you really need to look up how to use a period in a sentence.
He needs to look up how to use a dictionary too.
you really need to look up how to use a period in a sentence.
I was happy to declare the caveat of the publication's bias. My main point is that I was talking about RANKING, and you didn't even seem to respond to that, continuing with the same doom and gloom as the rest of your posts.That's fine. Trust the publication who's only reason to exist is to say positive things about the thing you like.
Plus, if you read my comments on this season on the episodes I've watched they are very objective.
As this is a Doctor Who thread, I think you'll find the correct term is "full stop".you really need to look up how to use a period in a sentence.
Classic era script editor, Andrew Cartmel, has criticised “The Timeless Children” canon changes, arguing he believes it “depletes the mystery” of Doctor Who.
Speaking on The Legend of the Traveling TARDIS Radio Show, Cartmel said: “I think as soon as we delve into the minutiae, into the fine detail, of what Chibnall’s done… Chibnall’s obviously done a reset on it, which is great, but as soon as you start to specify that reset you’re back in the same old problem that you’re explaining too much. You just want to say ‘what you thought you knew was going on you didn’t, it’s much more than that’, and leave it there.”
As classic fans will recall, Cartmel himself planned to implement a backstory for the Doctor during his time on the show, affectionately known today as the “Cartmel Masterplan”. However, Cartmel wanted to only tease the Doctor’s background, retaining the mystery. He thinks “The Timeless Children” is “too detailed”.
"The Doctor's now a twelve year old?"
"Calling them Cyberpersons now? feminized Daleks? The Doctor's now a twelve year old? REALLY? PC nits!"
...holy crap, is this poetic justice or irony? Chris Chibnall went on television talking about how the show was being ruined by the people in charge, and now people are on the Internet talking about how Chris Chibnall is ruining the show.
So far as I'm able to determine, "people on the Internet" were much the same about Moffett and Davies.I think most people agree that Jodie Whitaker was a great Doctor with some lousy scripts.
...holy crap, is this poetic justice or irony? Chris Chibnall went on television talking about how the show was being ruined by the people in charge, and now people are on the Internet talking about how Chris Chibnall is ruining the show.
...okay, yeah, but I feel like the complaints towards Chibnall are far more consistent than those towards Moffat and Davies.So far as I'm able to determine, "people on the Internet" were much the same about Moffett and Davies.