Transformers Legacy toyline


Continuity Nutcase
Even as recent as back when Kingdom was first unveiled, all the Trukk-not-Munky-ers came out of the woodwork upon the release of the first pics of the Wave 1 toys.

This fandom just never changes.

The Phazer

Well-known member
I will never understand Hasbro's marketing strategy of not showing Blaster but showing a specialist retailer repaint.


Well-known member
This is one Generations Selects figure that I'm not eager for, to be honest. I still have the BotCon release, which I've added some custom parts to, and I'm quite happy with him.


Well-known member
So where is he exclusive to?

Also is his fist supposed to just be hanging out in vehicle mode or is he mistransformed?
That's just where the mold put their fists.


It stands out more due to the different colors.

mx-01 archon

I will never understand Hasbro's marketing strategy of not showing Blaster but showing a specialist retailer repaint.

Makes sense enough to me. Just classic corporate stuff. Always look to the future (Legacy), while Blaster is technically "in the past", as a last-wave Kingdom release (with Legacy repack).

Steevy Maximus

Well known pompous pontificator
Makes sense enough to me. Just classic corporate stuff. Always look to the future (Legacy), while Blaster is technically "in the past", as a last-wave Kingdom release (with Legacy repack).
People keep saying that…but I’m seeing precious little evidence of it. Hell, I’ve only seen a single dubious retailer listing for K-35 (supposedly the Earthrise Starscream repack).
If just seems unlikely that Hasbro is going to bother with another Voyager release when there’s who knows how much back stock sitting off the west coast. Further, I find it questionable they’d ignore any last wave stuff for Kingdom, especially for such a popular character as they move to reveal the next line.

Then again, maybe the reason Hasbro hasn’t talked about him is because his shipment is sitting off the coast and they aren’t sure when the figure will make it out.


Somehow still sane
I doubt that's a factor in this. They've shown that they're perfectly willing to reveal stuff and let the retailers figure out how to get them on shelves.

Either way, they're probably not revealing Blaster because they've probably promised the scoop to some media outlet or convention already at some point in the future.


Unofficial Pope of Devconism
Wow, been so caught up in IRL stuff I haven't voiced my opinion on Legacy yet!

Skids: Bit derpy, still kinda reminds me of the Earthrise guys. Sadly my Season Two shelf only has enough space left for Blaster so, Pass

Dragstrip: Love how he looks in bot mode, been spending a ton of time trying to figure out how he turns into an arm. Maybe we'll see Menasor at NYCC or MCM if that's still a thing like we did SS Devastator. Looks like a stellar individual bot and honestly I'm glad it sold out because I'm not alone in thinking that, Get

Kickback: When listings came out for this guy, I was unsure if I wanted it. I already have the PWT guys and I like them so why get new Insecticons right? Wrong, this dude looks immaculate, I especially love the mix of Toy and Toon in his design along with the realistic bug wings, Get

Arcee: Prime Arcee but in G1 style? It's not coomer bait!? She has a realistic looking transformation!?!? SHE HAS A NOSE!?!?!? I get why Prime fans are pissy but guys, Beast Wars first updates were in the style of Cybertron, calm down, Get

Bulkhead: I love it, first looks were a tad derpy but pulsecon sold me on him. I love the mixture of Movie Hound and Animated Bulkhead to make him a very nice looking, original, G1 design of the character. Y'all suck for bullying Mark over it, that thing looks great, Get

Laser Prime: I actually went apeshit when they showed him off, I absolutely love this guy. The fact they included bits from prior versions of him, the flames from the RTS toy for example, is just the icing on top, I've seen people complain that he's an ER retool but it shares maybe four parts in total and it looks stellar, Get


Unofficial Pope of Devconism
and when that Bulkhead comes out & shelfwarms like mad because it's a Wave 1 release and looks awful, the takeaway from execs will be "welp, nobody wants Prime-era stuff! Back to G1 until the end of time!"
Then buy it and prove them wrong. It's the first Bulkhead toy since 2013, I'm gladly getting it.


Continuity Nutcase
but guys, Beast Wars first updates were in the style of Cybertron
Those weren't "Beast Wars updates" they were "Pre-Beast Wars". They weren't saying "Hey we changed the beast guys into vehicles just because." They were made to be the bodies the characters had on Cybertron before taking their beast forms. They were given in-story justification for their altered appearances, justification that had been previously been established all the way back in the cartoon's first episode.


Somehow still sane
I think they're referring to the 10th Anniversary deluxe Primal and Megs that were also released in Cybertron as Jungle Planet versions of Cybertron Optimus and Megs.

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