Post Pictures of your Transformers, Let's see 40 years worth of Transformers!

Haze Arquebus

Cursed Punweaver
Hah, can't swing that, but I guess I kind of squeaky wheeled it by complaining. Not ideal, but good enough.



Well-known member
Pulse shipment arrived today:

Here's HISSMegs with another large tank-Megs, and I included this particular version of Thundercracker because they share a similar feel of plastics. I also just opted to leave the 3/4 HISS off his back in bot mode. Fortunately it pops on and off easily enough and it just looks ridiculous with it attached. It's funny because there are some relatively clever steps in the conversion, they clearly just ran out of money. All it really needs - and maybe the 3D print market will provide - a 2 or 3 step folding hinge to allow that part to lay down against his back. Sure, it'd still be just one chunk, but it would go a long way towards actually making this a pretty decent TF instead of a licensed Road-bot.


HISS tank itself is obviously great. Dead on compared to the real deal



And then some fun mid-sequences.


This one has a bit of a Gundam flavor to me.



Olde-Timey Member
Staff member
Council of Elders

I think I posted this one about 60 pages ago, but was going through old pics and thought it was cool.

I'm currently 1 short of having a full "wing" of 3 Cyberton-mode Seekers, but I had been thinking about using my old Dirge from the 2008 two-packs as a "Heavy Seeker" variant. Judging by your picture, I think they'd look pretty good together.


Wondering bot
Pulse shipment arrived today:

Here's HISSMegs with another large tank-Megs, and I included this particular version of Thundercracker because they share a similar feel of plastics. I also just opted to leave the 3/4 HISS off his back in bot mode. Fortunately it pops on and off easily enough and it just looks ridiculous with it attached. It's funny because there are some relatively clever steps in the conversion, they clearly just ran out of money. All it really needs - and maybe the 3D print market will provide - a 2 or 3 step folding hinge to allow that part to lay down against his back. Sure, it'd still be just one chunk, but it would go a long way towards actually making this a pretty decent TF instead of a licensed Road-bot.


HISS tank itself is obviously great. Dead on compared to the real deal



And then some fun mid-sequences.

This one has a bit of a Gundam flavor to me.


Enemy pilot "ITS A GUNDAM!!" Seconds later, they are dead!


Well-known member
I just can't get over the Lego Bionicle face on her torso. I know there's a grand tradition of torsos-faces out there, but it just really jumps out - maybe it's the eyes that do it.


Flamboyant Cuddles!!!

A little big on him, but it works; who doesn’t appreciate a post-apocalyptic cloak motif?😆

Random: This is setting my OCD on fire, but Exo-Suit doesn’t even appear in the comics. I’m all for “non-show” toy characters but still.🥺


That, and how his character is depicted in the comic. I mean, is he or isn't he a Shattered Glass Decepticon? Unless he switches sides later, he's just an evil Wheeljack. Which is fine, but why name his toy Slicer and why make it a Decepticon? Just weird decisions all around IMO it is all.🤷‍♀️


Also, not sure who’s tried to the “You Can Call It Roy Rodgers or Boyd Ritchi If You Really Want To Dune Buggy Mode” yet, but… it exists.(?)🤷🏻‍♀️
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Well-known member
I just can't get over the Lego Bionicle face on her torso. I know there's a grand tradition of torsos-faces out there, but it just really jumps out - maybe it's the eyes that do it.
We can blame Tarn for that, she's just cosplaying.


Random: This is setting my OCD on fire, but Exo-Suit doesn’t even appear in the comics. I’m all for “non-show” toy characters but still.🥺
I don't have it on me to check, but I'm pretty sure the arm Ratchet says he's going to give Slicer as a replacement part is Exo-Suit's.


Wondering bot
View attachment 10400

Finally, definitive mainline Alpha Trion!(?… that’s still a remold/retool so unclear but I guess this is as good as it’s gonna get??)

For now, yeah, maybe in a few years we might see another verison of the character, one thing is for sure, this verison is a step up on the TR verison, not sure exactly what they were thinking when they made that verison!

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