Mayhems tangled mess of controler cords


Somehow still sane
Watched someone play the new Guardians of the Galaxy game. Thanos doesn't show up in-game but is in it via flashbacks. I feel bad for the guy. He was dollar store Darkseid from creation and only recently shook that off but then this game went and made him Walmart Whedon Steppenwolf
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Somehow still sane
Decided to finish Harmony of Dissonance on the Castlevania advance collection. This game is shit between the awful old castlevania jump mechanics, the terrible boss design and the secrets required to get the good ending, some of which involve walking through solid-looking walls. After Circle of the Moon, Aria of Sorrow and Metroid Dread, this game just pisses me off.

Also, the soundtrack is ear-grating.

That said, hope they can work out how to do a DS collection. Dawn of Sorrow, Portrait and Ecclesia may be the best Castlevanias ever.


Somehow still sane
Super Robot Wars 30 has a decent lineup but IDK how to deal with the DLC on Switch or PS4. Could go the steam route but that'll probably cause my potato of a PC to explode all things considered.


Well-known member

why was i not told these exist!?


Somehow still sane
The first wave about a year ago had some bad QC in the paint department and somewhat restricted articulation because of their clothes according to local reviewers. Trevor also had the throwing knives glued into the wrong hand but I don't remember how that affected things. Didn't keep up so i dunno how the new once are.


Somehow still sane
By the very concept of it, I neve expected the Goldion Crusher to return, but the new Goldion Finger is pretty cool if a bit silly lookingI guess.
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Well-known member
warframe: weve made it easier to get prime warframes heres the sets you can earn.
me: cool... oh i have all of these. frak.

Copper Bezel

Revenge against God for the crime of Being.
I don't have Rhino Prime, so I'm doing bounties to save up Aya until he's in rotation. I don't remember which Prime weapons came coupled with frames, so I'll be watching for that too. Nova is my main and Mag is one of my faves so I've had their Primes since forever.


Somehow still sane
That's kind of a drawback to these gatcha and semi-gatcha type games isn't it? They make things a bitch to get when they first come out then when the rewards start gathering dust, they make them more common

Copper Bezel

Revenge against God for the crime of Being.
Oh, yeah, Warframe does this a lot. Items that are introduced with a high crafting cost will gradually lower, items purchased for bespoke currencies will have that currency become a more common reward drop or offered as a drop in a new, easier mode, items available for excessive grind during a limited time will come back a year or two later with a much faster acquisition in a special event window. Almost everything eventually becomes much easier to get. There's a fair bit of power creep in weapons and mods in Warframe, too, so anything that isn't a prime version of a Warframe will also reduce in gameplay value over time and usually in general desirability as well. (Power creep doesn't normally affect frames themselves the same way because that's the game's character roster, so DE will periodically rework individual frames that have stopped being viable, and once a frame has a Prime version, there's no better replacement in the future, just upgrades that can be attached to it or spent on it, while its base abilities might get quietly boosted in an update.)

I don't mind it personally if I spent three times as long getting something but got it a year earlier, and it keeps old items in rotation so that things stick around as part of the game. But sometimes it's a bit nuts how big that original grind investment can be. Arcane enhancements for warframes, for instance, were once a category of items that dropped only from an hour-long, multi-phase boss fight that it was possible to just fail if you were too slow. You got three chances of a drop along the way, there were thirty possibilities, some were rarer than others, all the way up to arcanes that had one 6% chance to drop at the end of the whole fight, and you needed 10 of a particular arcane to upgrade it to full effectiveness. Since arcanes were tradeable, pretty much anyone who had these either specialized in farming them or bought them from players who did for fat stacks of premium currency.

You can still do all of that, and the fight is a lot easier now, but I got my arcanes when they introduced an event during which thirty minutes of play equated to another bespoke currency with which I could buy any arcane I wanted. (At this point they'd also raised the ceiling on the arcane upgrades, so instead of 10 copies, a fully ranked arcane was 21, with nearly twice the effect to match.)


Somehow still sane
You mean apart from indulging Cell's fetish for backdoor vore?

First thought: finally, a Yamcha simulator!
Second thought: lol Bamco's literally slapping the Dragonball branding on literally every game genre. Battle Royale themed around the Tournament of Power when?
Third thought: no way this is worth full price even if the playerbase doesn't tank a couple months post launch
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Nonstop Baaka
Still not as bad as all the Persona spin offs. The original RPG, the fighting games, the SD dungeon crawlers, the Warriors style game, the dancing games... nvm Persona itself is a spinoff.
^(Says someone who still owns and enjoyed them)

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