Post Pictures of your Transformers, Let's see 40 years worth of Transformers!

Alpha Omicron

Well-known member
It's been months since I sold most of my collection, and months since I last posted. This is currently the only Transformers I have on display. This trio is just too bad ass to keep in a box.


Somehow still sane



These shoulders majorly suck. Whoever designed them like this on Blitzwing and this guy needs to be demoted to doing Botbots or something.

Had too much black, so I did his flanks and his shoulders. Unfortunately, the shoulders just aren't designed to accommodate the traditional Scourge deco. I actually ended up liking how striking the black chest with searing pink bordered with bright teal looks. I gave up trying to make the fan look presentable and chucked it in the accessories bin.


Maystor missspelur
I bought 2 Arcee's two weeks apart (SS86 and SSBB) and have been posing all three of the Generational Arcee's for a few days now
And I have to say the T30 Arcee is still my fave it incorprates more of the vehicle mode into robot mode has the the better head sculpt and a killer arsenal of weapons but the others have there merits the ER Arcee has the better waist artiulation and SS86 has better ankles
SS BB Arcee is there just chilling with the girls though

LBD "Nytetrayn"

Broke the Matrix
Staff member
Council of Elders
For you, the day Scourge was possessed and shot up the throne room was the most important day of your life! But for was Tuesday.
Not to derail things, but it does make me wonder why he didn't just possess Galvatron instead. That would be one way to become leader of the Decepticons, if only temporarily.

Seeing Galvatron's reactions would be great, too.


Maystor missspelur
Yeah for a while now I been collecting HW scaled cars that match G1 bots HW put out a red Vanette recently an 86 model but its red with yellow stripe


Staff member
Council of Elders
Saving some money with Reprolabels.
Fortunately Artfire comes with plenty, enough to give him the gaudily-stickered look I've always associated with him and to throw Inferno a few to break up the solid blocks of color. But not too much. Just those front of shoulder panels, the silver on the wings, the hip plate details, some repurposed lights on the toes, and the front-facing ends of those leg pipes, and some bits and bobs for altmode (man there's a lot of "paper over the sculpted detail" stuff).

Although now my eyes kind of want to see those hip plate stickers on Artfire instead. But I'll get used to it... He's got plenty of visual interest already. Still need to talk myself into replacing that Autobrand with the Tokyo Fire Department logo. I'd wanted to do that since i saw the set had it, but that was partly because I'd forgotten he had an Autobrand there and not elsewhere.

This being a modern reprolabels set, of course I now have a bunch of "cover the clear windows" nonsense I'll never use, so maybe I can flip those.

(Aside: I hadn't realized how much I miss stickering. It's therapeutic and generally very satisfying.)
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Flamboyant Cuddles!!!
Saving some money with Reprolabels.
Fortunately Artfire comes with plenty, enough to give him the gaudily-stickered look I've always associated with him and to throw Inferno a few to break up the solid blocks of color. But not too much. Just those front of shoulder panels, the hip plate details, the front-facing ends of those leg pipes, and some bits and bobs for altmode (man there's a lot of "paper over sculpted detail" stuff).

Although now my eyes kind of want to see those hip plate stickers on Artfire instead. But I'll get used to it... He's got plenty of visual interest already.

(Aside: I hadn't realized how much I miss stickering. It's therapeutic and generally very satisfying.)
Never really thought of stickering as therapeutic, but it totally is! What I don’t like is that stickering-over-molded-bits issue. Stare at them wrong and they come off. Or if you have to wash your figures and the stickers melt.😔


OMG y’all this guy’s BAE. 😍😍😍

Was watching a review where this guy was referred to as the best figure to come out of WFC/Legacy and I’m inclined to agree. Maybe it’s just cus I love Tarantulas, so I may be biased. Anyhoo; get yours; it’s worth it. ☺️

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