Star Trek General Discussion

Tuxedo Prime

Well-known member
And is now part of a person who's possibly in another different relationship with Bashir, though who knows how long that would have lasted.
Per the "First Splinter Timeline" DS9 relaunch stories, not very long, as neither of them could exorcise the "anaphasic energy being" in the room. In later stories Ezri describes Bashir as an infuriating lover but a very dear friend, and she ends up coming to his rescue in 2385 when... well, it's a long story.
Until Bashir realizes his true love is Garak. That IS Siddig and Robinson's headcanon on what ends up happening anyway. Behr has also indicated that he DID want Garak to be attracted to Bashir, but the suits wouldn't let him explore the idea openly.
I'd wondered why Faith Salie hadn't been in any of the Sid City Club fic readings, despite wanting to reprise the character of Sarina Douglas....

I'm fully aware that mine is a minority shipping position, and to be honest I understand why. I certainly don't begrudge the Bashir/Garak shippers their need for a better story that what 1990s television was prepared for. (I feel much the same way about Major Hayes on Enterprise, who put out a certain "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" vibe but got a Heroic Sacrifice before we could learn his full backstory beyond where on Earth he was from.)

Still, I do feel that the "learning to be a good ally" arc that the doctor canonically had was a good lesson for 1990s straight young men (such as myself) to learn, and was rather amused when author David Mack had the space bus come back with Sarina on board -- albiet with some ambiguity as to whether this is her choice or if a certain numbered agency is playing matchmaker....
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Active member
Well Dax isn't dead and retains a good chunk of Jadzia's memories and thought patterns, so she's only mostly dead.

Not necessarily true. It depends on whether the Symbiont was on ship with an active warp core during the burn…

Copper Bezel

Revenge against God for the crime of Being.
Yeah, but we all know the thirty-second century isn't the real present and that right now "is" happens somewhere in the range of Lower Decks to Picard.

Until Bashir realizes his true love is Garak. That IS Siddig and Robinson's headcanon on what ends up happening anyway. Behr has also indicated that he DID want Garak to be attracted to Bashir, but the suits wouldn't let him explore the idea openly.
Oh right, duh, how could I have forgotten! I was only thinking in terms of it being Ezri Dax's first relationship while she is still deeply in a figuring-herself-out phase of life and Bashir being unlikely to commit easily, so they're both basically college kids and I'd give either of them six months in a randomly assigned relationship even if it wasn't with each other. I'd somehow forgotten Bashir already had a will-they-won't-they on the mantlepiece that's gotta fire eventually.

Copper Bezel

Revenge against God for the crime of Being.
... Kinda sounds like you have a kink there my friend.
to be fair, the Dax/Bashir thing is also a callback to season 1 - if nobody else mentioned that already.
Yeah, I think in the rare case I've actually seen something recently, I have the problem of taking for granted and leaving "the obvious" unstated despite the fact that it's not actually obvious unless you've been right there immersed in that space recently.

God, I know the age gap cuts both ways here, mid 30s to early 20s and also mid 200s, but Bashir sure had been wondering how far down Dax's spots went since before Ezri's came in, huh 😣

The Predaking

Staff member
Council of Elders
Until Bashir realizes his true love is Garak. That IS Siddig and Robinson's headcanon on what ends up happening anyway. Behr has also indicated that he DID want Garak to be attracted to Bashir, but the suits wouldn't let him explore the idea openly.
When I rewatched the series the last time, I definitely saw bits/hints of that in the show, but growing up watching DS9, it was never even on my radar so to speak. I just thought that they had a good friendship, and sadly never saw each other after the series end due to Garak running the Cardassian recovery/government.

The Predaking

Staff member
Council of Elders
And is now part of a person who's possibly in another different relationship with Bashir, though who knows how long that would have lasted.

The takehome lesson is that if you're going to be sci-fi'd away into a noncorporeal parallel reality for a few decades, you probably shouldn't expect romantic partners to wait around for you in the interim. Sisko's just going to have to deal if Kasidy's moved on by the time he gets back, too.

My head cannon that is a few days after the end of the series Jake takes his step mom and sibling on a trip to Bajor, and go to the land that Sisko had picked out for a homestead. They get there, surprised to find a house there with a smoking chimney. They open the door and there is Sisko, cooking lunch for everyone. They stay there on Bajor, only telling their closest friends about Sisko's return.

Tuxedo Prime

Well-known member
When I rewatched the series the last time, I definitely saw bits/hints of that in the show, but growing up watching DS9, it was never even on my radar so to speak. I just thought that they had a good friendship, and sadly never saw each other after the series end due to Garak running the Cardassian recovery/government.
See my post above.

A friend/roommate had to point out the "celluloid closet" hints that Andrew Robinson dropped, but once you know what to look for....

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
My head cannon that is a few days after the end of the series Jake takes his step mom and sibling on a trip to Bajor, and go to the land that Sisko had picked out for a homestead. They get there, surprised to find a house there with a smoking chimney. They open the door and there is Sisko, cooking lunch for everyone. They stay there on Bajor, only telling their closest friends about Sisko's return.
Considering the nature of time to the wormhole aliens: this is a completely plausible and achievable outcome.

Copper Bezel

Revenge against God for the crime of Being.
Okay, I'm finding myself unreasonably impressed by this, but I just clocked the fact you probably were all aware of, that regardless of any other canon breaking shenanigans, Star Trek has been getting the combadges right since 1994.

So the combadge had changed from the original delta on an oval to the same delta but on a boxy loop as of the end of TNG, though it hadn't worked its way back to the TNG crew yet. In the finale, though, the much later future Starfleet used a radically different badge with a hollow delta over two vertical trapezoids. Later, "The Visitor" in DS9 used the same design for future Starfleet as well, presumably the same prop. Prodigy S1 and Lower Decks, which happen after TNG and DS9, but before their respective flash-forward episodes, went back to a more classic lone delta without the oval or loop, something we hadn't seen before in a time we hadn't traveled to. Picard, which happens last of all, after even the flash-forward events, has a streamlined version of the flash-forward badge with offset trapezoids trimmed to the upper margin of the delta, clearly a later evolution of that design.

Now, finally, the present of Prodigy has caught up with the All Good Things combadges, and the sequence is complete. = o


Active member
I think my favorite, aesthetically, is the future-TNG/Prodigy S2. The ST: Picard era version, while similar, doesn't look as nice with the dark trapezoids... and then the one in use in the very last episode of Picard goes back to gold trapezoids, but still trimmed at the top... and a kind of ugly chrome finish on the delta itself rather than the satin finish used previously.

Although the TWOK delta will always be a thing of beauty. It's my hope to be buried wearing one.

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