The Mandalorian - streaming on Disney+


Well-known member
A running theme of the Star Wars universe, but Mando in particular, is that all governments suck, including anarchy, because they involve people. The least bad ones are run by the "criminal with a heart of gold" archetypes, which just means that they do their crime mostly against worse governments.


The Predaking

Staff member
Council of Elders
My thoughts on this episode aren't as harsh as some of yours are. I didn't get to see this until Friday night, and I had already heard that a lot of people didn't like it. So with that in mind, I braced for a bad episode, but I enjoyed it.

Din and Bo going to get their wayward Mandalorians was a great side quest. I loved the opening where it shows the Mandalorians in the stolen fleet doing bounty work. A great scene all around!

As for the whole diversion on the free democracy world, I liked it. Lizzo wasn't that bad, especially considering that she isn't an actor. Put her next to Jack Black, and they played very well off each other. Christopher Lloyd was awesome in this. He played a great separatist, and a believable scenario. The droid bar was great! The fact that the droids loved serving and wanted to continue to do so was a neat touch!

I am glad that they finally gave Bo Katan the Dark saber, as Din was never meant to use it, while she can carve a star destroyer in half with it. Honestly though, Din should have given it to her when she freed him. I wonder how we are going to integrate these two different groups of Mandalorians? Are they expected to follow the way or will there be allowances made for Mandalorians in order to get unity and take back their home world?


Active member
A running theme of the Star Wars universe, but Mando in particular, is that all governments suck, including anarchy, because they involve people. The least bad ones are run by the "criminal with a heart of gold" archetypes, which just means that they do their crime mostly against worse governments.


They sure got a laugh out of me when they stunned Christopher Lloyd in the middle of his political diatribe (of prequel-era political nonsense, to boot).

Pretty much my take on the prequels.

I was also incredibly creeped out by the (obviously wealthy) human couple at the Opera House on Coruscant who flat-out said they "try not to notice" who's in power, and that they've comfortably lived through the Old Republic, Empire and New Republic with nary a change in their lives.


Active member
Series III now on my I Pad so will see it this week.

Part 24 will be the last one for the year. I just got Part 23 yesterday on my I Pad.


Well-known member
Great ep - LOTS of things coming together and setting things up. I will say...

Mandalorians have the worst luck with kaiju!

Considering Gideon's helmet looks a lot like a Mandalorian Super Commando helmet - I wonder if we'll find the Armorer has been playing both sides. It would be interesting if she made a deal similar to Bo Katan's years ago, in order to protect her cohort and now she's turning over the apostate Mandos (and the Darksaber) as part of that.

The Predaking

Staff member
Council of Elders
So, that was an epic episode!

1. We should have known that Gideon was on Mandalore since the fighters tha blew up Bo-Katan's castle were short ranged fighters and we never saw a mother ship.

2. The Dark Council meeting was great! I love how they are starting to doubt Thrawn's return.

3. I loved the survivors built a freaking sailing ship to sail the glass planet! Awesome! Too bad it got blew up by Kaiju in the first episode!

4. IG12 as a Baby Yoda carrier was great! Loved the Yes and No buttons!

5. The Mandalorians plan to take back the capital was great, but I am wondering how they got so far from the great forge?

6. Beskar troopers! Awesome battle scenes, and I loved that even with the armor, they got their butts handed to them by the Mandos!

7. Din captured! NOOOOO!!!!! I was half expecting to see Grogu rip the blast door in half.

8. Paz Vizla goes out like a boss! I was hoping that we would see him take one of the Patereon guards down with him, but I guess that just goes to show how well trained they are in hand to hand combat.

9. What chance does a flight of interceptors and bombers have against that fleet? There seemed to be a lot of Mando fighters up there escorting the light cruiser and the other light capital ships.


Well-known member
2. The Dark Council meeting was great! I love how they are starting to doubt Thrawn's return.

Not clear what they are doing. Is this Thrawn's return from like 10 years ago? He is communicating somehow? But too busy to show up? Why do they consider someone who disappeared 10 years ago and hasn't come back to be in charge?

5. The Mandalorians plan to take back the capital was great, but I am wondering how they got so far from the great forge?

What do you mean? Why their landing site was so far from it?
9. What chance does a flight of interceptors and bombers have against that fleet? There seemed to be a lot of Mando fighters up there escorting the light cruiser and the other light capital ships.

Yeah. I guess (??) Gideon knows what is up there. Maybe he has a surprise in store as well. Or maybe he just hopes to catch them off guard. Their best people are down on the planet. The big ships probably aren't staffed very well.

Steevy Maximus

Well known pompous pontificator
That “fleet” isn’t as impressive as it sounds. A single light cruiser and a few armed transports? MAYBE a half dozen Gauntlet gunships? The beginning of the episode featured Gideon asking for multiple squads of Interceptors.
If we assume the average Interceptor pilot is better than the average TIE pilot, you have a couple squads of Interceptors (likely having better than normal pilot skill), which are heavier armed and faster than typical TIEs. You also have a squad, at least, of bombers. Given how effectively a modified N-1 and Gauntlet tore apart a Corvette, the Imperial force is not inconsequential. One squad runs harassing attacks on the transports, the other running escort on the bombers. The bombers are probably more than enough to cripple or destroy the cruiser.
There’s probably an effective force there capable of demolishing the Mando Fleet.

Fero McPigletron

Feel the fear!
Yes yes yes yes yes!!!


Though how can he fit in the N-Fighter?

Also, how do those staff weapons work? Seemed like they penetrated but I didn't see any open wounds. They seem more electric than light saber types. Are they made of visible sound or something?


Well-known member
There has been so much distraction through the whole season, I just this morning remembered that there is a mythosaur somewhere near where we just left off.

The Predaking

Staff member
Council of Elders
That “fleet” isn’t as impressive as it sounds. A single light cruiser and a few armed transports? MAYBE a half dozen Gauntlet gunships? The beginning of the episode featured Gideon asking for multiple squads of Interceptors.
If we assume the average Interceptor pilot is better than the average TIE pilot, you have a couple squads of Interceptors (likely having better than normal pilot skill), which are heavier armed and faster than typical TIEs. You also have a squad, at least, of bombers. Given how effectively a modified N-1 and Gauntlet tore apart a Corvette, the Imperial force is not inconsequential. One squad runs harassing attacks on the transports, the other running escort on the bombers. The bombers are probably more than enough to cripple or destroy the cruiser.
There’s probably an effective force there capable of demolishing the Mando Fleet.

There is a good breakdown on the Mandalorian fleet on Ekartsladder youtube channel. They have Gideon's former light cruiser flagship, 4 Gozanti cruisers (like the one that they stole last season), about 5 of the ships like Bo-Katan has, and a dozen of the Mandolorian fighters that look like smaller versions of her ship. In Rebels those ships were brutally devastating to other star fighters.

So even if he has 24 interceptors, and 12 bombers, which is two flights of Interceptors and 1 of bombers, I don't see the Fleet losing this battle.

They also note that between leaving and arriving at Mandalore, one of the Gozanti cruisers is gone. Theories lead to them going for other Mandos or allies. I would expect to see Slave 1 in the next episode.

The Predaking

Staff member
Council of Elders
There has been so much distraction through the whole season, I just this morning remembered that there is a mythosaur somewhere near where we just left off.
If we don't see Bo-Katan riding that thing to destroy Gideon once and for all, I will be sad.


Supreme System Overlord
Staff member
Council of Elders
After that bomb of an episode with the Lizzo/Jack Black/Doc Brown thing that was terrible on every level I actually didn't even care to catch the most recent episode. It took me completely out of the show and really little of the "good parts" of the modern Star Wars universe there is.

But I finally got around to watching it. Anything with Gideon is going to be a great show. I was actually pretty sad when the gatling laser guy died. I also didn't have "Grogu in power armor" on my imaginary bingo card.

The Predaking

Staff member
Council of Elders
Paz Visla went out like a boss though! My only complaint is that he didn't take out one of the Praetorian guards with him.

The Predaking

Staff member
Council of Elders
I am betting on Bobba Fett showing up to help with the space battle, and Bo Katan and the other Mandos having a rough time fighting their way out of the hidden base. Eventually with her back against the wall, she will ride the Mythasaur and use it to kill Gideon once and for all.

We probably will get the new republic showing up at some point to either help in the space battle or to show up at the end to arrest everyone like Monty Python.

I am not betting on their being much of a cliffhanger ending.


Well-known member
Oof. That was some absolutely horrid writing for Gideon. He is capable of tracking Mando/Grogu, leaves to face them, and then COMPLETELY DISAPPEARS FOR FIFTEEN MINUTES while they **** his shit up. Then he suddenly shows back up and is surprised/outraged they fucked his shit up. There was definitely a better way to write around that.

That really took me out of the episode but I enjoyed everything else. The flying battle was a bit hard to follow and I was a bit disappointed they didn’t spring for another Zeb appearance.

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