Star Trek: The Original Series and The Next Generation

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The Predaking

Staff member
Council of Elders
Yeah, Maxwell from the Wounded WAS correct and the Cardassians WERE planning war stuff! I don't get why Picard said he didn't want to investigate cuz there would be more trouble or whatever. Weird for him.

I think that Picard was doing whatever he could to keep the Federation out of war. Like to him, it was worth the Cardassians having a few more weapons in the colonies than to drag the Federation into another war with the Cardassians. He did though tell them to knock it off though.

414 Clues - it was a little scary there, when Data was going against the crew trying to get their memories back. Like he was evil. Scary. Shouldn't we encounter these super power aliens again?

Sadly, we don't see them again.

416 Galaxy's Child - Leah Brahms was married? Really. So dumb for computer not to mention it. Also for Geordi not to know.

Yeah, it is weird since as an adult male that is one thing that usually gets checked first when I was single around his age.

417 Night Terrors - had scary moments, like the corpses that sit up with Beverly. What happened to the Betazed who was still alive? Who were the other aliens?

Never mentioned again.

418 Identity Crisis - another creepy ep. Too bad the other crew members couldn't be saved.

I remember watching this one as a kid. I fully agree with your thoughts on this.

419 Nth Degree - sad for Barclay to lose his intelligence. Luv the laser lights on his control chair. That was a cool effect on his head.

The end of the episode hints that Barclay didn't lose it all, and given his character growth later on, I would say that he retains a portion of it.

420 Qpid - dumb Robin Hood stuff and I guessed that this lead into the DS9 ep where Vash was with Q. Picard didn't have another fling with her?

Nope, this is Vash's last appearance on TNG.

421 Drumhead - seems to be a number of trial type eps, actually.

Picard gives a pretty epic speech in this episode IIRC.

422 Half a Life - that new love of Troi's mom is the voice of Jumba from Lilo and Stitch! Sad that they didn't change the planet's auto death policy.

Yeah, you really feel for her in this episode. Such a weird policy for a planet to have.

423 Host - Trill!!! Beverly had sex with Riker via symbiont! She's not into women! Cool to see where Jadzia concept came from.

Yup, they refine the Trill a lot by DS9, but this is where they first get introduced.

424 Mind's Eye - thriller plot that we've seen before.
Yeah, but I still like this episode.

425 In Theory - Ugh, I hate that Data has no reason to be interested in that throwaway lady who was using him as a rebound. He had no reason to follow up on being her boyfriend. I feel the same way about Isaac and Dr Finn in Orville. While I love how it went, I feel that there is no reason for Isaac to want to be in a relationship. Same with Data. I don't think Isaac ever said he wanted to pursue the relationship either. I think both Isaac and Data were just responding to humans asking him to be in one, Ala as an order. Blurg.

I think its more along the lines that Data wanted to pursue a relationship for the experience of it. I don't think that the episode does a good job with it, but its not the worst episode.

426 Redemption part 1 - honestly, I wasn't wild about the Klingon stuff.

Urgh, too long already. Next post.

This is probably the best Klingon stuff in all of Trek. Also, TASHA is back! Sort of.... Watching that as a kid, I was like, "WHAT THE!?!?!"

Fero McPigletron

Feel the fear!
On Wounded, I hope that Maxwell goes on record on being right, even if he did kill civilians.

On Drumhead, that lady's emotional outburst on Picard's speech should have been waaaay worse, enough to discredited her. She was just emotional but not damnening. She could have said something clear cut wrong, like 'no matter the evidence given, any hint against my father's personal policies will be guilty in my book! Guilty, guilty, GUILTY!' or something.

On Mind's Eye, yeah, it was a well done thriller, with focus on Geordi. But, I dunno, not much science in it.

OK I actually finished season 5 and am on s6 so I'll just get this out of the way. After s7, can move to another, more legit (?) Star Trek thread?

501 Redemption 2 - the Duras sisters are kinda cool and would like to see again. Am confused at the end cuz they turned their backs on Worf cuz he didn't kill the Duras kid? I feel like they could have filmed a scene where Gowron did kill the kid but test audiences got horrified so they left it unsure.

502 Darmok - cool thing about this was seeing the ep when I saw Lower Decks 401 when that alien with Ransom said Temba with arms open and Ransom said Shaka when the walls fell. So I know understood the references that alien crewmember was saying! Amazing! On the ep, if only the alien leader didn't die. Picard could have saved him, c'mon. Loved the juliet by the balcony explanation, that the aliens speak in events as a metaphor. We get the words but don't know the meaning.

503 Ensign Ro - didn't care for Ro really (but will later on). I actually didn't expect her to be a regular cuz, darn it, that alien who wished to go explore space in the Contact ep (where Riker fools around with the nurse) hasn't reappeared! Her, I wanted to see more of! How the hex is she adjusting and all that.

504 Silicon Avatar - loved this ep! I felt for the mom's loss of her son, even though she started being discriminatory towards Data at first. She was just broken when she realized Data had her son's info and could read letters to her in his voice. Her vengeance on the sentient and wanting to communicate Crystalline Entity was cold, cold, cold but Data saying that her son probably wouldn't have approves just destroyed her. She gave up everything for revenge and the acknowledgement she wanted from her proxy son wasn't even there to comfort her. Holy cow, what an ep. Also, gosh dang, the way the Crystalline Entity killed Riker's possible hook up was horrific. I'm glad to see the Entity in Lower Decks' intro and hope we see a story about it in the future.

505 Disaster - cool, disaster type episode. Space kids should be a hardier breed, c'mon. Funny if they sang a pop song like Britney Spears or Kpop instead of row row row your boat. Fre res Jacques?

506 Game - Wesley is kinda cool. Game effects was kinda dumb. Ep felt like ... whatever that movie is with Attack of the Pod People or something. What's the title? Dang it. But cool enough ep cuz it was like a movie, with Welsey having a love interest, haha

507-8 Unification 1-2 - I think I'll have to forego Voyager and watch TOS instead. Cuz I need to figure what the big deal is with Spock and his dad or whatever. Ep is just OK with me cuz I don't get the significance. Sela revealing that Tasha had to have a child with a Romulan then was killed was tragic. Tasha was out of her time and couldn't contact friends and such cuz they weren't born yet. She died alone, poor lady.

509 - Matter of Time - it's Max Headrom! I have some sympathy for him, being stranded. But I guess it's better to be stuck in the future than in the past? Hope the time traveler he took the time machine from is OK though.

510 New Ground - urgh, bratty kid Alexander. Did people like the kid episodes? I usually like them but there was a lot of kid eps in the season. Semi cool alien monster animal tho and the new transporter wave tech that failed.

511 Hero Worship - see? Another kid ep? They should have spaced it out. Solving the death of the whole ship was great tho. I almost believed it when the kid said he killed them all.

512 Violation - nice depiction of mind rape. At least the guy wasn't out to murder his victims by leaving them braindead, whew.

513 Masterpiece Society - I like the dilemma but to me, it wasn't a dilemma. Let the people go. The perfect society seriously doesn't have back up redundancies? They can breed replacements, I'm sure. And Picard is anti genetic manipulation?! Boo on you Picard!!! Could have done with the instant fall in love with Troi though.

514 Conumdrum - aaaawesome ep. I knew that new people on the crew was off. Sorta, haha. I feel sorry for the alien ships Picard ordered destroyed before he realized they were defenseless against him. Loved the amnesia ploy by enemy alien and, yeeeeah, I liked the whole dumb Ro Riker hate but sudden Ro Riker hook up, hahaha. This made me like Ro a bit more.

515 Powerplay - I kinda liked the ghosts wanting to go home angle. But I also liked the convicts wanting to escape plot too. Though I kinda wanted that Picard explore the plight of the convicts. They were desperate but inventive. If they weren't willing to hurt anybody and were forgotten Ala Superman phantom zone criminals, maybe they could have been let go. Or come to compromise or something.

516 Ethics - Alexander again. But more on Worf. Other doctor was daring but, c'mon, this is the future! She could have done her experiments safely somehow. So the only reason why Worf survived is cuz his body has redundant organs, whew. Dumb tho that a barrel could have hurt him that. They could have made it a scarier incident. The barrel heavy effect wasn't convincing.

517 Outcast - yeah, it's a gender sensitive ep but, c'mon, it hinges on the alien and Riker just being horny for each other, sheesh. Said about the effective brainwashing tho.

518 Cause and Effect - Amazing yet scary ep! Creepy too. Would that they got more of the 3 number appearing and us not understanding. Data figuring it out was clutch! So cool! I would say tho, that the other ship just bumping the end was enough to kill them? Could have made it worse. Also, that was Kelsey Grammer! I saw him cameo in Lower Decks as a captain in a black ninja suit in the ep where he and an all star crew like Tuvok helped clear Mariner's mom's name! I know Tuvok is a regular character in Voyager so I assume Kelsey Grammer's character is a big deal too. But he's a time traveler! Thrust into a futuristic world! He can't be an awesome character if he's still learning the ropes of new future tech, right?

519 First Duty - another trial ep. They had to kill a poor cadet too. Wesley could have shown more backbone.

520 Cost of Living - Alexander again. Lwaxana too. I should like the whimsy of the holodeck program but I didn't like it.

521 Perfect Mate - seemed like a draaaawn out ep with Picard having fake attraction. Didn't like it.

522 Imaginary Friend - another kid ep. Too many kid eps! Could have swapped a couple of these to other seasons! At least the Entity wasn't murderous.

523 I, Borg - LOVED this ep! Hugh was great! Meeting Guinan and Picard and their minds being changed was great! Sure, Hugh got Stockholm Syndromed since his captors were feeding him food to survive, like what was his basis of friendship with Geordi? But still, very cool. I get why Data wasn't in the ep because him and Hugh together would split the no emotions attention between them. Was Hugh a Borg baby or a race assimilated? I'm realizing that Borg Babies might just have only been shown once and Lower Decks just cameo'd the concept. I thought it was common place with the Borg. Also this is the reason why Seven of Nine is called that way? Cuz Hugh was Three of Five, so cool to know the origin. Hope he comes back and reconciles with Geordi.

524 Next Phase - great sci-fi ep, if something seen before. Romulans are such jerks to be helped by Star Fleet then they bomb the ship. Interesting that they pair up Geordi with Ro here and they added a bit of extra Bajoran culture with her death belief. I'm very sad about the poor Romulan who was also phased but got thrown into space. He was in a horrible predicament and saw hope in a way of coming back to regular phase but threw it all away for what? Romulan loyalty? I thought Geordi would make friends with him like in the enemy mine type ep where he was stranded with another one and they worked together. Geordi is a friend making MVP actually, haha.

525 Inner Light - I've heard about this ep as a stand alone. Very sci-fi, very Twilight Zone. It's OK for me since it's a known plot already. But I'm sad about the probe cuz it projected the memory to one person and shut down? It couldn't even be saved as a file and left inside a small human brain? Where's the legacy after Picard dies? The contents should have been saved, dang it. Also, it... appeared in recent Lower Decks ep maybe? In the 403 Ringworld weather, wadi game ep, there was a briefcase sized device that shot the Betazoid face delivery thing in the face and the face... relived a lifetime? But I thought the probe thing was huge, like a satellite. And the face said I miss my wife, which was what that Sullivan holo said in the Voyager holos go crazy 401 ep said. So I'm not sure if that's the same thing.

526 Time's Arrow 1 - time travel shenanigans! Love it! Data gambling and living in the past, awesome! Pretty fun, hehe. Guidance around too, haha. Am a bit confused as to why an alien cavern is connected to earth past but whatever.

I usually skip saying anything on skippable eps but, lately, I have to comment on the eps cuz I either like them or kinda don't like something about it. So I guess that's something to say about s5, that it's all interesting.

Two seasons to go. 52 eps and I'm done with the thread.

Tuxedo Prime

Well-known member
Re: ep 518 and what may come after: If you can track down a copy of Diane Carey's novel "Ship of the Line" (I found a gently used secondhand hardcover copy and acquired it on the cheap), you'll get your fix of Morgan Bateson. It starts with how the Bozeman ended up in the time anomaly in 2277, and then jumps to the launch of the Sovereign-class Enterprise that happened between the first and second TNG films....

The Predaking

Staff member
Council of Elders
501 Redemption 2 - the Duras sisters are kinda cool and would like to see again. Am confused at the end cuz they turned their backs on Worf cuz he didn't kill the Duras kid? I feel like they could have filmed a scene where Gowron did kill the kid but test audiences got horrified so they left it unsure.

Nothing on Captain Data dealing with Bigotry? Tasha Yar's daughter? Oh well, Worf literally had been given the kids life, so honorably, they would have had to kill Worf first. Not an easy task for any of them. He isn't dishonored but they didn't want him around either. You can see why now that Gowron wanted Worf's help in DS9, as Worf basically led his forces in the Klingon civil war.

502 Darmok - cool thing about this was seeing the ep when I saw Lower Decks 401 when that alien with Ransom said Temba with arms open and Ransom said Shaka when the walls fell. So I know understood the references that alien crewmember was saying! Amazing! On the ep, if only the alien leader didn't die. Picard could have saved him, c'mon. Loved the juliet by the balcony explanation, that the aliens speak in events as a metaphor. We get the words but don't know the meaning.

Shakka when the walls fell!

503 Ensign Ro - didn't care for Ro really (but will later on). I actually didn't expect her to be a regular cuz, darn it, that alien who wished to go explore space in the Contact ep (where Riker fools around with the nurse) hasn't reappeared! Her, I wanted to see more of! How the hex is she adjusting and all that.

Ro is an interesting character. She will be around for a while.

504 Silicon Avatar - loved this ep! I felt for the mom's loss of her son, even though she started being discriminatory towards Data at first. She was just broken when she realized Data had her son's info and could read letters to her in his voice. Her vengeance on the sentient and wanting to communicate Crystalline Entity was cold, cold, cold but Data saying that her son probably wouldn't have approves just destroyed her. She gave up everything for revenge and the acknowledgement she wanted from her proxy son wasn't even there to comfort her. Holy cow, what an ep. Also, gosh dang, the way the Crystalline Entity killed Riker's possible hook up was horrific. I'm glad to see the Entity in Lower Decks' intro and hope we see a story about it in the future.

I don't want to get into this again, because recently we had a ten page debate on the CE. I argued that the CE was an evil sentient creature, and it understood them just fine just like it understood Lore. Yeah, I feel for Riker and his loss, as he seemed to be genuinely interested in her.

505 Disaster - cool, disaster type episode. Space kids should be a hardier breed, c'mon. Funny if they sang a pop song like Britney Spears or Kpop instead of row row row your boat. Fre res Jacques?

I like that episode. That is the one with Troi in command right?

507-8 Unification 1-2 - I think I'll have to forego Voyager and watch TOS instead. Cuz I need to figure what the big deal is with Spock and his dad or whatever. Ep is just OK with me cuz I don't get the significance. Sela revealing that Tasha had to have a child with a Romulan then was killed was tragic. Tasha was out of her time and couldn't contact friends and such cuz they weren't born yet. She died alone, poor lady.

No matter what, Tasha always gets a pointless death. But the point of this is that Spock, like he did with the Klingons, wants to bring peace between the Romulans and the Federation by bringing Romulans and Vulcans back together as one race. You think that is a crazy goal, but he was the one that brought the Federation and the Klingons together, and one day, his work will succeed.

510 New Ground - urgh, bratty kid Alexander. Did people like the kid episodes? I usually like them but there was a lot of kid eps in the season. Semi cool alien monster animal tho and the new transporter wave tech that failed.

Alexander gets a little bit better but it takes a while.

514 Conumdrum - aaaawesome ep. I knew that new people on the crew was off. Sorta, haha. I feel sorry for the alien ships Picard ordered destroyed before he realized they were defenseless against him. Loved the amnesia ploy by enemy alien and, yeeeeah, I liked the whole dumb Ro Riker hate but sudden Ro Riker hook up, hahaha. This made me like Ro a bit more.

I liked this episode. It is just a classic one where the characters are all a bit off. Love Ro and Riker's conversation.

"What if I snore in my sleep?"

"Who says that you are going to get any sleep?"

516 Ethics - Alexander again. But more on Worf. Other doctor was daring but, c'mon, this is the future! She could have done her experiments safely somehow. So the only reason why Worf survived is cuz his body has redundant organs, whew. Dumb tho that a barrel could have hurt him that. They could have made it a scarier incident. The barrel heavy effect wasn't convincing.

The Barrel is a bit of a meme, but I like that Worf was able to recover.

518 Cause and Effect - Amazing yet scary ep! Creepy too. Would that they got more of the 3 number appearing and us not understanding. Data figuring it out was clutch! So cool! I would say tho, that the other ship just bumping the end was enough to kill them? Could have made it worse. Also, that was Kelsey Grammer! I saw him cameo in Lower Decks as a captain in a black ninja suit in the ep where he and an all star crew like Tuvok helped clear Mariner's mom's name! I know Tuvok is a regular character in Voyager so I assume Kelsey Grammer's character is a big deal too. But he's a time traveler! Thrust into a futuristic world! He can't be an awesome character if he's still learning the ropes of new future tech, right?

Sadly, we don't see his character again until Lower Decks. He was a big deal at this point, coming off of Cheers about to start his own 11 season show. So he just really wanted to do a cameo, and he nailed it. There are some novels about what happens to his character, but I never read them.

This episode was a great one to me as it just goes over and over again. Even when they know that they are in a time loop of their own destruction, they still make the same decision to continue on as they normally would.

519 First Duty - another trial ep. They had to kill a poor cadet too. Wesley could have shown more backbone.

Yeah, and you get not Tom Paris in this episode as the cadet leader. You will understand that later, don't google it. We also get the first appearance of Boothby.

523 I, Borg - LOVED this ep! Hugh was great! Meeting Guinan and Picard and their minds being changed was great! Sure, Hugh got Stockholm Syndromed since his captors were feeding him food to survive, like what was his basis of friendship with Geordi? But still, very cool. I get why Data wasn't in the ep because him and Hugh together would split the no emotions attention between them. Was Hugh a Borg baby or a race assimilated? I'm realizing that Borg Babies might just have only been shown once and Lower Decks just cameo'd the concept. I thought it was common place with the Borg. Also this is the reason why Seven of Nine is called that way? Cuz Hugh was Three of Five, so cool to know the origin. Hope he comes back and reconciles with Geordi.

The Borg assimilate but I don't think that they breed. The children that they assimilate get put into Maturation chambers to help them grow up. Hugh is a big deal because he literally has been given his own sense of self now. Expect to see him again.

525 Inner Light - I've heard about this ep as a stand alone. Very sci-fi, very Twilight Zone. It's OK for me since it's a known plot already. But I'm sad about the probe cuz it projected the memory to one person and shut down? It couldn't even be saved as a file and left inside a small human brain? Where's the legacy after Picard dies? The contents should have been saved, dang it. Also, it... appeared in recent Lower Decks ep maybe? In the 403 Ringworld weather, wadi game ep, there was a briefcase sized device that shot the Betazoid face delivery thing in the face and the face... relived a lifetime? But I thought the probe thing was huge, like a satellite. And the face said I miss my wife, which was what that Sullivan holo said in the Voyager holos go crazy 401 ep said. So I'm not sure if that's the same thing.

Inner Light is held by most as the best episode of Star Trek TNG, if not Star Trek itself. Personally, I think The Visitor in DS9 is the best, but I can see this as a strong contender. And poor Picard, a year after being assimilated he went through this, which I would think is much worse, as he literally lived 60+ years and is suddenly back on his ship again. I think that would be harder to recover from.

Also, I should note, the actor that played his son in this episode is actually Patrick Stewart's son. They were trying to cast someone, and Stewart was like, "Well, here is an actor that looks a lot like me.".

As for the probe, it was small enough to be launched by a rocket, out of their solar system, and was only able to hold the flute that they give to Picard. The one in Lower Decks was similar but different shape. Maybe there were multiple probes.

526 Time's Arrow 1 - time travel shenanigans! Love it! Data gambling and living in the past, awesome! Pretty fun, hehe. Guidance around too, haha. Am a bit confused as to why an alien cavern is connected to earth past but whatever.

I love the Mark Twain in these two episodes. Did you notice that the actor that plays Gul Dukat was one of the poker players?

Copper Bezel

Revenge against God for the crime of Being.
Inner Light is held by most as the best episode of Star Trek TNG, if not Star Trek itself. Personally, I think The Visitor in DS9 is the best, but I can see this as a strong contender.
I'm nitpicking to divert myself from just directly shitting on things other people like way more than I do, but I would qualify that a little and say that Inner Light is held by the most people as the best TNG episode. It would win a poll of every TNG episode, but no one episode is going to get a majority of the votes.

I'd forgotten that Ro had this much time on the show myself. I might have to go watch some episodes myself.

The Predaking

Staff member
Council of Elders
I'm nitpicking to divert myself from just directly shitting on things other people like way more than I do, but I would qualify that a little and say that Inner Light is held by the most people as the best TNG episode. It would win a poll of every TNG episode, but no one episode is going to get a majority of the votes.

Yeah, it's really popular, and it is in my top ten, but I think there are some that are better than that. Homecoming and Q Who are better episodes in my opinion.

Copper Bezel

Revenge against God for the crime of Being.
"Darmok" gets mentioned a lot too, since it's such a distilled essence of TNG.

I'd have a hard time picking a favorite TNG episode. There's just a lot of the series I don't remember. The standalone nature of the episode formula means I'd probably be looking for something like "Inner Light" or "Darmok", one of those episodes built as a contained thing around a single concept, but it's hard to appreciate in retrospect I think what even the ones made on a really clever concept would have been like to see the first time in the 80s or 90s when I might not have been well read enough in sci-fi to take the premise for granted, and the characters just don't compel me - even after they're allowed to have conflicts, TNG's characters are still the flattest (not the worst, but the starchiest) in the franchise.

Equally difficult to choose an episode of DS9 for different reasons. DS9 got to build things, so by the last couple of seasons it's full of episodes that just hit way harder for me than any one episode of TNG, like "In the Pale Moonlight" and "Far Beyond the Stars", but they're not episodes I'd single out as being a single representative sample of the best the show has to offer because they depend on that context. (Where something like "The Visitor" is a comparatively simple and contained story so probably fares better by that metric, but it didn't really hit for me in context.)

So I'm just going to say that my favorite TNG episode is DS9's 6.09 "Statistical Probabilities".

What's "Homecoming"? Edit: No idea how I missed that in Google searching.
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The Predaking

Staff member
Council of Elders
Sorry, I kept calling it Homecoming, when it is called "Family". Season 4 episode 2. Such a great episode with Patrick Stewart putting on a master class of acting.

Darmok is a good episode, and I love that they eventually are able to communicate with each other by the time of Lower Decks.

I think that the Visitor is probably my favorite DS9 episode. It hits hard with the Death of Sisko, then the loss of him is felt and they have to abandoned DS9. Then you get to see how Jake starts to build his life back, only to be confronted by the temporary return of his dad. Then you see Jake spend the rest of his life trying to save his dad. Only at the end, to kill himself while Ben was there to snap him back to the moment of the accident. Its a hard reset, but probably the best one that they ever did.

Fero McPigletron

Feel the fear!
On Redemption 2, hey yeah, what was up with that weird officer discriminating against Data? There was no reprimand on him? Wouldn't he be more confident in a robot commander? At least the mom in the Silicon Avatar hated Data cuz of the Lore connection.

Where's this ten page debate on the Crystaline Entity? Haha

Troi was in command in the Disaster ep, yeah. It was neat how the crew was split up but, wow, right when Picard had kids with him, haha

BTW, I didn't realize that Romulans was a big deal until watching Strange New World. It was really only Vulcans, Borg and Klingons that I knew. Romulans... weren't a mainstream name, to me.

The Barrel hurting Worf was a meme? I must have missed that.

Frasier's character Bateson never makes another appearance in the show? Except for novels? And Lower Decks just decided to make him some sort of super cool spy operative? That's crazy!

Patrick Stewart's son hmm, I didn't think he looked a lot like Picard. The probe was small? I thought it was big.

Huh, didn't notice human Gul Dukat. Mark Twain was over the top to the point I thought he was a bad guy, haha.

Anyhow, I finished s6 and am in a bit into s7. Holy cow, I'm almost done!

601 Times Arrow part 2 - dang it, I wanted more Data messing around, haha. Picard and crew acclimating was too short, haha. I'm still a bit confused how they won. They were very forgiving on Mark Twain, haha. Poor Data head being inactive for years! Wow!

602 Realm of Fear - I actually yelped when I saw Barclay back, haha. Good to see him! I listened in several times to try to figure out how the hex he knew to bring the freaky transport worms into the real world. I wouldn't have dared so good for him for being brave there.

603 Man of the People - Troi vamped a random officer, hahaha. I'm on fuzzy ground on the mediator guy. He WAS doing good but if the victim was willing, Picard couldn't interfere cuz of Prime Directive or whatever. Guy could have been shown to be more evil, like actually using his powers to influence the delegation.

604 Relics - yeah, I know Scottie. Probably bittersweet to see him around. Who was his friend who died in the Data buffer?

605 Schisms - crazy alien autopsy ep. If only no one died. A dumb thing was the aliens not realizing Riker has his eyes open, c'mon.

606 True Q - powers of a Q! I would definitely think I won the lottery if that was me, hahahaha. She probably had daddy issues on being attracted to Riker cuz there were a lot of random handsome officers around, haha.

607 Rascals - couldn't take Picard's kid's voice seriously. Odd choice to Keiko to be kiddified too. Bed jumping was awesome tho, haha. See, you have this de aging technology! Use it on that planet who killed people at age 60!

608 Fistful of Data - it was a Worf ep, not a Data ep. Hahaha on Data called Spot a varmint.

609 Quality of Life - I yelped again when I saw the exocomps. It's Peanut Hamper!!! But they didn't talk? Their dilemma on being alive would have been solved faster if they talked. One of them died but we didn't see the body? It would have been heartbreaking if the one left behind just fell down and turned off. I can't believe it was just this ep that they decided that the reps of a new lifeforms would be a selfish jerk like Peanut Hamper, haha

610 Chain of Command part 1 - I recognized the ninja suit used by Morgan Bateson Fraiser Lower Decks, cuz its rare to see them get new suits to wear. Jellico is... different.

611 Chain of Command part 2 - OK, I heard of the Four Lights thing before but I didn't know it was this ep and it was the Cardassians who did it to Picard. Like, I actually didn't realize how horrible Cardassians were in DS9 cuz we didn't see the actual torture camps etc. Picard was naked for a while, geez. And, whoa, that's David Warner's voice! From TMNT 2 Secret of the Ooze as a scientist! His voice is so distinct. And he's the one who tortures Picard?!? Yow! I didn't follow so much how Jellico got Picard free cuz it would have been so easy for them to just accidentally kill him off. Scary on the implications. And no repercussions? Odd.

612 Ship in a Bottle - I yelped for a third time when Barclay came back. Whaaaaa?! Hehe. But he wasn't the hero in the ep, just a side character. Picard really DID forget about Moriarty! Bad! I don't think the ending works cuz who can plan for what lifeforms want to explore. And how did he program his love to be sentient like him too?

613 Aquiel - there was a dog! Yay! Geordi in love again? Siiigh. He's hopeless. He's too good for her anyway. I figured out the killed but aaaaaw, bad reveal.

614 Face of the Enemy - I kept seeing Troi's face as Kira from DS9, who also had a face swap plot. This story was a bit confusing with the political intrigue and I'm sorry about the deaths.

615 Tapestry - impossible! A Q ep without Q in the title? Impossible! Could have been Q Review or Q Reset. I don't follow why Picard sleeping with his friend ruined their relationship the next day, odd. And I don't buy that Picard being in that blue uniform alternate timelines would have been a raw deal. He probably would have stood out there somehow too. But saying a near death experience changes someone is true. But c'mon, it's a disservice to any officer who wanted to be a blue uniformed guy, cuz Picard would rather die again than have that job, geez.

616 Birthright part 1 - really more on Data and his dream and painting thing. It was awesome to see Bashir here but could have been more. But Deep Space 9 is already in operation?!?!? What about O'Brien? When did he leave?

617 Birthright part 2 - more on Worf teaching the supposed dead Klingons. Poor folks. It's a culture thing that they would rather be thought of dead than dishonored. That Romulan thought he was doing a good thing for them but culture culture whatever. Could be said that the Klingon's warlike tendencies is outdated too but whatever.

618 Starship Mine - action movie Picard! I'm just so sorry to see the poor thieves just get killed by the baryon scan whatever. Anyone knocked out got vaporized, like that Tuvok looking guy that Picard threw a saddle at at the start. And the second to the last lady got knocked to the ground by Picard and we never saw her scream or get vaporized. Cool action movie premise. Sorry about the body count. Loved that whole deal with Data and the other guy small talking forever! Haha

619 Lessons - Picard in love. And we never see that lady again?

620 Chase - this was like an interstellar Indiana Jones National Treasure thing. I'm just blah on the final reveal, haha. And the Klingons really vaporized all life and organics from one planet so no one could get a DNA trace? That has to be a crime.

621 Frame of Mind - a bit of a scary ep. Thought it would be like that Buffy ep where her mind was in and out of an insane asylum dream thing. But it was really a plot.

622 Suspicions - ooooh I figured out the killer here! Cool on Beverly stepping up. I'm sad about the Ferengi scientist who didn't get recognition before he passed.

623 Rightful Heir - what happened to this clone of Khaless? Was he mentioned in DS9? Or is there an ep in s7 that deals with him. I love this idea and I'm glad he's still alive. This is like a Jesus analogy or something.

624 Second Chances - the double Riker! Finally saw it! Already knew he would survive but there were close calls. And for a second there, at the end, I thought Troi was going to suggest something, haha. Love the idea of having the double and I'm very disappointed to find that in DS9 that Riker 2 was... sent to jail? That was his final fate? Boo!

625 Timescape - semi action tense ep but I'm fuzzy on details like why the female alien tried to stop Data and why the Romulan ship disappeared. They possibly couldn't have transferred all the Romulans out, right?

626 Descent part 1 - Data saying stop stop to the Borg was crazy. I didn't even realize that he killed him. All new type of Borg, cool, sorta. And the final reveal of Lore was whaaaaaat?!? Good season finale again, hehe

I might as well get into s7 cuz I'm forgetting stuff already. Like I forget which cold opening had Data saying his Ode to Spot poem, which was great, haha!

701 Descent part 2 - Hugh is back! But he's not as friendly. Did he even have any scenes with Geordi? I don't recall a happy reunion scene. So Hugh messed up a small section of the Borg but not the whole collective, OK. Weird on Lore... broadcasting emotions to Data, keeping him... addicted. The ending was the chip was damaged? And Lore is dismantled for real? Unless we see an actual body, I'm assuming Lore is still around, somehow?

702 Liasions - this was weeeeeird but I liked the alien who liked desserts. Seems like aliens just can't enough of Picard luving, haha

703 Interface - odd to suddenly Geordi family stuff. So the mom is dead for real? Kinda horrible to leave it like that.

704-5 Gambit part 1-2 - this was wild but cool to see Picard pretending to be a pirate. The treasure hunting here and in the Chase ep really shows that Picard is into this stuff, so that Lower Decks thing where he finances that Indiana Jones lady in Lower Decks is legit. There was a ton of back and forth and betrayals that I couldn't really keep track. Cool on Picard and Riker for all their impromptu acting AND the crew for going along with everything. That part where Picard shoots Riker and Beverly instantly goes along with it and says Riker is dead was brilliant. The crew were just reading each other's minds, haha. The ending with the macguffin being defeated by the power of peace was so Indiana Jones movie like, haha. The two parter was crazy wild but just had to accept it, haha

706 Phantasms - freaky scary dreams. Is this were the whole everything is cake meme come from, retroactively? I thought Data stabbing Troi was a dream but it wasn't, geez.

707 Dark Page - poor widower alien was just caught between Lwaxana's trauma breakdown. Probably soured on him on pursuing Troi, haha

708 Attached - Beverly and Picard attached to each other was an OK idea but ruined by the dumb warring two races. The ending with Beverly shoving Picard through the fence then closing it meant absolutely nothing cuz they were rescued a scene later. Kind of a messy ep. And, sheesh, you were mind reading already, go ahead and do the relationship.

Along with the Ode to Spot cold open, I already forgot which ep had that awesome poker game bet where Geordi and Riker would have shaved their beards (and Worf too! He was nervous as all hex!) vs Beverly dying her hair black. Would have been awesomely weird if it continued, haha. There was also a lady interested in Geordi that he wasn't interested in.

18 eps to go! I think the only reference that I know to expect is... Beverly with a ghost? And Spot having kittens. Will there be another DS9 crossover? When does Voyager start, if DS9 happened within Next Gen?

The Predaking

Staff member
Council of Elders
On Redemption 2, hey yeah, what was up with that weird officer discriminating against Data? There was no reprimand on him? Wouldn't he be more confident in a robot commander? At least the mom in the Silicon Avatar hated Data cuz of the Lore connection.

To be honest, his first in command did follow his orders after bringing up valid safety concerns. I am sure that the incident was marked in his record though, given how Data commands.

Where's this ten page debate on the Crystaline Entity? Haha

It starts here:

Basically, a lot of people feel that the CE was murdered before the crew could engage with it. After much debate and rewatching the two CE episodes, it was proven that the CE could understand Lore just fine when he was speaking English. My point was that the episode was trying to manipulate the viewer into agreeing with it, much like it did with Captain Jelico, instead of being happy that the scientist killed this sentient destroyer of worlds before it could kill again. I think that the show could have made its point by sing something other than the CE, because we know that it knows what it's doing. We eventually left it at agreeing to disagree.

BTW, I didn't realize that Romulans was a big deal until watching Strange New World. It was really only Vulcans, Borg and Klingons that I knew. Romulans... weren't a mainstream name, to me.

Romulans were around back in the original series. However, they weren't really in any of the films other than the Ambassadors showing up in 5 and 6. Where as the Klingons were heavily focused on in 3, 5, and 6, and they used a Klingon ship all through out 4, and the Klingons show up at the beginning of 1. Romulans definitely show up a lot in TNG and in DS9 though.

Patrick Stewart's son hmm, I didn't think he looked a lot like Picard. The probe was small? I thought it was big.


He is a good bit taller than his dad, but you can see the resemblance. The ears, nose and eyebrows are a match.

Huh, didn't notice human Gul Dukat. Mark Twain was over the top to the point I thought he was a bad guy, haha.

Go back and chcek out the scene, its one af the raqre times you see him without the mark up. You can also catch him in the original Total Recall film.

Mark Twain definitely starts off as an antagonist to Guinan and Data, but his character growth is remarkable. His conversations with Troi are great but they certainly aren't worried about the temporal directive here.

602 Realm of Fear - I actually yelped when I saw Barclay back, haha. Good to see him! I listened in several times to try to figure out how the hex he knew to bring the freaky transport worms into the real world. I wouldn't have dared so good for him for being brave there.

Barclay's character growth is a neat thing about his character, and the actor plays it perfectly. The great thing is that his growth continues on Voyager and in the TNG films.

604 Relics - yeah, I know Scottie. Probably bittersweet to see him around. Who was his friend who died in the Data buffer?

We never find out about his fellow survivor. He was a new character that happened to survive the crash along with Scotty. You have to remember that at this point they hadn't made the last TOS movie yet. So the TOS actors were all still around and available. I love how the explore Scotty feeling out of touch and out of date. And how it takes Picard to notice it and sympathize with him. IN the Expanded Universe, Scotty does go back to school and catch up, eventually helping Starfleet out again. However, others can tell you more about that than I can.

605 Schisms - crazy alien autopsy ep. If only no one died. A dumb thing was the aliens not realizing Riker has his eyes open, c'mon.

I remember watching this one live, and it creeped me out.

606 True Q - powers of a Q! I would definitely think I won the lottery if that was me, hahahaha. She probably had daddy issues on being attracted to Riker cuz there were a lot of random handsome officers around, haha.

I really like this episode, and seeing it now, it makes me realize why the Q couldn't just leave one of their own running around the galaxy. At the time I thought it was cruel, but as an adult, I see their point of view.

608 Fistful of Data - it was a Worf ep, not a Data ep. Hahaha on Data called Spot a varmint.

Its probably the best Alexander episode in TNG too. Although there is another one that could compete for that spot.

609 Quality of Life - I yelped again when I saw the exocomps. It's Peanut Hamper!!! But they didn't talk? Their dilemma on being alive would have been solved faster if they talked. One of them died but we didn't see the body? It would have been heartbreaking if the one left behind just fell down and turned off. I can't believe it was just this ep that they decided that the reps of a new lifeforms would be a selfish jerk like Peanut Hamper, haha

Yeah, this is where Peanut hamper comes from. You can see that from this origin story that it comes way out of left field for Peanut hamper to be like it is.

610 Chain of Command part 1 - I recognized the ninja suit used by Morgan Bateson Fraiser Lower Decks, cuz its rare to see them get new suits to wear. Jellico is... different.

611 Chain of Command part 2 - OK, I heard of the Four Lights thing before but I didn't know it was this ep and it was the Cardassians who did it to Picard. Like, I actually didn't realize how horrible Cardassians were in DS9 cuz we didn't see the actual torture camps etc. Picard was naked for a while, geez. And, whoa, that's David Warner's voice! From TMNT 2 Secret of the Ooze as a scientist! His voice is so distinct. And he's the one who tortures Picard?!? Yow! I didn't follow so much how Jellico got Picard free cuz it would have been so easy for them to just accidentally kill him off. Scary on the implications. And no repercussions? Odd.

Here is where I want to make a point. TNG will try to force its opinions on the viewer using the character we know and love. Like here, Jelico and Riker are constantly clashing. What are the clashing over? Jelico wants people to work 6 hour shifts instead of 8 hour shifts. He wants the crew to be ready for a very possible Cardassian war. He also disavows Picard when he was captured on a Black Ops mission that could ignite that war. In the end, he finds the Cardassian fleet hiding in the Nebula, and he sucks up his own pride and asks Riker to fly the mission to plant bombs in the nebula basically on top of the hiding ships. Then he uses that as a way to get their fleet to disarm and disburse as well as get them to give Picard back. If Riker had been in charge, the Federation would have been at war.

The four lights part of this episode is amazing. You have two amazing actors giving it their all. The backstory we get about Cardassia, the interrogation of Picard, to him almost breaking was such a perfect episode.

612 Ship in a Bottle - I yelped for a third time when Barclay came back. Whaaaaa?! Hehe. But he wasn't the hero in the ep, just a side character. Picard really DID forget about Moriarty! Bad! I don't think the ending works cuz who can plan for what lifeforms want to explore. And how did he program his love to be sentient like him too?

In the end, Moriarty got what he wanted though. He got a new life in what he thought was the 24th century with his love that was programmed to love him. Not a bad way to go. In my opinion, any episode with Barclay is a great one.

615 Tapestry - impossible! A Q ep without Q in the title? Impossible! Could have been Q Review or Q Reset. I don't follow why Picard sleeping with his friend ruined their relationship the next day, odd. And I don't buy that Picard being in that blue uniform alternate timelines would have been a raw deal. He probably would have stood out there somehow too. But saying a near death experience changes someone is true. But c'mon, it's a disservice to any officer who wanted to be a blue uniformed guy, cuz Picard would rather die again than have that job, geez.

Tapestry is a great episode, one because it takes place during the Lost Era between the TOS films and TNG, and two because it's a great Q episode. Q was giving Picard a chance to change his life, not just that moment, but be the person that didn't take the risks that Picard did. The play it safe guy that got shuffled along from one post to another, being just a LT junior grade in the science division, with no way to excel out at that point. Picard would rather die as he was than live a life like that. As for Marta, Picard could never keep a romantic relationship for long. Even when it truly matters to him, he just can't. So he rather have Marta as a good friend than an ex he doesn't speak with anymore.

What I find creepy now is that Marta was played by a woman that was literally 18 years old.


A bit of an age disparity going on there playing oppositte of Stewart.

The Predaking

Staff member
Council of Elders
616 Birthright part 1 - really more on Data and his dream and painting thing. It was awesome to see Bashir here but could have been more. But Deep Space 9 is already in operation?!?!? What about O'Brien? When did he leave?

617 Birthright part 2 - more on Worf teaching the supposed dead Klingons. Poor folks. It's a culture thing that they would rather be thought of dead than dishonored. That Romulan thought he was doing a good thing for them but culture culture whatever. Could be said that the Klingon's warlike tendencies is outdated too but whatever.

DS9 is up and running. As you remember in the first episode, that the Enterprise D was there and Picard was giving Sisko his instructions. O'brien does leave the show and has a send off, its not quietly done. However, it was done in the first episode of DS9. Here is the clip to refresh your memory.

618 Starship Mine - action movie Picard! I'm just so sorry to see the poor thieves just get killed by the baryon scan whatever. Anyone knocked out got vaporized, like that Tuvok looking guy that Picard threw a saddle at at the start. And the second to the last lady got knocked to the ground by Picard and we never saw her scream or get vaporized. Cool action movie premise. Sorry about the body count. Loved that whole deal with Data and the other guy small talking forever! Haha

I loved this episode! Die Hard in space! And yes, that was the same actor that plays Tuvok.

619 Lessons - Picard in love. And we never see that lady again?

Nope. I remember thinking that she was going to die by fire in this episode. She just leaves, because yet again, Picard can't commit.

620 Chase - this was like an interstellar Indiana Jones National Treasure thing. I'm just blah on the final reveal, haha. And the Klingons really vaporized all life and organics from one planet so no one could get a DNA trace? That has to be a crime.

I know right! Like they literally just destroyed a perfectly habitable world. I do like the ending though, with it being a message and it finally explaining why all the Star Trek aliens look a lot like Humans.

622 Suspicions - ooooh I figured out the killer here! Cool on Beverly stepping up. I'm sad about the Ferengi scientist who didn't get recognition before he passed.

The neat thing is that these shield enhancements come into play a lot in later series.

623 Rightful Heir - what happened to this clone of Khaless? Was he mentioned in DS9? Or is there an ep in s7 that deals with him. I love this idea and I'm glad he's still alive. This is like a Jesus analogy or something.

He is the Emperor, who is a powerless figurehead for the Empire. They mention him in DS9 when Worf and his friend go looking for the Sword of Khaless.

624 Second Chances - the double Riker! Finally saw it! Already knew he would survive but there were close calls. And for a second there, at the end, I thought Troi was going to suggest something, haha. Love the idea of having the double and I'm very disappointed to find that in DS9 that Riker 2 was... sent to jail? That was his final fate? Boo!

Sadly, we don't know what happened to Thomas Riker after that. I was hoping for it to come up in Picard, but it doesn't. Maybe it might in Legacy if that ever happens.

626 Descent part 1 - Data saying stop stop to the Borg was crazy. I didn't even realize that he killed him. All new type of Borg, cool, sorta. And the final reveal of Lore was whaaaaaat?!? Good season finale again, hehe

I might as well get into s7 cuz I'm forgetting stuff already. Like I forget which cold opening had Data saying his Ode to Spot poem, which was great, haha!

701 Descent part 2 - Hugh is back! But he's not as friendly. Did he even have any scenes with Geordi? I don't recall a happy reunion scene. So Hugh messed up a small section of the Borg but not the whole collective, OK. Weird on Lore... broadcasting emotions to Data, keeping him... addicted. The ending was the chip was damaged? And Lore is dismantled for real? Unless we see an actual body, I'm assuming Lore is still around, somehow?

I remember watching this one on Saturday morning as a kid, not knowing it was the season finale. Another Cliff hanger of my youth. Not as bad as Best of both worlds, but still a long wait.

Hugh is back, and he has grown as a person. The thing is that the Collective cut that Cube off when Hugh's personality was brought back into the collective, doing massive amount of damaged to the collective despite not putting the genocidal logic virus in him.

Lore is dismantled. He will show up again in Picard, but not in TNG. The emotion chip is damaged, but it will be fixed eventually and find its way into Data.

703 Interface - odd to suddenly Geordi family stuff. So the mom is dead for real? Kinda horrible to leave it like that.

Yup, his mom is gone. No explanation is ever given for her ship disappearance.

704-5 Gambit part 1-2 - this was wild but cool to see Picard pretending to be a pirate. The treasure hunting here and in the Chase ep really shows that Picard is into this stuff, so that Lower Decks thing where he finances that Indiana Jones lady in Lower Decks is legit. There was a ton of back and forth and betrayals that I couldn't really keep track. Cool on Picard and Riker for all their impromptu acting AND the crew for going along with everything. That part where Picard shoots Riker and Beverly instantly goes along with it and says Riker is dead was brilliant. The crew were just reading each other's minds, haha. The ending with the macguffin being defeated by the power of peace was so Indiana Jones movie like, haha. The two parter was crazy wild but just had to accept it, haha

It was a great two-parter episode, especially when you legitimately believe that Picard is dead. Worf and Captain Data were great in that episode too.

707 Dark Page - poor widower alien was just caught between Lwaxana's trauma breakdown. Probably soured on him on pursuing Troi, haha

I liked this episode as it had some great growth for Troi and her mom.

708 Attached - Beverly and Picard attached to each other was an OK idea but ruined by the dumb warring two races. The ending with Beverly shoving Picard through the fence then closing it meant absolutely nothing cuz they were rescued a scene later. Kind of a messy ep. And, sheesh, you were mind reading already, go ahead and do the relationship.

I want to point out that Picard and Beverly do have an on again off again FWB situation going on. They don't confirm it until Season 3 of Picard when they mention that they broke up for the fourth time.

18 eps to go! I think the only reference that I know to expect is... Beverly with a ghost? And Spot having kittens. Will there be another DS9 crossover? When does Voyager start, if DS9 happened within Next Gen?

The Ghost episode is lauded as the worst TNG episode, so you should enjoy that. Spot does have kittens, and its a great episode featuring Barclay and the rest of the Cast in an unusual way. You will get to see them reference DS9 and call DS9 a few times to talk to characters like Quark, but they don't go back there.

Voyager won't start until after TNG is done. There are some great TNG episodes still left ahead of you though!


Continuity Nutcase
What about O'Brien? When did he leave?
In addition to what The Predaking said about this, the first episode of DS9 took place shortly after the "There are FOUR LIGHTS!" episode of TNG. So watching Picard see O'Brien off and meeting with Sisko in the first episode of DS9 really feels more weighty when you consider that Picard just went through that ordeal right before that first DS9 episode.

The Predaking

Staff member
Council of Elders
So I watched the TOS episode, Court Martial. It notes that Spock is just a LT Commander. I wonder when he gets promoted to full Commander?

Such a great episode, and I love the twist ending.

Fero McPigletron

Feel the fear!
Oooooh I don't remember that O'Brien saying good bye to the ship scene. That's really neat that they did that. Could have promoted DS9 if it was in a Next Gen cold open.

That thug in the Die Hard ep really WAS Tuvok's actor?!? Holy cow! I thought it was going to be a Voyager crossover but then he was just a thug who looked like Tuvok... but it really is the actor?!?! Wow, haha

On Chase, the explanation to why races are humanoid is a nice one but I feel like a revelation like that should have a bigger impact. The Romulan just sorta goes 'this is ridiculous ' and beams out, haha. But I loved the adventurer detective work they did throughout the whole ep, like a little genre shift.

Beverly and Picard were friends with benefits?!? Holy cow!


I was going to post that the Very Short Trek ep3 Worst Contact uses the Next Gen crew but that series is really just low brow.

And I might as well comment on the small chunk I saw of s7.

709 Force of Nature - sad about the sister who killed herself to make the warp degradation theory known. She put a lot of faith in Picard to die in front of him though. I hope they remember that warping too much is bad is a canon thing buuut I bet people forget about it.

710 Inheritance - this is a little crazy, about Data's mom. She really decided to leave him behind when the Crystalline Entity appeared because she was afraid he'd be like Lore? Dang. Melancholic to see a picture of Lal gain. The reveal was weird but OK. I hope they check her body when she dies. So there's actually three positronic brains that worked. Except Lore is evil and the mom has human brain patterns on it. Seriously, use the info and just make more Data types.

711 Parallels - Worf and Troi, aaaaaw. Did they really have to include that bit about an alternate Riker's dimension being overrun by Borg and he dies? Sad.

712 Pegasus - what in heavens name is the Treaty of Algersomething something?!?! They can't just drop a term and not explain why the Federation has no cloaking device! If that's the case, the Romulons should also not cloak. What the hex?!? Also, that's Locke from Lost! Hehe. A phasing ship is kinda cool but it meant that the crew died horribly, like that lady that phased through the floor in... the Data as a love rebound ep.

713 Homeward - I love this ep! Well, not cuz we finally see the Federation let a race die cuz of the Prime Directive non interference but cuz of Worf's other brother saving the camp and doing journey to drop them to another planet. Poor chronicler guy who stumbled on the Arc then committed suicide cuz he couldn't keep the secret. I thought for sure he'd be the next Seer, the fake role Worf had. He should have done that or stayed on the Enterprise and explored the universe.

714 Sub Rosa - the Beverly ghost romance thing, haha. It's not bad. Feels like the writer wanted to do a sensual romance novel story thing. Honestly, if the alien didn't kill the grounds keeper, it's not like he was draining the life forces of the women though, right? He could have been living symbiotically or whatever. They could have given him an artifical life source.

Haven't seen 715 yet but the title is Lower Decks!!!! Is this the inspiration for the Lower Decks show?!?

Quick thing on the Crystaline Entity cuz I read the previous page discussion linked but something that didn't get brought up was who's to say that the CE they destroyed is the same CE that attacked the planet killed Riker's love interest or killed the mom's son or attacked Data's creator? They could be a race of beings floating about. Don't know their feeding habits or biology so the one they tried communicating with could have been just minding his own crystalline business and got himself shattered.


Fabulously Foxy Dragon
709 Force of Nature - sad about the sister who killed herself to make the warp degradation theory known. She put a lot of faith in Picard to die in front of him though. I hope they remember that warping too much is bad is a canon thing buuut I bet people forget about it.
That was the reason for Voyager's moving nacelles - they adjust he field to make it less harmful. And then supposedly later they figure out how to do the same thing wihtout actually moving the nacelles in later ships, so they can ignore it.

712 Pegasus - what in heavens name is the Treaty of Algersomething something?!?! They can't just drop a term and not explain why the Federation has no cloaking device! If that's the case, the Romulons should also not cloak. What the hex?!? Also, that's Locke from Lost! Hehe. A phasing ship is kinda cool but it meant that the crew died horribly, like that lady that phased through the floor in... the Data as a love rebound ep.
It's like a "This is proprietary and you agree not to violate our patent" type thing. It also comes up in DS9 as it's why they had a Romulan there to operate the cloak on the Defiant at first, before they forgot the character existed.

The Predaking

Staff member
Council of Elders
That thug in the Die Hard ep really WAS Tuvok's actor?!? Holy cow! I thought it was going to be a Voyager crossover but then he was just a thug who looked like Tuvok... but it really is the actor?!?! Wow, haha

Yeah, Star Trek likes to reuse it's actors.

Beverly and Picard were friends with benefits?!? Holy cow!

Yeah, there is a line in Picard Season 3 where Beverly says something like, "We just ended our romantic relationship," and Picard holds up his hand with four fingers extended and says, "For the fourth time".

709 Force of Nature - sad about the sister who killed herself to make the warp degradation theory known. She put a lot of faith in Picard to die in front of him though. I hope they remember that warping too much is bad is a canon thing buuut I bet people forget about it.

You will notice that in all the shows after this, with exception of emergencies, they stay below Warp 4. And as mentioned above, later warp drive designs actually fix this issue.

710 Inheritance - this is a little crazy, about Data's mom. She really decided to leave him behind when the Crystalline Entity appeared because she was afraid he'd be like Lore? Dang. Melancholic to see a picture of Lal gain. The reveal was weird but OK. I hope they check her body when she dies. So there's actually three positronic brains that worked. Except Lore is evil and the mom has human brain patterns on it. Seriously, use the info and just make more Data types.

There are actually four, but you haven't met B4 yet. And I would state that all of those were made by Dr Sooung. No one other than him has created one that can work. I loved that he put the chip in there and hoped that would Data find it.

711 Parallels - Worf and Troi, aaaaaw. Did they really have to include that bit about an alternate Riker's dimension being overrun by Borg and he dies? Sad.

I liked this episode. You get to see Wesley back, the alternate dimensions were great, and Alt Riker's speech to Picard after losing his to the Borg, still hits me. Worf and Troi's relationship seems to come out of nowhere, but what I wonder is that She out ranks him, so isn't that an issue?

712 Pegasus - what in heavens name is the Treaty of Algersomething something?!?! They can't just drop a term and not explain why the Federation has no cloaking device! If that's the case, the Romulons should also not cloak. What the hex?!? Also, that's Locke from Lost! Hehe. A phasing ship is kinda cool but it meant that the crew died horribly, like that lady that phased through the floor in... the Data as a love rebound ep.

The Treaty of Algernon was basically the treaty that ended the Romulan Earth war. It setup the neutral zone between their areas of space and stated that the Federation weren't allowed to have Cloaks. The Romulans already had them and didn't want the Federation to have them.

713 Homeward - I love this ep! Well, not cuz we finally see the Federation let a race die cuz of the Prime Directive non interference but cuz of Worf's other brother saving the camp and doing journey to drop them to another planet. Poor chronicler guy who stumbled on the Arc then committed suicide cuz he couldn't keep the secret. I thought for sure he'd be the next Seer, the fake role Worf had. He should have done that or stayed on the Enterprise and explored the universe.

Yeah, I love this episode, the sign of the Laforge! :) Worf's brother being a trouble maker is a hoot too.

Haven't seen 715 yet but the title is Lower Decks!!!! Is this the inspiration for the Lower Decks show?!?

Yes. Yes, it is.

Quick thing on the Crystaline Entity cuz I read the previous page discussion linked but something that didn't get brought up was who's to say that the CE they destroyed is the same CE that attacked the planet killed Riker's love interest or killed the mom's son or attacked Data's creator? They could be a race of beings floating about. Don't know their feeding habits or biology so the one they tried communicating with could have been just minding his own crystalline business and got himself shattered.

Well, there isn't any mention of another one, and it is kind of implied that this is the same one that destroyed Data's Colony as well as the one that was starting in the first part of the episode. Like I said, it would have been better if they had picked a new evil creature rather than use the CE.

The Predaking

Staff member
Council of Elders
So I watched a few more TOS episodes.

This side of Paradise, in which we get to see a colonist that had fell in love with Spock 6 years before then. So I wonder if she will show up in SNW season 3?

Devil in the Dark, such a great monster episode.

Fero McPigletron

Feel the fear!
I'm actually done with Next Gen (Why, Wesley, why?!?) but I'm looking at TOS eps (am at Mudd's Women now).

Really though, I didn't see the incidents with ooo baby since I wasn't watching Trek yet. Do we continue using this TOS discussion thread that ooo baby started? Or make a new one?


Continuity Nutcase
I'm actually done with Next Gen (Why, Wesley, why?!?) but I'm looking at TOS eps (am at Mudd's Women now).

Really though, I didn't see the incidents with ooo baby since I wasn't watching Trek yet. Do we continue using this TOS discussion thread that ooo baby started? Or make a new one?
There is always the main Star Trek thread that is suitable for any and all Star Trek topics in general.
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