Traitor Watch - The 45 & 47 Thread

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
Look man, it's just math.

Oh, and an understanding that both the mainstream media is complicit in spreading misinformation, and that the polls are WRONG. The majority of the population and their habits are being ignored in favour of NOT having to come up with a methodology for reaching them in a way that won't be overtly and obviously fucked with. So the pollsters call ******* land lines and get... older folks in conservative areas, or cultists that only use the cell phone and internets for truth social. It's also why in the last few elections the republicans have BADLY underperformed. It's why they were screaming about a red wave and have a ONE PERSON majority.

You need to vote. You need to check your voter registration. You need to help all your friends and family to check theirs, and you need to rally and organize to get out to vote, and you need to vote blue all the way down the ticket. From president to dog catcher: you vote ******* blue.

But before you do all that: you need to turn the news OFF. You need to take a mental health break. You need to analyze your own media consumption habits and work out a schedule and find sources that are actually reporting the news and not spewing sensationalism. It's not even june, you can turn it off for a few weeks, get your head on straight again, build yourself back up, and get back to it smarter and more reasonably than before.

This is a marathon, not a sprint. You flag out now and give into apathy? You lose, you forfeit YOUR future, and you actively hug over the rest of the world.


Well-known member
I felt pretty good in 2020 when consistent polling on state by state was showing Biden winning for pretty much the whole month before the election. It is too soon for me to be confident. A lot can change in either direction.

In spite of all of the stuff in Trump's first term, Biden didn't win by a super-comfortable margin and I don't think he would have if it hadn't been for Covid. I'm not looking for another pandemic, but Ukraine or Israel can get Biden in trouble without Biden don't anything else. The economy can still screw him up. A terrorist attack or a genuine border crisis could totally sink him.

An acquittal could help Trump a whole lot. So could a good choice for Vice President. Someone popular in a swing state.

I am not over here wringing my hands, but I'm not going to say that it is all over.

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
No, it's not over, not by a long shot. Follow the instructions in my previous post, please. Step 2, then step 1.

There are no good choices for trump veep. He will pick an absolute sycophant, and burn bridges in the process. It'll either be an absolute nobody that will salute him and kiss ass like the rest of us breath; or some powerfully evil, flawed and ugly person like noem whom will be ruined in the media long before election day. There's no other options; there's no one left in the cult that are otherwise. And no "reasonable conservative" have all either jumped ship, or given up.

Ukraine is started to get american aid again, the rest of nato is currently working on an "america proof" 5 year long, multi billion euro package... just. in. case. As long as they got guns, and russia has functionally global sanctions: ukraine won't lose. It'll be expensive, but they can't lose. Plus, poland is just looking for an excuse.

There won't be a terrorist attack: and even if there is, it'll be mitigated because biden won't ignore the possibility when the intelligence crosses his desk, cause biden actually reads jive.

The economy could hug biden over, yeah. But it's too strong right now, and none of the big corporations are psychotic enough to destroy it on purpose: there's too much money to be had. And that's all they want, either through legitimate growth, or tax cuts. They don't care which. In fact, the which depends on entirely whom is in political power at the time. And it'll only get better moving into the christmas shopping season.

Israel... is a charlie foxtrot. I got nothing. The US won't stop supporting israel, israel doesn't want a palestinian state: they lose an easy boogieman that way. Hamas doesn't want a palestinian state: they lose social and political power that way. I have literally no sunshine to blow up your ass on this. One of those two organizations needs to break before progress can get made: and neither will break.

They just passed the bipartisan/republican border bill: so there's no real or actual crisis in the immediate future unless another south american nation explodes. You know, not writing that out, it's just not likely soon.

Biden is going to win the november election: so long as you get yourself, your friends, your family out to vote blue. He probably won't win by much again, and frankly: no matter how much he wins by, republicans will scream fraud and illegitimate. They already are. Vote blue, and make sure you buy toilet paper, a mess of instant dinners, and some good strong liquor on jan 5th to help you sit out jan 7th to 10th. It's probably going to get ugly, keep yourself, your friends and your family out of the way, let it get suppressed like it will, and a better world waits on the otherside of the troubles.

The Mighty Mollusk

Scream all you like, 'cause we're all mad here
Nothing is over until Trump is either behind bars or in a pine box. He'll never stop trying to steal the office back, because he can't conceive of the idea of something he wants not being his. So yes, vote and keep voting, but don't expect him to just disappear when he loses.


Well-known member
Ukraine is started to get american aid again, the rest of nato is currently working on an "america proof" 5 year long, multi billion euro package... just. in. case. As long as they got guns, and russia has functionally global sanctions: ukraine won't lose. It'll be expensive, but they can't lose. Plus, poland is just looking for an excuse.
I was surprised to have Republicans turn against Ukraine and I don't have my head all the way around it. I guess that it is mainly fealty to Trump and Trump's fascination with Putin, but I am amazed that it all got together as strong as it did.

I am pretty much certain that at this point Putin is aware that his victory in Ukraine will not be allowed. I don't mean that I forgive him the error of invading another country, but I can forgive him the error of not realizing all of this would happen in advance. I was not even aware at the time that he had done the same thing to Georgia a few years earlier. I didn't hear about it. It didn't become a big deal. Putin probably thought the same would happen there. But it is different now. USA, England, France, and Germany are not fighting him directly, but he is surely aware that if he grows his monster, we'll assemble a Megazord.


Now with hi-res avatar!

The Mighty Mollusk

Scream all you like, 'cause we're all mad here
I was surprised to have Republicans turn against Ukraine and I don't have my head all the way around it. I guess that it is mainly fealty to Trump and Trump's fascination with Putin, but I am amazed that it all got together as strong as it did.
Democrats pushed for it. Republicans have few unified goals, but chief among them is opposing Democrats.


Now with hi-res avatar!
If it were just that it wouldn't explain his fascination with Xi and Erdogan and Kim.
That stems from his desire to be a dictator like them. He seems to go the extra mile for Putin, and as we all know, Trump never does anything for anyone unless he's going to get something in return, like, say, keeping a compromising secret of his under wraps.


Well-known member
That stems from his desire to be a dictator like them. He seems to go the extra mile for Putin, and as we all know, Trump never does anything for anyone unless he's going to get something in return, like, say, keeping a compromising secret of his under wraps.
The jury is literally still out on that one.


Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
I understand why people fell for Russiagate. We all have our first time realizing a news source we thought we liked is actually completely full of beans. It's not a fun day.

I don't understand how anyone is still Russiagating. For God's sake let it go.


Well-known member
I seriously am not sure yet whether I am more disappointed by a celebrity endorsing Trump or by someone saying that someone else is their own anus.

Some time I'm going to do a word study here. I feel pretty confident that when people started calling someone an a$$, they were talking about a donkey. Someone was being stubborn and uncooperative. I do not know how the same word came to mean the posterior in general or how people started specifying with the word "hole" the they were talking about an anus instead of a donkey.

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
It probably transitioned at about the same time that the majority of people stopped being directly involved in farm work, and thus: lost access to actual asses, and had to substitute their own.


Well-known member
Ass (donkey or fool) and arse (buttocks) were originally two separate words and still are in British English, but changes in language caused them to be spelled and pronounced the same in American and Canadian English.
I guess I assumed they had both been arse further back.

I wonder if it just morphed because people didn't know that it referred to a donkey.

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