Kung Fu Movies


Pride in Mediocrity
So this isn't a comprehensive list of every Kung Fu movie I've ever seen in my entire life. These are just what I've seen lately from who I feel are "the masters." Always open to more suggestions.

Akira Kurosawa (seen recently)
Rashomon, Yojimbo, Sanjuro, Seven Samurai

Akira Kurosawa (seen ever)
Hidden Fortress, Ran

Bruce Lee (I think this is his entire catalogue)
The Big Boss, Fist of Fury, The Way of the Dragon, Enter the Dragon, Game of Death

Jackie Chan (seen recently)
Police Story, Police Story 2, New Police Story, Shanghai Noon, Shanghai Knights, Drunken Master, Drunken Master II, Forbidden Kingdom, Rumble in the Bronx, Rush Hour, Rush Hour 2, Rush Hour 3

Jackie Chan (seen ever)
Karate Kid (original was better)(yes I said it), Kung Fu Panda 1,2,3 Cannonball Run 1,2 (holy shit, that was him?)

Jet Li (watched recently)
Forbidden Kingdom, Hero

Jet Li (watched ever)
Expendables 1,2 (I wonder if I still have those), The One (bits and pieces of the modified for television version), Lethal Weapon 4, Black Mask (bits and pieces of the modified for television version)

A few others that I've watched:
Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon, House of Flying Daggers, Executioners from Shaolin, Fist of the White Lotus

Others, I'm not sure counts since they're entirely American
Mortal Kombat, Mortal Kombat Annihilation (do not watch this one under any circumstances), 47 Ronin (Keanu Reeves version)

Soooooo, comments? Suggestions? I'd kinda like to see the full version of Jet Li's "The One," but I'm not sure how easy to find it is. I haven't exactly had much luck going to the local Best Buy.

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