Traitor Watch - The 45 Thread

Pale Rider

...and Hell followed with him.
That's why I thought Roe v Wade would never be overturned. It was too useful as a perennial wedge issue for them. I wouldn't be surprised if they secretly hate Trump for taking that away from them and handing it to the Democrats.

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
From what I can tell: they hate trump, but because he has enough of their base permanently enthralled that they can't do anything without him, and not because of his incompetence.


Well-known member
Do idiots like him actually outnumber people whose views have changed in the opposite direction, though?

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
Carroll defamation trial three in t-minus 6 hours... He's going to do it again, but if the damages get much higher, the court is liable to order immediate payment and send in the bailiffs.

Frankly; I think the only thing that would stop trump would be ordered to publicly sign over the deed to 40 wall street, then watch as his glitz is stripped from the building and replaced with "Carroll" lettering.


Well-known member
Mid-closing arguments and Happa decided to spar with the judge one more time.

Ironbite-predicitly, she got spanked.

Pale Rider

...and Hell followed with him.
Assuming he's managed to avoid a conviction until then, if he loses the election I expect he'll declare for 2028 in a desperate bid to use his "candidacy" as protection for the next four years.

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
At that point it won't be to avoid jail, it'll be to have a source of income. We're quickly coming up to the point where trump is made to pay, and given all the aspects currently aligned against him: he'll be forced to watch as government sells his assets at greatly reduced values to ensure quick sale.

You can be a billionaire (he's not, by the way.) but when everything you own is priced at 10-15% value, you go broke very ******* quickly, especially when you have half billion dollar judgements against you.


too old for this
Ha. Like he's ever going to pay. Like Alex Jones will ever pay.
They'll whing and whine and somehow finagle things to their advantage. Oh sure, crumbs will be passed out, but truly paying the judgements is not going to happen.
No, the best anyone could hope for is that this was enough for everyone around Trump to tell him to shut the **** up about Carroll. That's about it.

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
While I would normally agree with you (cause the rich don't face consequences in the US.), we also know that melania recently renegotiated her prenup. Watch for that: when she bails, it's because trumps assets have been handed to the bailiff.

You don't owe more than a 1/3rd of a billion to an american government without that government claiming it.


too old for this
While I would normally agree with you (cause the rich don't face consequences in the US.), we also know that melania recently renegotiated her prenup. Watch for that: when she bails, it's because trumps assets have been handed to the bailiff.

You don't owe more than a 1/3rd of a billion to an american government without that government claiming it.
Sure you do. When your name is Trump and you have an entire party by the short and curlies.
At this point, this trial was really nothing more than a publicity stunt. Keep Trump's name in the papers, give them another headline for a text solicitation (see Coffee Horse's latest missives) and a chance for Trump to hang around another woman he finds attractive that does whatever he says, including humiliate herself.

I'm glad Carroll won. Don't get me wrong, but this morning, I'm just not feeling any kind of hope or any kind of positivity about any of it. Trump skates through like he has, raises a few million more from the gullible asshats out there, and continues on. At this point the only consequence he truly fears is a prison term. And I have serious doubts about any real time behind bars for Donny.

Anonymous X

Well-known member
At this point the only consequence he truly fears is a prison term. And I have serious doubts about any real time behind bars for Donny.
Same. He doesn’t care unless it means incarceration, and if that ever looked likely, I can see his legal minions quickly switching to an Uncle Junior defence. (I mean, probably with some success, given that Trump does seem cognitively impaired.)

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