Vi's cave of bad choices

M. Virion

Bent but unbroken
The concept of one of Lego's botanical flower sets opening up into Isabela's room is just *chef's kiss*

Give that designer a raise

I need that translated into the superior brick system naming convention

Those pieces were used as eyes for a species of Bionicle monsters called Bohroks.

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Eorzean Idiot
I mean, I didn't get it either. I never really got into Bionicle.


Nonstop Baaka
Love the flower/house concept. I have some of the regular flower ones in a vase. Don't have to worry about them dying, and the cat doesn't try to eat it. (Just have to be careful about pieces falling off, she will attack/steal those).

M. Virion

Bent but unbroken
I don't usually do much with their botanicals, just not my thing, but man I was in love with this set. The shaping of the basket with the weaving and how well it rounds out is just exquisite. The number of check marks this set has for my specific Lego loves is wild.

Encanto ✓
Isabela ✓
House/room closes up ✓
Amazing shape ✓
Good colors ✓
Fun design and style ✓
Great price to piece cost (6¢ a piece!) ✓

Honestly I thought it would be hard for any Lego set to get into my top 5 for the year with the immaculate City space sets that came out in January, but this may be my current #1.

M. Virion

Bent but unbroken
O_O I FORGOT SPACE WAS BACK... f me I'm going to tru tomorrow
You'll have to tell me if you get any and what you think. I'm a HUGE fan of the new look, but I know some old school fans think it's too sanitized/modern looking.

To me this feels like we're seeing the stage between grounded/real world space sets and the original futuristic setting.

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