Vi's cave of bad choices

Destron D-69

at Journey's end
"You enter the room from the creaky wooden door at the end of the previous hallway... it was the only way forward -according to your dusty hand-drawn map... a map your rogue 'claims to have found' while looting a corpse the night you met them all those weeks ago after that tavern brawl that you can't really remember you vow to never drink again - or at least never form adventuring parties while drinking ever again... the barbarian draws his giant axe. Of course, you can't see why, having to rely on the wizard to bring her light spell forward... curse your fate for seemingly being the only human left without mixed blood enough to have darkvision. When the orb of daylight does push back the shadows to seek refuge in the distant corners you see.

a dozen Gnoles - roll for initiative"

Destron D-69

at Journey's end
as a final fantasy dork, my first instinct was to say between 4 and 9 imps... but I had to stop myself because in dnd that's a little higher level than a weeks old party would be ready for lol

Destron D-69

at Journey's end
I'm going to be playing a Teifling character I made up on a whim one day in the old hangout discord an rp that could start up at some point. Med came up with their name, but I haven't gone much further with the character creation than that since the game's start date hasn't been figured out yet... but I know they're a druid. download20230800005538.png Meet Merik, (Turmeric) because of the horrible yellow that they are ... eewww. Can you tell the original idea was to create a character that I wouldn't instantly fall in love with and want to spend months of time being XD ... gods damn it


Eorzean Idiot
Tieflings have become more and more my favorite race, quickly catching up with Drow.

First there was the Outside X-Box campaign with their tiefling Prudence. Then Doric in Honor Amongst Among Thieves was instantly adorable. And of course Karlach in Baldur's Gate 3 was all kinds of fun.

Tieflings are awesome. If I were to ever find a group...

Destron D-69

at Journey's end
1000_F_535603994_O1WnLH3ZXQrnemIK2jdFFxE33s773YWZ.jpg on a side note, when looking to see that there is wheat flour in smarties so i can't give them to my sister or nephew and had to eat all of them (tragic) it was revealed to me that the yellow ones are coloured with turmeric so I'll have to remember this when i roll for their int stat

M. Virion

Bent but unbroken
*Preview of Deadendia book 3 comes out finally - it confirms Zagma is canon in its first few pages*


Destron D-69

at Journey's end
Congrats... is it like a medal or a trophy or just like a superior feeling you get as a prize?

personally, I always hated getting ribbons, I mean come on put a bit of a budget into this guys. XD


Nonstop Baaka
I will wait until I know if I can join in and what options I have before committing to a char. They'll probably be something dumb.

Destron D-69

at Journey's end
I'm a bit notorious for playing low intel stat characters... and sadly even if Merik has a high one... I think the campaign is set up so that our characters are aware that they are 'us' so I'm not sure if their intel stat being high would counter mine XD


Nonstop Baaka
Not necessarily a char w/ low INT, could just be a really dumb/oddball concept.
Like a boring deadpan accountant who has to go with the party just to keep tabs on how much damage they do to the town- dammit. I'm not supposed to be creating a char yet.

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