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This year's holiday season is in full swing, and of course that means one more visit from the Gorilla of Christmas Past, Present, and Future (lie buried in the past) -- Garry Chalk! Garry's done these charming holiday parody songs for quite some time (this is the 8th in a row!) and it would be lovely to have him continue to be around as long as possible, giving it his all every year. Garry is battling stage 4 Hodgkin's Lymphoma (more below), but even that couldn't stop the ol' boss-bot from recording this with Candice N. Santora. Please send Garry your best at: Instagram @ chalkgarry Cameo @ Twitter @ garrychalktalk Instagram @ primal.parodies Instagram @ cannedice.santora Allspark Forums Discord Server X Facebook Page Bluesky Instagram
Have you ever wanted to go shopping in a store that's nothing but wall-to-wall Transformers? Well, now you can! If you live in London, that is. Recently, the first official stand-alone Transformers store in the world had a soft-opening at Battersea Power Station, timed to perfectly coincide with the 40th anniversary of the brand. From the Battersea Power Station website: Art by Pye Over on YouTube, Toys are Russ has made a visit, and provided a couple of videos to give us a better idea of what the store, well, has in store for its guests. First is a full walk-around of the newly-opened establishment: And in this second video, Russ goes into more detail about the things he found out about the store, what they'll be carrying, the opening, a dance sequence featuring five Robosen figures, and more! So, are you planning to roll out for London to check out the store? Or are you hoping that one will transform a vacant store front in your neck of the woods? Join the Allspark today. Allspark Forums Discord Server X Facebook Page Bluesky Instagram
The holiday season beckons, and Hasbro will be ready to meet you there with an event at the NYC High Line from December 6 to 8, 11 AM to 3 PM. In cooperation with Amazon, Hasbro presents "Hasbro Toyland on the High Line" at the High Line Chelsea Market Passage. At the event will be Hasbro's top brands -- Transformers, Peppa Pig, Beyblade, Furby, Potato Head, Play-Doh, and more, along with licensed products like Star Wars and Marvel. All of these will feature alongside free activities (see below) that include a photo op with Santa Claus (and some special friends from Hasbro brands)! At Hasbro’s Holiday Pop-Up Event, parents and kids can look forward to the following FREE activities: Hasbro Product Showcase: Explore and play with a variety of toys from Hasbro brands, including BABY ALIVE, BEYBLADE, FURBY, HASBRO GAMING, MONOPOLY, MY LITTLE PONY, NERF, TRANSFORMERS, PEPPA PIG, POTATO HEAD, and PLAY-DOH, plus premier collaboration brands including Star Wars™ and Marvel. All battery-operated toys will be powered by Duracell for countless hours of play! Photo Opps with Santa and Hasbro Characters: Capture lasting memories with Santa and Hasbro characters, including Peppa Pig, Izzy Moonbow, Sunny Starscout, and Mr. & Mrs. Potato Head. Complimentary photo frames will be provided (while supplies last).[MD1] Letter to Santa Station: Send letters to the North Pole first class! Use your best penmanship to share wishes and hopes with Santa at his special mailbox. Giveaways & Snacks: Grab a tote bag filled with holiday goodies including a $25 Paramount+ gift card, Duracell batteries with Power Boost ingredients, picture frame, stickers and other delightful gifts. Get cozy with delicious cookies and hot cocoa![JC2] [MD3] Follow Hasbro Toyland on Amazon, @Hasbro on Instagram, @Hasbro on Twitter and @Hasbro on Facebook for news and updates. Let us know if you'll be in town and checking out this event! Allspark Forums Discord Server X Facebook Page Bluesky Instagram
Good evening, Allsparkers! We're hoping you're having a fabulous fall so far. We would like to inform you that the Allspark is currently accepting applications for our writing team! We're looking for writers to talk about news, leaks, opinion pieces, reviews, contests, collaborations, rumors about who's going to get offed in the next Skybound is--- okay maybe not that one. We want bots who just love gabbing about everything Transformers. Requirements: Account with good standing in both the Allspark Forums and Discord. Articles will primarily be posted in English, however a translator wouldn't be a bad idea. News happens at any time, so if you're a night owl or an early bird, you need not fret if you get on during the late hours. Those interested should contact one of the @Council of Elders on our Discord via DM or message one of the staff here on site for a brief interview and a few questions.
Hasbro is currently facing a class action lawsuit by the West Palm Beach Firefighters' Pension Fund, over allegations that the company has been misleading investors regarding the quality of its inventory. If any of that sounds confusing, I'll try to break down the alleged chain of events here. In the beginning, there was the 2020 Covid Pandemic. Like many businesses, Hasbro faced a serious disruption to its supply chain, which would make inventory more difficult to get, or at least less consistently able to get. At the same time, a more welcome result of the pandemic was a surge in demand for Hasbro's products, as families were stuck at home with nowhere to go. Less supply, more demand. Hasbro compensated by drastically increasing its inventory, so it would have enough products on hand to meet this demand. Essentially, Hasbro leaned from "just-in-time" more towards "just-in-case" inventory management. The idea was to have more inventory than needed today, just in case they couldn't get enough tomorrow. What Plaintiffs allege is that Hasbro ordered far too much, far more than would be needed as the pandemic wound down and demand wound down with it, but Hasbro continued to represent to investors that this excess inventory was high quality and they anticipated being able to sell it. Allegedly these optimistic projections were knowingly false and misled investors as to the company's actual condition. Among the allegedly knowingly false representations is the following: It is allegedly knowingly false that Hasbro anticipated bumps in demand from big entertainment releases (film and TV, essentially) in late 2022 and throughout 2023, and they must have known that they should not have built up extra inventory in advance of any such film and TV releases. You can read the unabridged complaint here. We thank LordGigaIce on the Allspark Forums for bringing this case to our attention. It will be very interesting to read Hasbro's response to these allegations. Watch this space. Join the Allspark today.
Japanese site eHobby continues to roll out their exclusive SD Transformers cards, as they've updated their website to show off wave TWELVE of these neat little things, which are sold in pairs for JPY980. The latest additions to the super-deformed-art card lineup give us a nice leader-focused selection with nostalgic doses of the 90s, some eHobby exclusives, and even some more recent (well, 2010s) Generations concepts. Wave 12 features Action Master Optimus Prime (with Armored Convoy), Action Master Megatron (with Neutro-Fusion tank), G2 Laser Ultra Magnus, G1 toy-based Galvatron, Generations Senator Ratbat, Titans Return Sentinel Prime, the G1 Destrons, and Unicron (on a sleek gold card!). Have you been collecting these cards? Which is your favorite card or wave so far? Stop on by and tell us what you think of this latest wave! Allspark Forums Discord Server X Facebook Page Bluesky Instagram
Hello Allspark! This has been a long time coming but I've finally removed Wordpress completely from the site. There are several reasons to do this: For starters. nobody ever went to the front page. I can't count the number of times or years I've seen people say (sometimes in a mean way) "There's a front page?" Well now there's not, sort of. All news going forward will be posted in the forums, which is the default landing page for Of course, you can still get to the forums index by just clicking the "Forums" tab at the top. Lots of other reasons about how awful and resource intensive WP is. I've decided I'm not going to archive the bulk of the news we've posted on the front page, but for reference a large portion (but not all) was carried over to the "new" front page if you need to refence anything. But any bookmarks or links to the WP site just redirects to the landing page at Also, I wanted to make it so you guys could link and comment DIRECTLY on the news posts. It makes it easier for us to not have to duplicate links everywhere and it makes it easier on you since you already have accounts and post here. I'm sure there will be a few kinks to work out but over the course of our testing in 2024 we've been pretty happy with the results. The days of needlessly complex websites are kind of a thing of the past so the ease of use on reading news on your mobile devices is a plus. We had our roots as a forums community, and with the appalling state of corporate owned social media, suppressing algorithms and an otherwise nanny state where you can't even speak in clinical terms without having accounts nuked - I want to bring forums back to what we do here. That said, if you see news here you like feel free to like and share it on your own social media accounts to bring more awareness to the fact that "YES" forums still exist. Let me know if you have any questions or comments, you can just post them here! I wanted to thank everyone who's stayed for this INSANE 25 years. Nov 11 will mark the 25th year The Allspark has existed in one form or another. Unbelievable. Oh, also, if you subscribe to this forum and click the box for email alerts you'll be notified every single time a new news article is posted.

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