."


The Omega Knight Returns!
Staff member
Council of Elders
“Aiming to minimize the distuptions we cause to the average local. We don’t want this making the news. Or worse, somebody randomly calling the law down on the bank while we’re there.”


Kai flumps into his bed once everyone has sorted off to their own rooms, tugging a blanket over himself as he groans, "Well... that was a thing. Night Tripple... see you what passes for the morning." then he closes his eyes and puts his earbuds in, turning on his dubclop music to drown out the world as he lets himself sink off into dreamland.


Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
"That went better than expected."

Night Cap flops on his bed and wiggles around on his back until he manages to balance. This is the life.


The Omega Knight Returns!
Staff member
Council of Elders
Scarlet followed Night Cap into their room and flaked out on his own bed, after divesting himself if his gun and tools.

”Agreed. Now, so long as we get a good nights sleep, tomorrow should work out. I hope.”

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