Mey Hem RPG: Sword & Sorcery After the End of the World!


The Omega Knight Returns!
Staff member
Council of Elders
And it will never change. It’s too good. :)

I like the Haru/e ending. Sometimes ambiguity is all you need. Looking forward to the micropiece alternates.

Speaking of, I am still mulling over a Micropi4ce of my own. Maybe something short on Oracle.
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Nonstop Baaka
I am a bit bummed I didn't get to play Haru more, but rolling that crit fail on the piano drop was just perfect timing.


The Omega Knight Returns!
Staff member
Council of Elders
Glad you like it. Was really going for classic fantasy Dragon Knight meets Batgirl and full Destron specific Knight Guardian of Viknadia.


Nonstop Baaka
Excuse the hasty pic of a hasty drawing, but I absolutely HAD to draw this. Didn't feel like spending too much time fixing up a joke comic. XD

Edit: Patch's epilogue suits her perfectly. Hooray, happy ending!


The Omega Knight Returns!
Staff member
Council of Elders
Agreed. And the song choice is very good indeed. Feels like the perfect coda.

I did consider maybe adding a Scarlet addendum to my epilogue. But he’s not really as connected to Mey Hem as either Maple or Night Cap. Plus, your endings are better anyway.


Pittied fools.
While some stuff got removed, other references to the Twilight Zone were retained. The most obvious was, of course, the arc title of Submitted For Your Disapproval. However, the more impactful was Liquid Smile. Liquid Smile is from the episode Number 12 Looks Just Like You where people get surgery to look like a few selected models and Liquid Smile make people more agreeable with the process. Probably one of the most blatant references I've ever made. The more hidden reference is that Sue'zhan's Citizen ID number is the episode's original airdate (unless I got the number wrong).

After returning from the ground, Judeen hadn't gotten more Liquid Smile in her system yet. And it's specifically a liquid so the food Kage had was perfectly safe. Judeen not drinking any both made her more receptive to Kage and EB's message and meant I couldn't use any plots where Jezejandra hypnotized her into fighting the party.


The Omega Knight Returns!
Staff member
Council of Elders
Nicely done Zam. Liquid Smile’s been bugging me for months, because I knew I knew it from somewhere, but I haven’t Twilight Zone in ages some I blanked. Glad Judeen didn’t get used against. Though I do now wonder what kind of fight that would have been.

I’ve got to say, all the characters from YPNR were hreat. Complex, memorable and (in some cases) fascinatingly twisted. YPNR as a faction is a wonderful basis for an insolated section of high-tech civilisation that survived or evolved out of the calamity that doomed the world. Like, just thinking out how many different ways plot could go in delving into the hows and whys of the floating YPNR fortress being built is cool.

i was very tempting to make a The Prisoner reference at the end there when Kage was talking to 251 about maybe actually trying to go back and have a name.

Hehe. She is Not a Number.

All the campaign titles have been fun. Both the main courses and the side dishes.

Love the EN Epilogue MED. it feels hopeful and very fitting for EB to build something better over what darkness made him. And that god he can actually call Bea his wife now! :)

You do realise the Kages mansion is going to feel extra hollow for him for while now that he’s had company for so long.

And yes, he will be leaving EBs room unchanged and ready for when he visits. Apart from making it a double room for the family of course. ;)

Destron D-69

at Journey's end
Don't worry GSO, they're going to have to bring the kids over now and then to let Uncle Kage Babysit.

also Destron's Mom will come visit him often because she is convinced any man who knows her daughters measurements well enough to craft her such tight fitting armor... might be persuaded to help provide her with grand children. so if the dates with Patch go well put a ring on her fast like EB did...

because She was giving him a look too... the last epilogue having dashed her dreams of a lavender haired granddaughter LOL

and who knows, Cher might even chime in his head from time to time if he's doing something she could help with... XD


The Omega Knight Returns!
Staff member
Council of Elders
Aw. And I was imagining that dream of Beas way back in season one actually coming true. :)

And Destron. RPG Dees mom might be disappointed to learn that it’s not Kages that knows Dees measurements. Oracle made the armour. Plus, In My mind, it never even occurred Kage that his gift might be uh misinterpreted by Dees Queen mom.

Well ok, Kage does know her measurements, but he’s not going to admit that. ;)

Hehe, Kage and romance will never be simple. Nor will keeping an eye on Rook and Beanuu. Though I’d like to imagine he gets them working with Hughes in an expanded salvage and refurbishment business. It’ll be another subsidiary of SalTech.


Pittied fools.
And Destron. RPG Dees mom might be disappointed to learn that it’s not Kages that knows Dees measurements. Oracle made the armour. Plus, In My mind, it never even occurred Kage that his gift might be uh misinterpreted by Dees Queen mom.

But...she literally made the same misunderstanding of Kage and Dee's interaction in the first Thanksgiving campaign. It's not fully canon but there's precedent.

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