Traitor Watch - The 45 & 47 Thread


Well-known member
If he just gets a fine, he'll still get to vote for himself. In Florida you can start voting again after serving your sentence.


jumbled pile of person
Yeah, it'd be more like 9-0 unless one or two of them go rogue and try to legislate from the bench.

Legally he could. Logistically it'd be impossible to serve out his sentence and simultaneously fulfill his duties. So all it would take would be for Congress to invoke the 25th Amendment and the presidency passes to whoever he picks as his running mate next month.

I'd worry more about a ruling that says he's allowed to pardon himself.


Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
In Florida you can start voting again after serving your sentence.

In theory. But our government has been doing everything in its power to make it hard.

Trump is going to accidentally bring felon rights reform to Florida.

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
I still find it amazing that he run in an election he cannot vote in.

But hey, he's got more charges coming, and his guilty verdict means even more people will not vote for him. Please keep in mind folks: he barely won in 2016, and some of the place he lost 2020, specifically the swing states, were only handfuls of people. He's always had tight margins and republicans have been programmed to absolutely hate on criminals. There's going to be more than a little cognitive dissonance in the cult in the coming days.


Well-known member
I had wondered if the sheer historicity of it would hold jurors back. I think I would feel that in the jury room despite not liking the guy and feeling the case was very clearly against him. To whatever extent that is important, this jury surmounted it and his next jury won't have to think about it so much.

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
And keep in mind: this case was the weakest of the ones currently against him. This one was a complete wipe against trump: the rest are slam dunks if they can ever get started.

The Mighty Mollusk

Scream all you like, 'cause we're all mad here
They're going to continue sucking up right until he loses, then drop him like the bag of rotting jive he is. Because they know how vindictive he is and the don't want to be seen going against him if there's any chance he gets back in power.


Now with hi-res avatar!
But if they cut ties and kick him out of the party, he doesn't get the Republican nomination, so he's got no chance of becoming president again, so he won't be able to use the power of the office to retaliate. And then he'd run independently and pull votes away from whomever the R's would end up nominating which would guarantee a win for Biden ohhhhhh, now I get it.

That's a lot of words to say "Because the dummy would've perjured himself.".

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
If the republican party dumps trump and nominates someone else: they lose the cult and the election.

They can't win the election WITH trump either: he's already pissed away all good will with every other voting block outside his cult, and the cult does not have the volume needed to win on their own.

It's basic math: so long as the majority of everyone not in the cult goes and votes in november; republicans lose. Trump is their best option, and it's still a loss. Even with their cheating and vote culling: they can't win.

So stay motivated, and vote blue down the ticket.

Pale Rider

...and Hell followed with him.
Unless he's actually incarcerated for one or more of the things he's charged with and no longer has a public soapbox, Trump can continue to hold the GOP hostage after the election indefinitely. Even if he loses in November. It doesn't matter to his cult. That's why it's a cult.


Well-known member
This seems like an ideal time and an ideal excuse for the GOP to break away from Trump. Are they going to take it? I think you know the answer.

The trouble is the way he plays the game and the simple situation of career politicians. I can't right off name a single Washington, DC politician whose top priority isn't keeping their job or getting a better one. A lot of them don't mind helping out our nation as long as it lines up with the main priority. Republicans could start restoring some trust and dignity in their party by jettisoning Trump, but the dignity of the party is not worth as much to any individual as their career is. And if Trump gets jettisoned, he is taking their careers with him.

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
I mean: if an actual conservative walked into a lesser race TODAY, had no affiliation with trump or even the republican party in general, they might be able to pull enough independents and disillusioned conservatives to take a seat. I doubt it would happen very much more than 1 or twice though.

But we've yet to see any individual maga-ists do anything but suck trump harder. They can't dump trump because they've already burned their bridges. Everyone else can still find archival footage of most of the current crop of long standing cultists decrying trump. Hell, I saw a clip this morning of rubio being almost prophetic in his words... and then yesterdays footage of rubio doing his best impression of a hoover upright.


Well-known member
If they believed they wouldn't lose their own job, they could probably successfully pull off the "Trump really seemed like he was wonderful for America, but then we found out the truth" without enough people looking at how far they stayed on his side. Not too many people watch archival footage and I think the majority of those who do vote Democrat. Remember, Trump regularly tells his own crowd that he built the wall and they are so glad that he did, because imagine how much worse things would be now if he hadn't.

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