Transformers Legacy toyline

Undead Scottsman

Well-known member
Honestly, I'd be okay with the reimagining if he wasn't such a cube with legs, which is like opposite of what Bulkhead is supposed to be. (He's round, like a wrecking ball)

Also, to everyone saying the Prime figure is already good enough, not all of us were collecting when Prime was airing. I was enjoying the idea of having some Prime representation on my shelf without paying through the nose on ebay for the privilege.

Demovere Xeno

Those sure are the boxiest Transformers to ever box. =P One thing I'll (begrudgingly) admit about the 'boxy' design style: it makes it easier to design the robot mode's body parts so that they tuck together much more tightly and minimize 'breaks' on the outside of the vehicle modes.

Skids looks... okay. I suppose this kind of boring design fits with his more 'clerical' function in G1, but I kind of grew to prefer his IDW incarnation turning him into basically James Bond, hidden weapons and gear included. XD

Bulkhead's torso looks like one of those Japanese watermelons that were grown in a box to get it squarish. =P I agree with some of the others here that while he doesn't make for a good Prime Bulkhead, the figure itself doesn't look too bad and could work for other characters who haven't been used lately. Pyro, maybe? Or if a neon-red truck isn't different enough from the maybe-upcoming Prime Optimus, something new - like a brand-new character (remember those?) or a heavyweight-class Autotrooper?

I'm kind of worried about that torso, too: it looks very much like the whole thing is a giant piece of translucent plastic painted up with the proper opaque colors. Hopefully whatever joints are attached to that huge piece don't end up stressing it, like what seems to be happening to several figures from the current lines.


...even Team Whirl.
Looking at the publicity side of things - this is like a glimpse of a teaser for a movie trailer...a couple shots of a couple new toys and we're ready to dissect that little bit of info down to the elbows. I have no idea what the rest of this line will look like, but the curiosity and anticipation is fun.

That being said - I wish I'd picked up the previous Skids, because I really liked him in MTMTE. I do want Bulkhead. He's a mix of Animated and Prime, and I get the other references people have brought up, like movie Hound. He does remind me of Inferno and Grapple, too, (and maybe Hauler?). It's an awkward mix, but since I like Animated Bulkhead, awkward seems appropriate.


Well-known member
Bulkhead looks fine. Might pick him up.
Poor Skids though. He looks just rough, and none of the pictures make me go "Day one preorder" like a new Skids should. They should have made him the minivan, it might have helped stretch him out and not make him look so... cubed.


Somehow still sane
Skids looks like an upscaled Legends toy. Bulkhead is okay I guess. Would have helped if he didn't look so much like an Optimus retool though.


...even Team Whirl.
Bulkhead looks fine. Might pick him up.
Poor Skids though. He looks just rough, and none of the pictures make me go "Day one preorder" like a new Skids should. They should have made him the minivan, it might have helped stretch him out and not make him look so... cubed.

I wondered how big Skids was when I first saw the pics. I thought he might be core class at first.


Well-known member
Feel Bulkhead is trying to be more of a G1 Movie Hound (Who I've always felt should have been Bulkhead) then Prime or Animated Bulkhead. The proportions aren't right, and he's too square. And the Alt mode isn't right either.

I don't dislike him, I'm fine accepting him as a G1 Bulkhead (regardless what the info says) but yeah, dude is easily an Optimus Pre-Tool.

Skids? I think I'll stick with the Takara version of the IDW toy. Nothing wrong with this one, but that one is just better all around. Maybe if we get a Legacy version of Quantum Skids and Screech, I might bite.


Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
I will be shocked beyond belief if T30 Skids ends up being more fun. Legacy Skids should have a much easier transformation and should have absolutely no trouble standing. I do miss the integrated weapons but at least this Skids still has a decent bit of stuff.


Supreme System Overlord
Staff member
Council of Elders
The only thing I don't like about Bulkhead is the shade of green they used.

mx-01 archon

IMO, Skids' design is kinda clever, in that it seems clear to me that their attempt at "license dodging" his alt-mode winds up serving as an homage to his Marvel Comics profile art, which renders his City Turbo alt-mode as something quite a bit boxier:


Seems appropriate, in that the Marvel Comics run is the only time G1 Skids had anything approaching prominence.


Continuity Nutcase
I'm beginning to notice a lot of people misremembering something about the Bulkheads of Animated and Prime. I'm going to make it clear. The Bulkheads of Animated and Prime were never military vehicles.

Animated Bulkhead turned into a police SWAT van. This is what he scanned:


His altmode was only green because Bulkhead himself was already green. His body only took on the vehicle's shape, but not its color. He's the only one of the five main Autobots who scanned a vehicle that wasn't already in the same colors as himself.

And before anyone suggests it, no, Animated's Detroit PD was not militarized. We never even saw a mobilized Earth military unit of any kind in Animated.

Anyway, prior to scanning that SWAT van, his Cybertronian altmode was a bulldozer.


Prime Bulkhead, meanwhile, was a 4-wheeled off-road SUV, the kind of truck an off-roading enthusiast would own. And again, only green because green is Bulkhead's color.


The stain of AOE/TLK Hound's similarities to Bulkhead in robot mode has perverted people's memories into thinking that Bulkhead was also a military truck like Hound, when he has never been one before now.

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Stone and Sky
I'm beginning to notice a lot of people misremembering something about the Bulkheads of Animated and Prime. I'm going to make it clear. The Bulkheads of Animated and Prime were never military vehicles.

Animated Bulkhead turned into a police SWAT van. This is what he scanned:


His altmode was only green because Bulkhead himself was already green. His body only took on the vehicle's shape, but not its color. He's the only one of the five main Autobots who scanned a vehicle that wasn't already in the same colors as himself.

And before anyone suggests it, no, Animated's Detroit PD was not militarized. We never even saw a mobilized Earth military unit of any kind in Animated.

Anyway, prior to scanning that SWAT van, his Cybertronian altmode was a bulldozer.


Prime Bulkhead, meanwhile, was a 4-wheeled off-road SUV, the kind of truck an off-roading enthusiast would own. And again, only green because green is Bulkhead's color.


The stain of AOE/TLK Hound's similarities to Bulkhead in robot mode has perverted people's memories into thinking that Bulkhead was also a military truck like Hound, when he has never been one before now.


The militarization of the Autobot emergency services is a disturbing trend.

Ultra Magnus13

Active member
I sure wish Hasbro would do something new instead of making trying to make 1:1 recreations of old designs... :/

*Hasbro makes a unique take on a character rather than trying to faithfully recreate their show design, which has already had multiple figures*

What? No. No!!

Exactly what I've been thinking reading through these. I get wanting show accurate characters. It's what I like, and what I want, but it's funny when the same people that use a Grimlock who has his dino head as feet, or a long nose cab Optimus as reasons why we didn't need Earthrise Optimus, or SS86 Grimlock are the same ones complaining about his alt mode not being the same, or his proportions, or transformation.


Continuity Nutcase
On a related note, designer Mark Maher has weighed in on his intent behind this Bulkhead figure's design:
I felt honored to finally be able to make Bulkhead look like he belongs in our G1 universe!
As if there was something wrong with Bulkhead's design fitting into a G1 world in the first place. What, are fat rounded TFs not allowed in G1?

Makes me almost wish we could see what a Floro Dery take on Bulkhead might look like, since he designed a number of big bulbous dudes like the Guardian Robots and the Sharkticons. If those guys can exist, then so can Bulkhead without putting him through such a weight loss regimen.


Well-known member
Well Both Seaspray and Cosmos (I know not WFC) aren't the chunky bois they are in the g1 cartoon.

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