Transformers Legacy toyline

Platypus Prime

Well-known member
Well, we know the Needlenose and Darkwing molds can connect Predator-style. Now to see if that actually comes to anything.

I wonder if the desire several of us have for some more obscure stuff is just due to fatigue over the re-re-remake of the same bots over and over. I started skipping even replacing ones that wore out till something really new appeared, which is why my dilapidated old RTS Wheeljack and Jazz didn't get replaced till Origins and I am still using a Classics Rodimus with FansProject armor. Its hard to be excited over something new when it isn't.

I loved the new Dinoking despite skipping the Dinobots, I even want to get some shells if I can to make Pretender Beast style arrangements with them (I hope the core size makes that sort of add-on more likely). Even if I can't do that, with the stock set I will have something totally new to me on the shelf. And nowadays, that's rare.


Staff member
Council of Elders
It's partly fatigue and partly because even for those of us who want the usual characters, well... We have them now already.

Part of it is also just having wanted the obscuros forever for one reason or another. The 90s were around the time I could first more directly experience Transformers toys as they were coming out (partly an age thing and partly an exposure thing, as we'd just moved to a bigger city). I remember seeing G2 in a handful of stores, and the handful of remaining G1 product in some specialty stores was a few Pretenders and Micros and Euro stuff. So while I'm keen on the golden-years ones, I'm always rooting for more of the latter-years ones. Give me Thunderclash. Flash. Erector. Finback. Etc.

I'm also eager for Dinoking because that makes the most sense for the molds (especially given the somewhat uneven or uncertain direction for Core class anyway), although I wish more retooling had been done to make them more distinct. I did get Slug and Snarl (my dino bois), and have been tempted to get Swoop (just looks good). But hell, if they were to make all the G2 dinos I'd rather they use these molds because I really wouldn't be able to support all the Leader class ones (at most, maybe Slug and Snarl again).


Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
I like the late Euro G1 stuff for the same reason I like late JG1 stuff. Both factions went through a succession of leaders that weren't Optimus or Megatron. We will never live through an era like that again, and I never got to live through it in the first place.

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