Random Thoughts From Out of Nowhere


Wondering bot
I need a new phone, my current one, its got a cracked screen but the battery is getting worn out and it started to malfuction when it comes to reciving calls, it pretty much will NOT let me answer any calls, tried the advice online in regards to fixing the issue but the only thing left is factory reset and I'm not going to do that currently and it is about time I replaced it, the trouble is, what to get, aside from sim free phones, I got a vage idea of what I want but I'm very much confused in regards to phones as everything is so similar and the ones I been looking at are not really having much differences and the reviews are mostly possitve. I would go to a shop that sells mobiles but there is only ones for two seperate networks in my local town and the only shop we did have that speicalised in selling phones, is gone, closed down a while back when I didn't need a new phone and the nearest is outside of my local town and frankly, I don't want to travel outside of the town, hell, I haven't been outside of my local town in months as I work locally and comute by cycling!


Nonstop Baaka
I have an unlocked Galaxy Note 20, mostly for the 5G and the pressure sensitive stylus. It's great for drawing when I don't feel like busting out my tablet. It was expensive, so I'm planning to run it into the ground.


Staff member
Council of Elders
I have a Samsung something. It's a piece of junk, but that's probably just my technology-killing aura.


Somehow still sane
New model phones nowadays mainly have improvements to the cameras. The performance is pretty much the same unless you really like gaming on your phone. Personally, all i need it to do is text, send messages and take calls. Maybe watch a video or two on long commutes.
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Princess Viola

Dumbass Asexual
Honestly speaking just get a used flagship if you at all care about performance.

Will be cheaper than a new flagship and more powerful than a budget phone around the same price range


Staff member
Council of Elders
I'm locked out of my work email for some reason. I know I entered the right password, and it's not claiming that I didn't. It's just not letting me in. I can't do my work.

I should do something about this at some point.


Collecter of Gobots and Godzilla
I'm locked out of my work email for some reason. I know I entered the right password, and it's not claiming that I didn't. It's just not letting me in. I can't do my work.

I should do something about this at some point.

If your work is anything like mine, you probably have to email the department that is responsible for fixing your email...


Wondering bot
I'm locked out of my work email for some reason. I know I entered the right password, and it's not claiming that I didn't. It's just not letting me in. I can't do my work.

I should do something about this at some point.

Are you sure that they not decided that you done something wrong and they need to investigate your e-mail?


Wondering bot
There is no computer virus advanced enough to replace me yet.

Because Skynet rise has been delayed or the program goal altered to a different scheme, who going to fix things when it goes senial, kind of similar to the Voyager 1 probe, that started malfuctioning last year, thou they resolved the issue resently, of course, you need to bare in mind that your phone is likely FAR more powerful than anything on Voyager 1 or 2 combined as they were launched about 50 years ago and now are beyond our solar system collecting data until the nuclear fuel runs out and they go silent after freezing over!


Wondering bot
Now ordered a new phone from Amazon UK

Sumsung Galaxy A15, also ordered a production case for it, plus some manga books, so what remains is to simply wait for it to arrive, which should be by the end of the week

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